I've lost faith.

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However hard you convince me now, I'm just never supporting GE again.
I was so happy for the Indian representation and stuff but its just not enough.
The crazy 13 y/o management just spams shit everywhere. Look at Global's Twitter, if you have seen more shit anywhere else tell me.
Then the fans, I can't say anything about them because they're heartbroken too, but what, next VCT comes and again overhyping the same shit team who hasn't achieved anything.
They're saying "Kick monyet" you know fucking what? He was the APAC MVP in 2022. What matters is team CHEMISTRY and your 15 IQ 13y/o management doesn't know that.

Take a look at the other side, Vitality, whom every Indian fan on this website criticized are literally f**king these kids.
All these GE players are good but you just can't "mould" a duelist into a controller in 2 months and imo, even 2 years won't be enough.
Vitality is clean, didn't overhype shit, no cringe stuff going on, just showcasing their skills and getting more and more prep for EMEA league.

GE still won't learn from this, they will spam sad gifs everywhere on Twitter, "we'll come back stronger" "ge fighting" bro just shut the fuck up tbh im so mad i changed my flair and flag to support them but fuck off they don't deserve it.
Just understand what is the importance of team chemistry... NOOOOO WE buy 5 duelists apac top apac india numba won skrossi lightnightfast contract renewed GEFIGHTING
They need some basic education on how to act and behave. There's no shame in going home round 1, but atleast acknowledge, identify and fix your fu**ing mistakes bro.
Life is not a bed of roses that people will console you like you're a 2 year old who fell on their knees.

Grow up. Act responsibly. If you're given franchised slot for representing an entire fucking region, work fucking hard or just withdraw from the league.


However hard you convince me now, I'm just never supporting GE again.
I was so happy for the Indian representation and stuff but its just not enough.
The crazy 13 y/o management just spams shit everywhere. Look at Global's Twitter, if you have seen more shit anywhere else tell me.
Then the fans, I can't say anything about them because they're heartbroken too, but what, next VCT comes and again overhyping the same shit team who hasn't achieved anything.
They're saying "Kick monyet" you know fucking what? He was the APAC MVP in 2022. What matters is team CHEMISTRY and your 15 IQ 13y/o management doesn't know that.

Take a look at the other side, Vitality, whom every Indian fan on this website criticized are literally f**king these kids.
All these GE players are good but you just can't "mould" a duelist into a controller in 2 months and imo, even 2 years won't be enough.
Vitality is clean, didn't overhype shit, no cringe stuff going on, just showcasing their skills and getting more and more prep for EMEA league.

GE still won't learn from this, they will spam sad gifs everywhere on Twitter, "we'll come back stronger" "ge fighting" bro just shut the fuck up tbh im so mad i changed my flair and flag to support them but fuck off they don't deserve it.
Just understand what is the importance of team chemistry... NOOOOO WE buy 5 duelists apac top apac india numba won skrossi lightnightfast contract renewed GEFIGHTING
They need some basic education on how to act and behave. There's no shame in going home round 1, but atleast acknowledge, identify and fix your fu**ing mistakes bro.
Life is not a bed of roses that people will console you like you're a 2 year old who fell on their knees.

Grow up. Act responsibly. If you're given franchised slot for representing an entire fucking region, work fucking hard or just withdraw from the league.


i aint reading all that


However hard you convince me now, I'm just never supporting GE again.
I was so happy for the Indian representation and stuff but its just not enough.
The crazy 13 y/o management just spams shit everywhere. Look at Global's Twitter, if you have seen more shit anywhere else tell me.
Then the fans, I can't say anything about them because they're heartbroken too, but what, next VCT comes and again overhyping the same shit team who hasn't achieved anything.
They're saying "Kick monyet" you know fucking what? He was the APAC MVP in 2022. What matters is team CHEMISTRY and your 15 IQ 13y/o management doesn't know that.

