sick and gf

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i know its the meta on this website to hate on the girl but as someone that has been in a relationship with someone with similar issues as sick it is fucking life draining. i feel bad for her as well

u dont randomly gain illness this srs from dating drama, she probably had to deal with this herself and i feel like people just assume shes culpable for everything wrong instead of thinking about other povs at all


half-open relationship is all i’m gonna say


lil bro u dont know nothing about him or his life or his gf so lets all not judge or blame


we literally don't know shit about sick, people gotta stop assuming shit and just move one tbh


she isnt at fault of everything but was obviously one of the reasons at the start to why sick started acting like this

chloeburbank [#3]

lil bro u dont know nothing about him or his life or his gf so lets all not judge or blame

thats literally what im saying, everyone just dogpiled on the girl when ive been in her position and there is so much shit you have to just suck up

Subreezy [#2]

half-open relationship is all i’m gonna say

yea, sometimes when your partner is going through schizophrenic episodes or something adjacent you feel like you cant leave the relationship but have to find comfort somewhere else or you will literally melt down. in my case i thought my gf would literally end it if i left her but she made my life horrible

all im saying is its so easy to see that 'half open relationship etc etc' shit and say oh fuck her when there are so many extenuating circumstances when it comes to mental illness


she def abused him in terms of setting up the terms of the relationship so that he was basically a cuck who paid her bills but its obvious SicK was (and is) going through some mental shit and it pushed her to treat him poorly.


yea, sometimes when your partner is going through schizophrenic episodes or something adjacent you feel like you cant leave the relationship but have to find comfort somewhere else or you will literally melt down. in my case i thought my gf would literally end it if i left her but she made my life horrible

all im saying is its so easy to see that 'half open relationship etc etc' shit and say oh fuck her when there are so many extenuating circumstances when it comes to mental illness

someone has to be a twisted individual to see somebody struggling like this and think “let me set up an agreement with him allowing me to fuck other guys whenever i want, while he has to get my approval to fuck other girls”. always felt like she wanted control.

actions speak louder than words

Subreezy [#9]

someone has to be a twisted individual to see somebody struggling like this and think “let me set up an agreement with him allowing me to fuck other guys whenever i want, while he has to get my approval to fuck other girls”. always felt like she wanted control.

actions speak louder than words

why you think in binaries for such a difficult and life ruining topic is beyond me man i'm glad you're convinced you understand this perfectly

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