indo come (bahasa)

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gue rasa si frengky dkk ini pengen kekeh buat SG di dis biar Indo auto emas, dan cair lah tu bonus dari presiden. kalo emg drama ini semua soal fairness sama sportifitas, tawaran buat re roll round nya dari 5-5 udah diambil. PBESI, what a greedy fucking boomers they are


apakah saya harus kaget dengan fakta ini🤯😱


dont let this fact left unknown, pls spread this fact.


Too clear
Furthermore, they had spend so much money by going to Korea kkkk


thats what happen when you handle esports with government bureaucracy man. and also the man whos in charge in PBESI has no field of expertise in esports. so yeah

Beyonder2 [#2]

apakah saya harus kaget dengan fakta ini🤯😱

gaharus si, but just to make sure that players got nothing to do with all of this clown fiesta. gue rasa mereka juga pasti masih mau main dan gapengen ff


Iyalah udh modal banyak ke Korea, kata Pak Frengky kan dia yg biayain 70%nya

Kaleidoscope80 [#7]

Iyalah udh modal banyak ke Korea, kata Pak Frengky kan dia yg biayain 70%nya

liat dmn?

Clayy [#8]

liat dmn?

komentar akun ig lokal kemarin gua bikinin thread juga

Clayy [#8]

liat dmn?

di postingan IG VEM yg pertama kali Indonesia kalah di 1st match, Pak Frengky yg ngomen "kok kayaknya seneng ya bangsanya kalah" disana beliau adu komen sama netizen

Marcusgeez [#6]

gaharus si, but just to make sure that players got nothing to do with all of this clown fiesta. gue rasa mereka juga pasti masih mau main dan gapengen ff

yeah, I also feel sorry for the players. I've known that this kind of drama was played by PBESI.🤮


Aku malu, ini cara kita dapat medali emas. Harusnya kalau kita ingin medali emas, kita harus berjuang dan memenangkan - tapi kita malah dapat emas dengan cara seperti ini.


they think they should treat e-sports like traditional sport which cheating = insta dq. so yeah, they dont know shit about esports


padahal sebelum nya dia bilang demi martabat harga diri bangsa indonesia milih wo ga lanjutin main, tapi malah ngelobi jatuh nya kaya ngemis medali emas

KitsuneVLR [#14]

padahal sebelum nya dia bilang demi martabat harga diri bangsa indonesia milih wo ga lanjutin main, tapi malah ngelobi jatuh nya kaya ngemis medali emas

that was like the biggest bullshit ever

Clayy [#8]

liat dmn?

cari aja postingan pas indo kalah lawan viet

StrafingGoatWoweeClap [#3]

dont let this fact left unknown, pls spread this fact.

bukannya gw gamau percaya sih, tapi kalau sourcenya nethenoob skip deh


ITT : all the fake flaggers exposed


Coy mereka udah legowo silver tapi panitianya udah kena hajar duluan ama netizen. Skandal SEAG lagi banyak2nya lgsg di up ama netizen sini, mau gamau mereka yg harus nyenengin Indo makanya join gold. Bisa aja yg lobi buat let it go biar gak diungkit2 lg pihak panitia.


whats a bahasa

Vixennn [#19]

Coy mereka udah legowo silver tapi panitianya udah kena hajar duluan ama netizen. Skandal SEAG lagi banyak2nya lgsg di up ama netizen sini, mau gamau mereka yg harus nyenengin Indo makanya join gold. Bisa aja yg lobi buat let it go biar gak diungkit2 lg pihak panitia.

iya yang seneng sih pasti netizen" yang ga ngikutin komunitas valo dan org" yg punya kepentingan, buat komunitas valo indo ini jd moment yg cukup memalukan, bener" cara yg ga layak/fair buat dapetin medalinya :(

udination [#21]

iya yang seneng sih pasti netizen" yang ga ngikutin komunitas valo dan org" yg punya kepentingan, buat komunitas valo indo ini jd moment yg cukup memalukan, bener" cara yg ga layak/fair buat dapetin medalinya :(

yg gak layak itu yg bug abuser bro, jangan dibolak balik

GfK [#22]

yg gak layak itu yg bug abuser bro, jangan dibolak balik

tau, sg emang salah trus panitianya ga tegas dengan rulebook yg jelas udh ada, gw kecewa sama keputusan yang diambil aja.

