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YOU FUCKING MELONS! AAAAAAAAAA MY EYES, MY EYES!! RIP THEM OUT!! MAY AN EAGLE PLUCK MY EYES OUT!! Yeah, that’s right, WHAT. THE. FUCK IS THAT TEAM DOING!? I don’t even- I’m not even gonna gloat, I’m FUCKING MAD, I’m PISSED, chat. HOW CAN YOU BE MAKING THESE LEVEL OF MISTAKES. AS A PROFESSIONAL TEAM? ARE THEY BOOMED? At this point, they’ve gotta be, I mean, they must just be boomed and they just “gg let’s give it up”. I mean, this is SHOCKING, SHOCKINGLY POOR, AND IT’S NOT JUST THAT ONE ROUND. This would be a crazy overreaction to that one round. If a team loses in that manner, and it was 12-2 and they don’t really have a chance of winning the series or even winning the map anyway, alright, whatever, they just gave up. But the fact that they were losing to the time on their attack side OVER AND OVER AGAIN, and the fact that they’ve continued to troll their economy despite EVERYBODY WITH A CALCULATOR KNOWING THAT IT’S A BAD IDEA!?!? YOU DON’T EVEN NEED A CALCULATOR! YOU JUST PRESS B, AND THE GAME CALCULATES IT FOR YOU!!! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY!!! JUST, HOW!?!?!? HOW!?!?!?!?!?


ok but like to be fair

nivera forgot to buy

fourlvalorant [#2]

ok but like to be fair

nivera forgot to buy

i feel like that's common among eu players though. they often make basic mistakes

moatz [#3]

i feel like that's common among eu players though. they often make basic mistakes

boaster buying halfshield in ot kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

fourlvalorant [#2]

ok but like to be fair

nivera forgot to buy

the funny thing is, those 2 things are from separate games

KCorp gigatrolled on multiple separate occasions 💀

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