(ALLAT) can you learn consistency???

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like please I want to so badly
game 1 I match mvp as astra 29k hard carry win
Game 2 I shit the bed on brim and lose
Game 3 I match mvp as astra 34k barely lose ot 15-17
Game 4 I do mediocre on skye and lose

I just cannot figure out how to be consistent man when I’m on point I feel unstoppable but it only ever lasts for one game and the next it’s gone, then randomly it’ll be back but then it’s gone again, and I just can’t figure out how to stay good, the only reason I can’t get out of my rank is because I just can’t be consistently good and it is so frustrating
I’m not blaming my teammates or anything, all games I had at least 2 great teammates (except the brim match we all sucked dick that game)

anyway, that’s the end of me complaining
If you have any tips for consistency please share them with me, I want to fix this problem. I feel like it’s the last major, major issue I have with gameplay, and the moment I fix it all I need to improve is gamesense little by little as I climb
I just can’t break the asc3 wall if every good game gets countered by a shitty one bc Im inconsistent
If it’s important, I have no duo, does it really make that big of a difference?


duo is irrelevant, play for rounds, not for kills and you will reach immo3 at least. leo or nAts are perfect examples of how u should play on non-duelist agents.


I genuinely do try, the reason I said mediocre on Skye wasn’t bc I had a decent amount of kills, in fact I went negative but because a lot of the rounds we won were ones I tried to play with teammates the best I could with my flashes and dog and such, but even then I feel at the very least I could be going positive most games instead of only half of them


why do you play skye after playing controller? you are underestimating the importance of sticking to a role.

duo is useful but not necessary

dont play if u dont feel like playing. consistency is based on how comfortable you are playing the game. the more comfortable = the better you get into flow state


Idk I’ve always just been willing to fill since I know how to play almost all agents and I feel bad if I instalock anything so that’s what happens there
Last thing makes sense too I’ll keep that in mind


I feel bad if I instalock anything

bro just instalock who cars you need to have some demon mentality to win in ranked


Match 1: Great game, you feeling good, go next
Match 2: You played bad, but why? That can only be answered if you had recorded your game and then you could watch the VOD after it to point all your mistakes. Doing it often can make you be more consistent as you identify the bad patterns you have during your games.
Match 3: After watching your own VOD, it's time to go again. Lost or played bad? Watch the VOD. Won or played well? You can still watch the VOD if you want to see what happened on certain rounds.

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