udination [#23]

tau, sg emang salah trus panitianya ga tegas dengan rulebook yg jelas udh ada, gw kecewa sama keputusan yang diambil aja.

gw cuman pengen liat mereka main di final sampe akhir dengan fair aja, dan gw yakin mereka sebagai player jg pengen itu :((


whats a bahasa

it's indonesian, I hate fuckers who say "bahasa" when it's actually just indonesian

GfK [#22]

yg gak layak itu yg bug abuser bro, jangan dibolak balik

yang salah lebih ke panitianya lah, klo di VCT setiap tim biasanya ngasih unjuk ke panitia sebelum turnamen klo mereka mau ngepake lineup/lineup camera atau apapun itu yg agak mencurigakan yang bisa dianggap "bug", harusnya mereka gitu juga, jadi panitinya bisa tahu mana yg bug mana yg enggak jadi diawal sebelum main udh bisa tau

Vixennn [#19]

Coy mereka udah legowo silver tapi panitianya udah kena hajar duluan ama netizen. Skandal SEAG lagi banyak2nya lgsg di up ama netizen sini, mau gamau mereka yg harus nyenengin Indo makanya join gold. Bisa aja yg lobi buat let it go biar gak diungkit2 lg pihak panitia.

gw tebak netizennya pasti yg nontonin si mansen, isinya cuma manas manasin doang kemaren

ItsMeDio [#4]

Too clear
Furthermore, they had spend so much money by going to Korea kkkk

they be scrimming in North Korea fr fr

aJAYYY [#17]

bukannya gw gamau percaya sih, tapi kalau sourcenya nethenoob skip deh

https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss9tgc ini player yg ngalamin langsung yg cerita, tetep ga pecaya ? lol
udah paling bener valorant kaga usah ikut itu pbsi ama boomer boomernya yg ga ngerti esport nyempulng ke mari dikira kaya sport konfesional dikasi rolback round 5-5 mintanya singapur diskualifikasi kocak bener, mana netijen kita tolol2 lagi dikit2 nyerang mulu

SleepyBear [#29]

https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss9tgc ini player yg ngalamin langsung yg cerita, tetep ga pecaya ? lol
udah paling bener valorant kaga usah ikut itu pbsi ama boomer boomernya yg ga ngerti esport nyempulng ke mari dikira kaya sport konfesional dikasi rolback round 5-5 mintanya singapur diskualifikasi kocak bener, mana netijen kita tolol2 lagi dikit2 nyerang mulu

oh ok I just got into this drama, this is like 100% indonesians fault wtf

we then went back to the hotel at approximately 430am and agreed to be back on stage by 8am to play from 5-5. At 8am we went back to the stage and finished setting up and by 8:50 we received news that the Indonesia team has decided to forfeit as they wanted us to be disqualified/forfeit map 2/ to uphold their national dignity, from 9am to 11am we were waiting for the medal ceremony to happen but we received another dispute that we had two final choices, either to accept the joint gold medal or be stuck in Cambodia for another week to wait for the result of the dispute as we have no other flights back to Singapore.

that shit is fucked up

"to uphold their national dignity" kkkkkkkkk

SleepyBear [#29]

https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss9tgc ini player yg ngalamin langsung yg cerita, tetep ga pecaya ? lol
udah paling bener valorant kaga usah ikut itu pbsi ama boomer boomernya yg ga ngerti esport nyempulng ke mari dikira kaya sport konfesional dikasi rolback round 5-5 mintanya singapur diskualifikasi kocak bener, mana netijen kita tolol2 lagi dikit2 nyerang mulu

kayaknya yg maksa FF itu pbesi, gw liat di story pemain indo juga udah siap main. Trus dengan alesan menjaga martabat, Pbesi make FF segala, jadi yg ditangisin sama player itu bukan masalah dapet silver atau gold tapi atasan maksa buat FF

