Was Marved the issue + how to fix NRG

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so marved just got benched, was it the right decision or not, only time will tell

for me, this gives heavy vibes of 2023 sentinels when they benched pancada. world class smokes being benched because of a fit issue.

I made a post early on how I believe that Ethan is not the right fit to be IGL on this team, but this can be an issue solved!!

For this fix, I will assume that the LOUD people are outside of the budget for NRG because that's no fun.

Current team would be Victor, Demon1, Crashies, Ethan

To round it out and assuming no more changes to the team, I would add a player like GMD/Paincakes

Both come in with high levels of experience when it comes to the game, both have experience IGLing, both seem to exudes levels of confidence and bravado like Zellisis does, both would bring that NRG needs to help even out the coolness of the rest of the team.

Set up GMD/Paincakes for smokes, move Victor to full duelist, Crashies plays the info initiator, Ethan plays flash initiator, and put Demon1 on full time sentinel.

Demon1 is a very good player with great aim, but he's losing value as a duelist because his playstyle just doesn't fit the needed duelist model anymore. His sensitivity is too low to clear angles fast enough and he doesn't seem to have the natural entry ability that zekken/victor has. Moving him to sentinel will save his career. It's what I also believe BLEED should've done with yay. Unlike yay, Demon1 to me seems like the smarter player with his lurk timings when he did it, and I can envision him becoming a player like Less where he lurks with good aim and good awareness, making him a lot more valuable.

This team does lose some value in not having a true awper, but I think Victor's AWP is passable at least?? Honestly don't remember when he has awped before so could be wrong.

let me know how you would fix NRG!!!!




neither of those two is a good igl, it's a side grade from ethan at best


takes pressure off of ethan + one can focus on midrounding while other focuses on preround strats


If you put demon1 on smokes and victor on duelist, poised could be an option at igl.

Personally, I'd get rid of crashies too, get Shahz for igling, put Victor on duelist, and then get neT, or aproto, or some other good sentinel.

I guess Saadhak and Less is maybe a legit option, but you'd probably get rid of crashies too. Idk if that's likely to happen though.


this is 2024, shahz? poised? neither of those two has been particularly good for years. neT and aproto are decent but they're downgrades. crashies played some sentinel at lock-in and did really good


I'm not that high on Poised but he's just an Senti Igl that ik. I also didn't know crashies played sentinel that much, and whether he was good.

That being said, I think Shahz could still be a good option at igl, at least he's worth picking up anyway. He's got a good eye for talent, and maybe who could fit the team if you are getting rid of someone else.

I mean he wasn't that bad on G2, and tbh with good players I think he'd actually do really well.


good thoughts

I don't think Shahz wants to compete anymore, he's making too much off of content creation. I also was never a big fan of his iniatiator gameplay, it didn't look natural to me.

putting demon1 on smokes is iffy for me as well. his astra is ok cause we've seen him play it, but his omen and brim are far from ideal. let's say we move demon1 to his smokes role, we would have to bring in an aggressive sentinel player or victor would be the only one entrying every round. sentinel looks like a more natural position for him.


Yeah, I mean idk what Shahz is thinking, but I'd guess it'd be similar to FNS, where come back only in a very favorable situation that's likely to produce a winner. I guess the reason why I keep suggesting Shahz is because while he might not be an exceptional player or igl, he good enough at both calling/fragging to provide some stability. You're at least getting experience and a guy who knows how to win, which I guess NRG doesn't need more of, but he'd probably fit right in.

Sentinel could be a good fit for Demon1, but it's probably too late in the year to switch to Sentinel. Maybe for next year it could work, but he has some experience on smokes already. And while it might not be great, it'd probably be serviceable.


I'd throw Screwface into the conversation. High energy guy, pretty sure he IGL'd for EG 2nd team last year, and he's played basically everything so you'd be able to fit him in. Worst case scenario, he's probably one of the best vibes guys on the market, for a team that needs a vibes guy.


Tbh, that could work because NRG really needs a vibe guy, it's crazy.


screwface slipped my mind. i actually love the fit for him on this team. he would be a flex player then, so we would have to move someone to the smokes role. this is a scenario where i would be more comfortable moving demon1 to smokes because screwface would entry with victor. I guess we move crashies to sentinel? his cypher is not the best, which technically would make him expendable. I would be open to replacing him with a player like net or a rising sentinel talent in Verno OR even someone like dapr, who I think could make a comeback

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