Take a look at the other side, Vitality, whom every Indian fan on this website criticized are literally f**king these kids.
All these GE players are good but you just can't "mould" a duelist into a controller in 2 months and imo, even 2 years won't be enough.
Vitality is clean, didn't overhype shit, no cringe stuff going on, just showcasing their skills and getting more and more prep for EMEA league.

GE still won't learn from this, they will spam sad gifs everywhere on Twitter, "we'll come back stronger" "ge fighting" bro just shut the fuck up tbh im so mad i changed my flair and flag to support them but fuck off they don't deserve it.
Just understand what is the importance of team chemistry... NOOOOO WE buy 5 duelists apac top apac india numba won skrossi lightnightfast contract renewed GEFIGHTING
They need some basic education on how to act and behave. There's no shame in going home round 1, but atleast acknowledge, identify and fix your fu**ing mistakes bro.
Life is not a bed of roses that people will console you like you're a 2 year old who fell on their knees.

Grow up. Act responsibly. If you're given franchised slot for representing an entire fucking region, work fucking hard or just withdraw from the league.


y u malding lil bro
all good?

Zorontom [#5]

y u malding lil bro
all good?

im not malding read again. im not blaming the players im blaming their management


mate Mako was a jett main, you can definitely make a duelist player to a controller player lul


However hard you convince me now, I'm just never supporting GE again.
I was so happy for the Indian representation and stuff but its just not enough.
The crazy 13 y/o management just spams shit everywhere. Look at Global's Twitter, if you have seen more shit anywhere else tell me.
Then the fans, I can't say anything about them because they're heartbroken too, but what, next VCT comes and again overhyping the same shit team who hasn't achieved anything.
They're saying "Kick monyet" you know fucking what? He was the APAC MVP in 2022. What matters is team CHEMISTRY and your 15 IQ 13y/o management doesn't know that.

Take a look at the other side, Vitality, whom every Indian fan on this website criticized are literally f**king these kids.
All these GE players are good but you just can't "mould" a duelist into a controller in 2 months and imo, even 2 years won't be enough.
Vitality is clean, didn't overhype shit, no cringe stuff going on, just showcasing their skills and getting more and more prep for EMEA league.

GE still won't learn from this, they will spam sad gifs everywhere on Twitter, "we'll come back stronger" "ge fighting" bro just shut the fuck up tbh im so mad i changed my flair and flag to support them but fuck off they don't deserve it.
Just understand what is the importance of team chemistry... NOOOOO WE buy 5 duelists apac top apac india numba won skrossi lightnightfast contract renewed GEFIGHTING
They need some basic education on how to act and behave. There's no shame in going home round 1, but atleast acknowledge, identify and fix your fu**ing mistakes bro.
Life is not a bed of roses that people will console you like you're a 2 year old who fell on their knees.

Grow up. Act responsibly. If you're given franchised slot for representing an entire fucking region, work fucking hard or just withdraw from the league.

PRLV [#7]

mate Mako was a jett main, you can definitely make a duelist player to a controller player lul

u indians atleast decide what excuse to give please
https://www.vlr.gg/176808/rossis-problem ur fellow indian

PRLV [#7]

mate Mako was a jett main, you can definitely make a duelist player to a controller player lul

yeah if you have the drx coaching staff lmfao




man just cut skrossi and bring wronski in,ez


as always all sensible takes downvoted, that's why GE and its fans will never improve.
good luck for your run in pacific.


lowkey kinda agree man this shit was annoying, sure it will take a while to learn the roles but man I hope they get better

juho [#14]

lowkey kinda agree man this shit was annoying, sure it will take a while to learn the roles but man I hope they get better

that's what i'm saying they'll get better as all of the players are excellent. Their management and fans are ASS.


And what are you guys doing here? read your shit once again! It is same thing again and again, at least they are keeping a positive vibe !! you guys are hell negative


They're saying "Kick monyet"

no one's saying this

Take a look at the other side, Vitality, whom every Indian fan on this website criticized are literally f**king these kids.

no one said this, they almost played on 100T level during red bull tourney, they were always the favorites

you're fighting ghosts

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