T1 analysis (im not professional)

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now that its all over and they won maybe autumn already figured out what was wrong and is going to correct it because he is 10 times better analyzing than me but i still want to give my opinion on today´s match and my impressions on this roster

carpe - definitely his igling isnt bad because he beated edg and liquid and those teams are scary imo, taking in count its his first tourney i think his calling is definitely fine, but he has an ange1 gene in terms of throwing advantages and giving away rounds definitely when the map is close to the end and im afraid of it, but he is still new to tac fps so im confident he´ll figure it out specially with a solid and experienced player on the team like xcc

xccurate - put him on op more often pls he is too good to not spam it until it stops working, and his controller is also great, he doesnt miss util, he supports correctly and he is very disciplined, that round where he gets 3 on breeze a with a harbor wall made me wet my pants

rossy - definitely the one who surprised me the most, mvp on this match imo, his viper is already the best viper in the tourney imo, he isnt hesitant to take risks that end up favouring the team or clutching when the team needs him to and even if he "throwed" on the first map ot he still fixed his mistakes on the next maps and not only fixed them but he showed us a S tier performance on viper while being his debut against franchising level rosters and his first lan (if im not mistaken)

sayaplayer - he was solid the entire match, he is known for taking risks and he didnt hesitate to take them he is still the old impactful saya who takes a lot of first kills and gets a lot of impact not much bad to say to him, maybe he overheats sometimes but he has the skill to make it worth the risk so i wont complain tbh and even if his op isnt the best he is definitely still a top 5 op player world wide imo.

izu - this guy is him, he is being a bit slept on because his impact is huge and his rifle is probably one of the best i´ve seen and definitely the best aimer of t1,he takes smart decisions, pushes when he has to and gets impact out of it even while playing agents that have no escape utility and most importantly he fills roles that are hard to play and does it on a high level even tho he is a rookie im hesitant to see how he ends up playing but if i end up being a fan of t1 is definitely going to be because of this guy because i want to see how strong he ends up being.


ain't reading allat

GaeHGae [#2]

ain't reading allat

ok gaehomosexualgae


the analysis is that rossy needs help


Rossy is kind of a glue guy of T1 as of now
definitely the most impressive player so far
always there when they need him, brings good vibes, can shoot lights out, plays his role on a very high level


iZu is the goat 🐐


I want see xeta in this team more than carpe. But the problem will be the role for the team. Maybe it will be good if Saya : duelist , xeta : controller (igl) , xccurate : sentinel (sec caller), izu : initiator and sec duelist, rossy : flex

RAFIF [#7]

I want see xeta in this team more than carpe. But the problem will be the role for the team. Maybe it will be good if Saya : duelist , xeta : controller (igl) , xccurate : sentinel (sec caller), izu : initiator and sec duelist, rossy : flex

nah xeta is good on viper and rossy can play skye so they can swap sometimes, and even tho i flamed carpe the entire match i think he is worth keeping because of his calling tbh

koromast [#8]

nah xeta is good on viper and rossy can play skye so they can swap sometimes, and even tho i flamed carpe the entire match i think he is worth keeping because of his calling tbh

It that rossy good on skye? But if his good on skye, we dont have the reason to keep carpe on skye again 💀

RAFIF [#9]

It that rossy good on skye? But if his good on skye, we dont have the reason to keep carpe on skye again 💀

Carpe is calling for T1 during Afreeca League, and his calls are definitely bringing dividends

RAFIF [#7]

I want see xeta in this team more than carpe. But the problem will be the role for the team. Maybe it will be good if Saya : duelist , xeta : controller (igl) , xccurate : sentinel (sec caller), izu : initiator and sec duelist, rossy : flex

Now I'm not really that good at analysing calling, but am I the only one who feels like T1's calling looks way better than it ever did?

ButterflyEffect23 [#10]

Carpe is calling for T1 during Afreeca League, and his calls are definitely bringing dividends

Yeah i know, his calling with xccurate in this 2 games. But i want see xeta play with xccurate together

GaeHGae [#2]

ain't reading allat

Don't act like you actually can

77_sTuna [#11]

Now I'm not really that good at analysing calling, but am I the only one who feels like T1's calling looks way better than it ever did?

it does because they are actually using info and map control more than they used to even tho on lotus they messed up towards the end of the map ngl

RAFIF [#12]

Yeah i know, his calling with xccurate in this 2 games. But i want see xeta play with xccurate together

for some reason that reminds me that both players were in tyloo at some point of their cs careers, not together but in tyloo lol

GaeHGae [#2]

ain't reading allat

cool. anyways

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