hanafuuji [#30]

oh ok I just got into this drama, this is like 100% indonesians fault wtf

we then went back to the hotel at approximately 430am and agreed to be back on stage by 8am to play from 5-5. At 8am we went back to the stage and finished setting up and by 8:50 we received news that the Indonesia team has decided to forfeit as they wanted us to be disqualified/forfeit map 2/ to uphold their national dignity, from 9am to 11am we were waiting for the medal ceremony to happen but we received another dispute that we had two final choices, either to accept the joint gold medal or be stuck in Cambodia for another week to wait for the result of the dispute as we have no other flights back to Singapore.

that shit is fucked up

"to uphold their national dignity" kkkkkkkkk

kata2nya pbesi bgt kontol dignity2 bangsat malah malu2in dapet emas jalur ngemis

Marcusgeez [#32]

kata2nya pbesi bgt kontol dignity2 bangsat malah malu2in dapet emas jalur ngemis

tau anjing malah malu2in ini mah wkwk

hanafuuji [#30]

oh ok I just got into this drama, this is like 100% indonesians fault wtf

we then went back to the hotel at approximately 430am and agreed to be back on stage by 8am to play from 5-5. At 8am we went back to the stage and finished setting up and by 8:50 we received news that the Indonesia team has decided to forfeit as they wanted us to be disqualified/forfeit map 2/ to uphold their national dignity, from 9am to 11am we were waiting for the medal ceremony to happen but we received another dispute that we had two final choices, either to accept the joint gold medal or be stuck in Cambodia for another week to wait for the result of the dispute as we have no other flights back to Singapore.

that shit is fucked up

"to uphold their national dignity" kkkkkkkkk

but we have a new record tho, First ever win gold medal by forfeiting. We live in strange times LMAO

hanafuuji [#25]

it's indonesian, I hate fuckers who say "bahasa" when it's actually just indonesian

tp jujur ya gue nulis "bahasa" di title semata-mata buat ngasi tau orang luar bukan orang indonya kalo ini threadnya pake bahasa indo wkwk

Ryukk [#31]

kayaknya yg maksa FF itu pbesi, gw liat di story pemain indo juga udah siap main. Trus dengan alesan menjaga martabat, Pbesi make FF segala, jadi yg ditangisin sama player itu bukan masalah dapet silver atau gold tapi atasan maksa buat FF

Yg ada menghancur martabat wkwkkw


hari hari ya adik adik

Fr1tZ [#13]

they think they should treat e-sports like traditional sport which cheating = insta dq. so yeah, they dont know shit about esports

On the other hand, why not have that strictness in esports?


Ada drama apa lg nih adik2 😱😱😱


I'm no Bahasian but yeah they should stop putting words on the players mouth, to Indogs VLR user who have zero stars and only came from Son stream etc stop being shitter and yall came here in the name dignity but where's the dignity? so far yall only show how shit human being you are, what a fucking joke. nationalist are fucking retarded.

and to TMosura holy fuck man how many times do I tell you becareful with your words EVEN IF YOU TRYING BE NEUTRAL because some Indogs are incapable of processing information and can twist your words.

SleepyBear [#34]

but we have a new record tho, First ever win gold medal by forfeiting. We live in strange times LMAO

bangsat, betul lagi, pengalaman unik

udination [#24]

gw cuman pengen liat mereka main di final sampe akhir dengan fair aja, dan gw yakin mereka sebagai player jg pengen itu :((

sama bang we juga cuma pengen mereka main bukan FF kayak ginni

iframedeez [#40]

I'm no Bahasian but yeah they should stop putting words on the players mouth, to Indogs VLR user who have zero stars and only came from Son stream etc stop being shitter and yall came here in the name dignity but where's the dignity? so far yall only show how shit human being you are, what a fucking joke. nationalist are fucking retarded.

and to TMosura holy fuck man how many times do I tell you becareful with your words EVEN IF YOU TRYING BE NEUTRAL because some Indogs are incapable of processing information and can twist your words.

