Bracket unfair

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First of all why are there still same region matchups in first matches and second of all the biggest one i think is why some teams have a 4 day gap between their elim matches while other's have 2, i get that they started playing later but it wasn't unfair to teams facing each other, on the other hand loud and team liquid had 4 days same with other teams, while giants nd kru have 2 days their group is the only one that has the least amount of time to prep for their elim game weird af bracket.


Because they played early, they probably had to go LA early and had less prep time than the teams that play later.


pretty sure they were doing content for riot so most teams were there around the same time+ last master and champions there were some issues like visa and transportation and no one gave these teams more time. + it doesn't actually matter for teams playing each other since they all got propably the same practice but they got the least out of any teams

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