NA right now

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No it's not because I'm setting a boundary that no European country is that dissimilar to another one.

I mean as Mexico isn't considered NA, there are no actual countries in Europe of which the cultural differences are that high.

And also Europe is a bunch of countries, perhaps Portugal doesn't have the most in common with idk Poland, but you can def trace a line

Portugal->Spain,->France,->switzerland->Germany->austria->Poland or something, you can't do that from NA to Mexico and that's why IMO Europe+cis is considerable as a region


But no one is trying to group Mexico and NA as one beyond the grouping of them in the Americas “big region” which there is still a path similar to the one in Europe, you go USA -> Puerto Rico etc etc (not to mention trying to compare Southern Africa to Iceland in the EMEA region)


Yeah but I'm not talking about the whole EMEA (even because like there are no African players in the league, lol), and I'm not saying anybody is tryina group US and Mexico but all I'm saying is that Europe is different and IMO it could be considered a region.

And I'd say this even outside valorant tbf. I think the European union stands for that for example


lets go by the european union then.
CIS and turkey still not part of EU
ultimately, its riot's choice not ours, and EU has been separate from both CIS and turkey as subregions since the first masters


Yes but literally teams don't care about it and there's no team that is only EU basically, teams and players don't care so it's pointless to try to differentiate them

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