If CN Valorant can matched CFPL crowd it'd be huge

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The CrossFire pro league finals is today and crowd returns for the first time since pandemic

Crossfire is a game from 2007

but somehow large crowd never goes away

IMO This is the bar set for Chinese VALORANT to matched them in terms of building the Chinese scene and grow it
CF topped CS in doing this many years ago, now they have another game to try matching them again

imagine CS/VAL never likely to compete against each other in building China scene, but they had to compete against a game from 1.5 decades ago


kinda meh the korean crowd on worlds 2017 is much more insane


That was to be expected tho, most played in the country and MOBA was welcomed there + best region at the time + event is global.

But considering this was an older game than league and most had moved on to newer games (CS VAL) + event is only national level, that was still quite impressive tbh (to think that this image could've been CS instead of CF in the country)

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