Underrating liquid

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Almost all the pickems I have seen, are having liquid go out of playoffs in the first/2nd round and I don't understand why??

What's your justification? Do you guys think redgar will forget how to speak english? Sayf will forget how to hold his mouse? Jamppi will forget all sova lineups and go back to csgo? Nats will forget all his viper lineups and cypher setups ? Soulcas will go back to being a bot?

Whats your justification??? Have you not watched this team play?


they win tourney, 3-2 loud
sayf and aspas are the best duelists itw, very close but probs sayf tbh


we can't tell for sure what gonna happen
while i have much hope for Liquid there is also the high chance they can't deliever in the International stage

still gonna cheer for them every game <3


probably because no one took TL win against fnatic seriously


They have a good shot at winning the whole thing. I still like FNATIC more and have more hope for them but this tourney literally almost anyone can beat anyone so it's very hard to say... I'd say that LOUD/NRG still have more experience as a core and will deliver more likely but TL could definitely win.


Same with NRG. Idk why people underrating

Simp4S0m [#6]

Same with NRG. Idk why people underrating

It’s because nrg have been looking really shaky dropping a map to a very shaky navi side that have decided that shao is no longer a top 3 initiator but a controller instead now and zyppan is a initiator and angel himself has decided he is now a initiator not a controller and also they played a close series with t1 and they are the 3rd seed of pacific while back are the 4th seed of emea and both fut the 3rd seed of emea and drx the 2nd seed of pacific got destroyed by eg that’s why plus they are playing a fnatic team that out of all the teams have managed to hide their strats the deepest 1 of the best teams in terms of strats taht has never been known to brute force with pure firepower as they have never had the ability to do that just pretty much purely with their firepower qualified for playoffs and only lost a series after their was no pressure on them as it was quite literally the least important series this season and fnatic have many shown the thing that most of the world knows them for their cool and unique strategies nrg are pretty much going into that match blind as no one knows what he’ll fnatic is and what they will come out with boaster also during the interview kept almost accidentally calling the vct leagues as not important as kept trying to cover it up to ame it sound like he was joking which to me shows what the mindset of fnatic was and is they are only focused on the international tournaments and the league doesn’t mean anything more to them than a way to qualify for the international tournaments

Sorry for making it so long I can never seem to make these short

shizuku_hajime [#7]

It’s because nrg have been looking really shaky dropping a map to a very shaky navi side that have decided that shao is no longer a top 3 initiator but a controller instead now and zyppan is a initiator and angel himself has decided he is now a initiator not a controller and also they played a close series with t1 and they are the 3rd seed of pacific while back are the 4th seed of emea and both fut the 3rd seed of emea and drx the 2nd seed of pacific got destroyed by eg that’s why plus they are playing a fnatic team that out of all the teams have managed to hide their strats the deepest 1 of the best teams in terms of strats taht has never been known to brute force with pure firepower as they have never had the ability to do that just pretty much purely with their firepower qualified for playoffs and only lost a series after their was no pressure on them as it was quite literally the least important series this season and fnatic have many shown the thing that most of the world knows them for their cool and unique strategies nrg are pretty much going into that match blind as no one knows what he’ll fnatic is and what they will come out with boaster also during the interview kept almost accidentally calling the vct leagues as not important as kept trying to cover it up to ame it sound like he was joking which to me shows what the mindset of fnatic was and is they are only focused on the international tournaments and the league doesn’t mean anything more to them than a way to qualify for the international tournaments

Sorry for making it so long I can never seem to make these short

blud no one reading this😭😭😭😭😭


That's probably a good thing as well?
People are treating them like a dark horse despite their individual and team work being extremely good.
I hope we, like our logo end up like a dark horse and win the whole thing.
Like No one has liquid winning against the likes of Loud, NRG, FNC, DRX

thatpower [#8]

blud no one reading this😭😭😭😭😭

I'm reading,i got u lil bro


I hope for both EU teams to do well but concerning TL, I just don't have faith in the coach. And although I think Soulcas is a good player on average. He has two modes : sicko mode headshot and aim diff everyone on the server type shit, and bot mode.
I strongly believe if soulcas is playing well and they're well prepared (big question mark, since i dont rate their coach at all), they can win against anyone.
Map pool sucks dick as well, which, again, coaching issue.


its a good thing imo, the less people believe in them the better they perform usually

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