Why EG was so good

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They never had to play NAVI


i wonder where navi was


watching from home


they also never had to play dfm


woulda been toast


dfm would win 26-0 tbh


39-0 dfm


Bc they had a team B to scrim with


Team b was 5 bums with a pc


I dont think u understand just how advantageous it is to have an entire team that you can essentially customize and scrim to basically mimic any type of playstyle, comp or team and then get reps against that team before actually playinga gainst the team.

its like scrimming 2.0. Team B was insanely useful to their champs run, they even admitted that it helped them beat PRX in the finals.


All they said was they could "run drills", a very common practice in sports, and people construe that to be they mimicked another top teams comp and then played it to a similar level to where they could anti strat it effectively. just mimicking a comp does not mean they can play it in a similar way or at a similar level. doing that for all teams they faced would have been an insane amount of work.


nah they said they played a PRX style with their exact comps lol. Idk about other teams, but i know for sure it helped them against PRX. And ofc they can play it somewhat similar, they can literally just sit down, watch the way PRX play, and kind of replicate the general idea and aggression, but ofc not to the peak level that PRX did in 2023.


they were being paid a salary to be a bunch of 6th mans (basically). so they should be doing their own vod reviewing of opposing teams and players to learn in case they're put in, and so they can help the A team progress. probably pulling this out of my ass but I swear someone in an interview or stream said that they would emulate opp's executes. It wouldn't be very helpful to run just regular drills.
I think a B team could 100p emulate top teams level, since the coach could tell the B team "theres one spawn, market" etc.


if they can emulate prx effectively they would not be benched players. prx is a very unquiet team and its not an easy style to just "copy"


it's not that hard to have 10 pros practice a site hit over and over again. prx's playstyle isnt just how they hit a site. its how they play the entire round. what eg is doing is practicing specific things.


You miss my point. You are saying what I am saying. What they are talking about is 5 players mimicking PRX specifically so that they can get practice against their style of play and the comp they use which I argue is pretty difficult to get a player like bcj to play like forsaken.


i dont think its unrealistic to watch a vod of an execute and then tell your b team "this is the NRG execute. sova dart here, brim molly, dash here or here" etc. Its not going to be a total mirror, they're copying homework, that's why they're on the bench


I mean maybe but from what I have researched and can find concrete information on is that it was used in training and developing their executes and getting executed on in the common ways. I have seen nothing that points to it being used for anti-stratting other than people's speculation. Also, there are a lot of flaws with training a specific execute that a team may not run on a map that a team may not even play. If you find some evidence for it let me know and post a link.


dawg it was a joke


Icy is currently Radiant #1, Apoth is on the main roster now, BcJ is on M80
Even Demon1 was in the reserve roster at first. Crazy scouting ngl



Bo t _



I thought this was an actual thread with actual analysis on EG's roster but then remembered this is vlr


EG had a very obvious flaw, a missing duelist. If you track their performances before the introduction of Demon1 you would have Jawgemo trying to flex onto Jett. An often overlooked detail that orgs miss is the mentality of the player. They try to attribute player success to "team dynamics" but outside of the feel goodies, it doesn't amount to much. I can be the most willing player in the world but if there is something I don't do naturally, it will always be a struggle for me over someone who embodies the idea.

A natural Jett player is someone who dives first, thinks later. There's a lot more behind this such as team support but truly if you don't have a player who isn't willing to do that even when it's a bad idea, your team will struggle. You see the same behavior from Cyrocell on 100T. It's deceiving when you look at stat lines or highlight plays. But Cyro does not have this mentality. If you put Cyro in Demon1's shoes on EG then you would have the same results they had with BcJ. And once again to emphasize it has nothing to do with their individual skill. Each player, Cyro, BcJ and Demon1 are amazing in their respective talents. But the difference is that Demon1 is willing to dive without regard to himself. No cautious playing. All in.