More support for bug abuser

GfK [#43]

More support for bug abuser

"bug" abuser KEKW.
Blame the TO not the teams bro.
Stop trying to blame SG for a bug they didn't know is not allowed.
Esports more specifically valorant esports is not like normal sports, we don't have a standardized rulebook, each region has their own set of rules (which includes which cams are allowed/not)
Ex: the camera bug is often used in NA ascension, but if you use it in europe you'll get warned immedietely. Apparently no one said anything during MYSG - thus the SG team did not know the camera was not allowed (due to poor communication of TO's of SEA games on their rulebook)

FrostTree187 [#44]

"bug" abuser KEKW.
Blame the TO not the teams bro.
Stop trying to blame SG for a bug they didn't know is not allowed.
Esports more specifically valorant esports is not like normal sports, we don't have a standardized rulebook, each region has their own set of rules (which includes which cams are allowed/not)
Ex: the camera bug is often used in NA ascension, but if you use it in europe you'll get warned immedietely. Apparently no one said anything during MYSG - thus the SG team did not know the camera was not allowed (due to poor communication of TO's of SEA games on their rulebook)

nah stop blame Indo too you mf fake flager


Tai malu anjg malu, mending rollback trus daper silver daripada kek gini kesanya kaya ngemis ngemis anjg


So after reading all of this, I discovered that the main culprit is this so-called pbesi or boomer ministry of eSports. So the Indonesian president is giving out 340k usd for the eSports team that won gold. Meaning the team, including the minister, will get 34k each, which is around 7 years' worth of minimum salary in Indonesia. Instead of rollback, the boomer wanted to ensure they won gold to get some of that cash. With Indonesia's corruption history, I won't be surprised if most of the money went to the ministry pocket, which is probably why they protest so much to get that cash.

GfK [#45]

nah stop blame Indo too you mf fake flager

nah indo also in the wrong for not accepting the rollback. first of all, the bug isnt listed in the rulebook https://twitter.com/STYR0N/status/1656556101964541952 yet the TO confidently tell the indo team that the camera is not allowed lol https://twitter.com/rafidndr_/status/1656337245144768512, but even if its not allowed the rulebook doesnt say anything about disqualifying a team for using a bug as far as we know, if only the singaporean team man up and tell the TO that its not even a bug according to the rulebook this could have ended differently.

so in summary:
indo team is wrong for not accepting rollback which is the most justified outcome for everyone
the TO is also wrong for saying that its a bug to the indo team while its not in the rule book
the sg team is wrong for not speaking up against the allegation, but ig there's some pressure on them idk

Prathades [#47]

So after reading all of this, I discovered that the main culprit is this so-called pbesi or boomer ministry of eSports. So the Indonesian president is giving out 340k usd for the eSports team that won gold. Meaning the team, including the minister, will get 34k each, which is around 7 years' worth of minimum salary in Indonesia. Instead of rollback, the boomer wanted to ensure they won gold to get some of that cash. With Indonesia's corruption history, I won't be surprised if most of the money went to the ministry pocket, which is probably why they protest so much to get that cash.

that's the perfect way to sum it all up

Prathades [#47]

So after reading all of this, I discovered that the main culprit is this so-called pbesi or boomer ministry of eSports. So the Indonesian president is giving out 340k usd for the eSports team that won gold. Meaning the team, including the minister, will get 34k each, which is around 7 years' worth of minimum salary in Indonesia. Instead of rollback, the boomer wanted to ensure they won gold to get some of that cash. With Indonesia's corruption history, I won't be surprised if most of the money went to the ministry pocket, which is probably why they protest so much to get that cash.

350k usd????????????????????? WHAATTTTTTTT

DrudaL [#50]

350k usd????????????????????? WHAATTTTTTTT


Prathades [#47]

So after reading all of this, I discovered that the main culprit is this so-called pbesi or boomer ministry of eSports. So the Indonesian president is giving out 340k usd for the eSports team that won gold. Meaning the team, including the minister, will get 34k each, which is around 7 years' worth of minimum salary in Indonesia. Instead of rollback, the boomer wanted to ensure they won gold to get some of that cash. With Indonesia's corruption history, I won't be surprised if most of the money went to the ministry pocket, which is probably why they protest so much to get that cash.

