VLR GG looks stupid yet again

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Calling Dephh the worst IGL in franchising after 1 game LMFAO


Not after 1 game, after 5 or 6 matches or more too xd


"worst IGL in franchising" I mean I can list a couple of IGL's that worse than Dephh, but he indeed average at best


Whats even worse is people who criticized their role changes


hes not the worst igl in franchising. remember teams like DFM, argh argh queue, global embarrassment, kc exist!

_angelmrm_ [#2]

Not after 1 game, after 5 or 6 matches or more too xd

*after 2 tier 1 matches

DIEM [#3]

"worst IGL in franchising" I mean I can list a couple of IGL's that worse than Dephh, but he indeed average at best

my point is that even if hes not FNS level people were calling him worse than Boostio and IGLs in T2 because he lost to the eventual world champs and they have pre conceived bias that makes no sense


Worst IGL is exaggeration but dephh sure pisses off everyone man does the dumbest shit all the time
Doesn't buy a gun
Dry peeks with kayo in mid instead of flashing for tenz in ascent
Can't aim for his life
Pushes out when a raze ult is coming in split
Just some moments I bet everyone was pissed at him

YeaUrMum [#8]

Worst IGL is exaggeration but dephh sure pisses off everyone man does the dumbest shit all the time
Doesn't buy a gun
Dry peeks with kayo in mid instead of flashing for tenz in ascent
Can't aim for his life
Pushes out when a raze ult is coming in split
Just some moments I bet everyone was pissed at him

ya he does dumb shit a lot of IGLs do that, Ange1 does it every other round, FNS had a bit of int this go around, Saadhak played a dogshit raze. That's not what he should be viewed off of. His KD was still ahead of all of 100T bar Asuna and his assist per round was above everyone but asuna as well. At the end of the day he did a damn good job of IGLing and beat the third best team in Americas coming into the group play. He deserves a ton of props for not only doing that but also making controversial but beneficial role changes and spearheading two cracked duelists with 2 non native English speakers. I don't get what the dude has to do to at least be considered above average lol.

YeaUrMum [#8]

Worst IGL is exaggeration but dephh sure pisses off everyone man does the dumbest shit all the time
Doesn't buy a gun
Dry peeks with kayo in mid instead of flashing for tenz in ascent
Can't aim for his life
Pushes out when a raze ult is coming in split
Just some moments I bet everyone was pissed at him

That's the thing tho, I caught myself thinking that but he was dry peeking a lot during the game with someone right next to him to trade (regardless of the fact that almost no trades came from it). The thing is during ascent, sentinels wouldnt have won had dephh not been doing that and actually getting kills. I think he was just feeling himself and it was working so he kept going for it. The fact that I can only think of 2 times where he lost and 1 more where it triggered me just shows how many fights he was winning.
On top of that his midrounding on map 1 and 3 were far better than any other game we've seen him in before so it might be improving. Looking on the positive here there are a lot of things to look forward to.
At the end of the day I don't think hes anything special but the hate he gets is excessive. I understand peoples' frustration because I'm one of them. Sen have been down for so long and we only have a few tourneys this year, we want this to be Sens year and seeing them off to a poor start is worrying.
What is still scaring me tho is individual performances. Pancada has been having some rough games and there hasn't been anything substantial to show him coming back into champions form. If worst comes to worst pancada could possibly have been a fluke (don't bring up "new role" cause pancada originally played sentinel)

GooberBoy [#7]

my point is that even if hes not FNS level people were calling him worse than Boostio and IGLs in T2 because he lost to the eventual world champs and they have pre conceived bias that makes no sense

Yea, if the VLR user indeed said that it is a pure delusion as Dephh has led XSET to beat OPTIC.

Tip: Most VLR users are indeed brain-dead.

Subreezy [#6]

*after 2 tier 1 matches

Lol ppl should go back to all the vlr posts at lock in... so many overreaction to one series.

GooberBoy [#9]

ya he does dumb shit a lot of IGLs do that, Ange1 does it every other round, FNS had a bit of int this go around, Saadhak played a dogshit raze. That's not what he should be viewed off of. His KD was still ahead of all of 100T bar Asuna and his assist per round was above everyone but asuna as well. At the end of the day he did a damn good job of IGLing and beat the third best team in Americas coming into the group play. He deserves a ton of props for not only doing that but also making controversial but beneficial role changes and spearheading two cracked duelists with 2 non native English speakers. I don't get what the dude has to do to at least be considered above average lol.

It's like putting a tier 2 player on a championship winning team. They will always get the hate for not matching expectations. I hope he can get better in the long run tho, he definitely has more fragging potential in comparison to a lot of other "average" igls and hell even fns when he was on top of masters. He doesn't overcomplicate the game and that's when it starts looking like his plays are too simple and stupid but they seem to be working as of right now so I'll hold out heavy judgement.
I've seen a ton of improvement tho so I hope he keeps going up


the only problem with vlr is that people jump to conclusions too quickly without thinking, people see a player miss like 4 shots and then call him washed, he then aces the next round and someone calls him the best player of all time. I know that some of these posts are exaggeration but it just kills all the actual conversation about the players and strats.
also people think they understand the nuances of these strategies, lets me honest like 90% of us are silvers(like myself) and have no clue if they have used a good strategy and just got unlucky or if they misplayed.

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