Another kyedae thread

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im not defending her im attacking you dumbass stop bringing the same point up which isnt related to the topic in any way shape or form cause ur compensating


Is that supposed to be a joke? your first post was "she really didnt need to apologize but ok". I hadn't even said anything and you were defending her right away.


yeah cause yall are soft if it was a guy who had done it id say the same thing ur making it about gender cause you have no other argument


"gender case" lol. In no way did I bring up gender as an issue, you're just desperately looking for flawed points to argue. She said something straight out cruel and disrespectful. Lmao you're so busy defending her. Btw instead of constantly dodging, what's your response to what I said earlier? how other people calling others names justifies an official co-streamer of the broadcast from body-shaming people with dietary needs?


yes ur calling me a simp because im defending a female if i was defending a male which i woulve done as well, u wouldnt have called me that meaning ur sexist af, body shaming are u kidding she didnt even know about his allergy and he didnt even care youre just being triggered over other peoples issues as always


Flawed logic. I can just as easily argue the other way around if they were male and you were female. And wtf do you mean "body shaming are you kidding"? You think it's a joke? Regardless of if she knew about food allergies or not, how does that still justify insulting a person because they were celebrating? Lmfao the way you're trying to dodge a simple question so hard is kind of hilarious.

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