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Imagine if Fnatic had gotten an easy road to the finals only to get exposed in the grand finals like they got yesterday
Loud anti-stratted their Lotus into oblivion so now they know they won't just win that map by default like they did in Tokyo
They looked lost at times on Ascent as well, not managing to break darts and losing some important rounds mainly because of time

They need to bring their A-game or else they could be saying goodbye real quick but I believe in the lower bracket run so let's fucking gooooooo

It just means more games to watch for us fans from this amazing roster

Sad that Fut will be our first victims but the game is the game


All that just to lose to Bili Bili Gaming in lower


EG are gonna eliminate them in lowers. Only to get fingerblasted by prx

ionlyHave1Zuni [#3]

EG are gonna eliminate them in lowers. Only to get fingerblasted by prx

You know what? I wouldn't even mind that scenario. NA gets to make EMEA cry, PRX and Jing get the trophy lift and champs they deserve b4 he goes off for military service. I get to bait EMEA users during the off season and the SEN/100T fans get to hope that their teams win their first champs for NA region (Second if we get BR SEN next year. Would be hype.)

Optic fully reform under NRG. And loud fans get a nasty furia/loud merger of talent with potential trophy lifting power. Everyone wins except EMEA but they'll be playing cs2 so it's all as it should be. Make it happen Riot

SatanLovesYou [#4]

You know what? I wouldn't even mind that scenario. NA gets to make EMEA cry, PRX and Jing get the trophy lift and champs they deserve b4 he goes off for military service. I get to bait EMEA users during the off season and the SEN/100T fans get to hope that their teams win their first champs for NA region (Second if we get BR SEN next year. Would be hype.)

Optic fully reform under NRG. And loud fans get a nasty furia/loud merger of talent with potential trophy lifting power. Everyone wins except EMEA but they'll be playing cs2 so it's all as it should be. Make it happen Riot

EMEA would have won 2 titles
Pacific would have the most important title
Americas would have won the 'I knocked Fnatic out of champs' title lmao
Y'all would still get clowned on if you don't win Champions

SatanLovesYou [#4]

You know what? I wouldn't even mind that scenario. NA gets to make EMEA cry, PRX and Jing get the trophy lift and champs they deserve b4 he goes off for military service. I get to bait EMEA users during the off season and the SEN/100T fans get to hope that their teams win their first champs for NA region (Second if we get BR SEN next year. Would be hype.)

Optic fully reform under NRG. And loud fans get a nasty furia/loud merger of talent with potential trophy lifting power. Everyone wins except EMEA but they'll be playing cs2 so it's all as it should be. Make it happen Riot

Forgot to mention loud is winning in gf sorry

SatanLovesYou [#4]

You know what? I wouldn't even mind that scenario. NA gets to make EMEA cry, PRX and Jing get the trophy lift and champs they deserve b4 he goes off for military service. I get to bait EMEA users during the off season and the SEN/100T fans get to hope that their teams win their first champs for NA region (Second if we get BR SEN next year. Would be hype.)

Optic fully reform under NRG. And loud fans get a nasty furia/loud merger of talent with potential trophy lifting power. Everyone wins except EMEA but they'll be playing cs2 so it's all as it should be. Make it happen Riot

You are not gonna bait shit, the site will be dead after champ's


You can feel that LOUD anti stratted FNC for weeks. They play completely different against them. All this anti stratting and still managed to almost fumble Ascent (their best map btw) really shows the state of LOUD and the players.


if fnc makes it to grand finals they will probably have to play pearl which will be interesting

YeeeStefan [#8]

You can feel that LOUD anti stratted FNC for weeks. They play completely different against them. All this anti stratting and still managed to almost fumble Ascent (their best map btw) really shows the state of LOUD and the players.

The cope on this one is outrageous

polystove [#9]

if fnc makes it to grand finals they will probably have to play pearl which will be interesting

I want that
I need that

ionlyHave1Zuni [#10]

The cope on this one is outrageous

ofc have to cope the pain away :(

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