And as much as I respect Potter, the change was screaming at her. The first introduction of Demon1 you had the equivalent of BcJ but it allowed personalities to flex on to different roles. And they didn't find perfect fits at first. But the fragging potential of Demon1 and it not being tied to an agent opened these possibilities up for Potter. Through some trial and error they found some pieces that fit.

But all of these changes, if we didn't have teams lose in some sequential order, none of this happens. I hope you all realize this. This team could have been a sleeper team for this season or possibly not. The sky really did open up for this team and they just took their opportunity and ascended.


this is just wrong, demon1 is obviously insane mechanically but he's not some super selfless entry with no fear compared to other top duelist players. He's a very confident player who loves to take the occasional ego peek but he actually is quite methodical in his entries and it helped a lot that he had ethan and c0m to provide some of the best supportive util in the world for him. Hell, jawg is more like the player you're describing than demon1 in that every map where he's playing solo raze he just goes ham, like watch their ascent vs their lotus and you'll see what I mean. The main thing that demon1 brought to the team besides his mechanics was fixing their role issues, with bcj they basically had 3 initiator players with one of them just being put on perma smokes for some reason whereas with demon1 they had 2 duelists, 2 initiators and a sentinel and all of them except ethan just flexed to smokes depending on the map.

Generally the reason EG was so good later on in 2023 was because they had a good read on the meta on certain maps and were probably the most coordinated team in the world, they always felt like they had a solid plan and almost never relied on individuals making hero plays. This video explains this with stats https://youtu.be/FrLtJSpaSLI?si=ni4BwG3t63upGR03&t=604


First, you don't try to give evidence in the form of 18 minute video where you don't point to where you want me to watch to get your point.

Second, what I think you're trying to refer to is this : https://youtu.be/FrLtJSpaSLI?t=290 . The video by the way is weirdly labeling data with out providing sources to where the data is coming from. You can't just say it's from "VCT Champs." That is the least useful way to use data to back up your points. You're making a generalization based on things with wild variables. To say that "c0m is more clutch because when he dies first they are more likely to lose 75% of the time" This statement doesn't tell me anything about what side (atk/def) the data is coming from, what map the data is coming from... this data is being presented as evidence but I do not see a correlation. The video then uses a video clip from Jingg to prove this non-traded kill theory?

And then to top this off... this obvious bias piece of trash media... points to Yay as their pinnacle of comparisons? Are you okay? That was a different meta, a very clearly overpowered agent and he was on one of the best teams at the time. Do you not see an issue with that data? Do you not understand that if a team is winning their stats are positively influenced and thus if you're using it as a comparison to a losing team, the stats by definition will be worse. And hopefully you can clearly see the error in judgment there, right? If someone has a bad game... does that mean their ass? I mean the data shows us that X player is better, it must mean their terrible.

It's absolutely insane to me you are so confident in your answer. I'm literally looking at your "evidence" and it's snake oil. Go back to school please. You lack a basic understanding of not only this game but of how to use evidence to back up your arguments.


Also because I don't want to be like you... here's someone not trying to shill a pathetic coaching service off on us... who will explain to you again what I have said and why the data used in that terrible video is wrong: https://youtu.be/udLmGfy3eD0?t=270


there's literally a timestamp in the link I sent, if it didn't work it's at 10:10 and it's discussing how EG's winrate relied by far the least on an individual not getting first blooded or getting over 15 kills a map compared to the top 4 teams of the year looking at both tokyo and champs, not a complicated data point but an illustrative one. It's pretty simple to understand data and outside of 2022 yay who he only brings up as a statistical outlier for fun it's based of performances in the same 2 events so no cope about different metas or whatever. Anyway you seem like you're kinda deranged since you never actually adressed my point and only wrote an overly angry essay shitting on the video I linked because the timestamped link didn't work so I'm not gonna waste any more of my time arguing with you


Ok. I'm the deranged one coming in with the ever so famously peaceful and evenly balanced approach of "this is just wrong." Have a great day!


NAVI out here doing favours


They never had to play true rippers!!
Jokes apart, the entire credit goes to potter and boostio!!

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