100T map fixs

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100T has two games and they pretty much have to win both, one of them is versus Furia which is tough. One thing that really hurt them against Loud and must be fixed is picks and bans for maps from Mikes and Co. Furia is a strong ascent team and 100T is now 0-4 on the map, yet they're still permaing Pearl as their veto. If Furia gets Ascent and doesn't have to play fracture because 100T is so bad at it then there's no way they lose. A map ban of Lotus Pearl first gives Furia ascent and a fracture ban so they can play Split or 100T's fracture in the third map, something they'll likely be completely fine with. The big thing for 100T is they have to leave Pearl up and ban ascent, and they need to fix their Pearl comp. They can beat Furia with this specific team comp
Cryo Jett
Asuna Skye
Bang Viper
Stellar KJ
Derrek Harbor (!)

The Derrek Harbor is going to be the big decider for them, but if you look at it Bang, Stellar, Cryo, and kind of Asuna all get their best agents(Asuna can't play Raze here) and Harbor just has to learn Harbor well enough to out duel Furia. He doesn't need to pop-off, just be able to beat a Pearl team that almost lost to MIBR on it. It's doable for 100T, but not easy.

100T rolling out a map pool that's at least strong on Haven Split and Pearl would do wonders for them despite disastrous Ascent and Fracture performances.


Nothing a vlr user says will fix 100T struggles… they just need a better coach


I read a grand total of 0 words

hanafuuji [#3]

I read a grand total of 0 words

U read too much


thank you GooberBoy, im very sure 100T staff will read your complainings at vlr.gg and improve their gameplay with your tips!



EU_quiet [#2]

Nothing a vlr user says will fix 100T struggles… they just need a better coach

and IGL

playready [#7]

and IGL

I think stellar and Mike's are both really good, but I think they're lagging behind the metas too much idk though these comps have to be working in scrims for them ti think they're viable so maybe there's some smaller issues once they get in matches, nerves or whatever

Although it would've been nice for them to beat loud I don't think anybody expected it

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