Mga mukhang pera pala tong PBESI walang pinagkaiba sa Gobyerno ng Pinas

(sorry have to rant in Filipino)

sleeek [#48]

nah indo also in the wrong for not accepting the rollback. first of all, the bug isnt listed in the rulebook https://twitter.com/STYR0N/status/1656556101964541952 yet the TO confidently tell the indo team that the camera is not allowed lol https://twitter.com/rafidndr_/status/1656337245144768512, but even if its not allowed the rulebook doesnt say anything about disqualifying a team for using a bug as far as we know, if only the singaporean team man up and tell the TO that its not even a bug according to the rulebook this could have ended differently.

so in summary:
indo team is wrong for not accepting rollback which is the most justified outcome for everyone
the TO is also wrong for saying that its a bug to the indo team while its not in the rule book
the sg team is wrong for not speaking up against the allegation, but ig there's some pressure on them idk

thats one side story (ofc as singaporean you believe that). indo official already forfeit and the TO change their decision to joint medal?
and about bug abuser its common bug, if theres no pinalty only rollback for that well see alot team abuse this bug. lets go bug bug together, let go suport bug abuser

GfK [#54]

thats one side story (ofc as singaporean you believe that). indo official already forfeit and the TO change their decision to joint medal?
and about bug abuser its common bug, if theres no pinalty only rollback for that well see alot team abuse this bug. lets go bug bug together, let go suport bug abuser

Im not Singaporean, how is rollback not a penalty to you, you already won several rounds then you are forced to replay the rounds again, even giving a point to the enemy team, im sure the rulebook also mention what will happen if they think a bug is used on purpose repeatedly after given a warning, but the problem here is the bug isn't even on the bug list (look at the link i provided) yet the TO tell the indo team that its not allowed on a private group chat.
Do you even read what i wrote? How is a team supposed to know its not allowed if its not on the bug list provided by the TO

sleeek [#55]

Im not Singaporean, how is rollback not a penalty to you, you already won several rounds then you are forced to replay the rounds again, even giving a point to the enemy team, im sure the rulebook also mention what will happen if they think a bug is used on purpose repeatedly after given a warning, but the problem here is the bug isn't even on the bug list (look at the link i provided) yet the TO tell the indo team that its not allowed on a private group chat.
Do you even read what i wrote? How is a team supposed to know its not allowed if its not on the bug list provided by the TO

no worries that guy is accusing ppl of being singaporean for the sole reason of not supporting Indo getting medal (while using the singaporean flag himself to get ppl to hate singapore more probably)

FrostTree187 [#56]

no worries that guy is accusing ppl of being singaporean for the sole reason of not supporting Indo getting medal (while using the singaporean flag himself to get ppl to hate singapore more probably)

you singaporean?

sleeek [#55]

Im not Singaporean, how is rollback not a penalty to you, you already won several rounds then you are forced to replay the rounds again, even giving a point to the enemy team, im sure the rulebook also mention what will happen if they think a bug is used on purpose repeatedly after given a warning, but the problem here is the bug isn't even on the bug list (look at the link i provided) yet the TO tell the indo team that its not allowed on a private group chat.
Do you even read what i wrote? How is a team supposed to know its not allowed if its not on the bug list provided by the TO

no deterrent effect if only rollback

GfK [#57]

you singaporean?

proves my point

GfK [#58]

no deterrent effect if only rollback

shut up man u dont know what you are talking about and i dont care about this tier 10000 event anymore when we have the super week going on

sleeek [#60]

shut up man u dont know what you are talking about and i dont care about this tier 10000 event anymore when we have the super week going on

bahasa inggrisnya kacau

FrostTree187 [#59]

proves my point

oke terus saja jelek2in bangsamu sendiri, gw mah #indoppride 5252525252

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