Yoru is better than jett?

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I was rewatching the heretics match on breeze where they had solo yoru as duelist and were able to get more value than a jett would (in my opinion). was a few factors i saw, so maybe other teams should consider trying it out on breeze and copying them and innovating.
1 insane value from ultimate at all times.
2 teleport creates more separation than dash and the teleport lasts far longer and at times can be used like a old chamber teleport.
3 flashes help self enable and offers more in team fights than a smoke or updraft.
4 incredible at selling fakes with supportive utility.


Yoru is good but it’s not always the best answer for every team.

The issue with yoru is that the best yoru players are frequently the duelist on your team and your duelist is usually your best oper.

Yoru’s kit is based around entry which is the opposite of who you want holding an OP.

Breeze is a fantastic map for oping and that’s why Jett is so prevalent.

LouBag [#2]

Yoru is good but it’s not always the best answer for every team.

The issue with yoru is that the best yoru players are frequently the duelist on your team and your duelist is usually your best oper.

Yoru’s kit is based around entry which is the opposite of who you want holding an OP.

Breeze is a fantastic map for oping and that’s why Jett is so prevalent.

Yoru is basically a poorman's initator. His TP is very op defensively but lacks in what you need as a true duelist. Raze has 2 nades and a satchel>, Jett 2 smokes and a dash>.

kalayav_n [#3]

Yoru is basically a poorman's initator. His TP is very op defensively but lacks in what you need as a true duelist. Raze has 2 nades and a satchel>, Jett 2 smokes and a dash>.

agreed, thats why some teams use him as a secondary duelist, because he kind of works as an initiator and cant entry as well as jett or raze in terms of space taking and allowing team to trade


Yoru needs more skill tbh, harder to play

UsmanSy3d [#4]

agreed, thats why some teams use him as a secondary duelist, because he kind of works as an initiator and cant entry as well as jett or raze in terms of space taking and allowing team to trade

yep, i will say his ult is better than jetts, maybe raze's and probably any other ult in the game because you 1 cant damage and 2 its like free site

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