Andrew Tate

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Ok then it's pointless arguing with you Kek.
If you actually watched his videos and stop judging him as a "misogynist" beforehand you would realise some of his takes are right.
I advise you to think critically and not to follow what the ignorant masses think.
And also back up your claims with a source KEKW.
Example: "Tate is misogynistic"


I could not care less about the masses, disliking him is my own conclusion from what I saw
You just asked me to stop judging him as a misogynist and look at his right takes
Name 1 good take from him I dare you. Just 1 good and original take which is not just some generic motivational-speaker bullshit like "leave your job, start business, demand respect, escape power hierarchy" that hundreds of life gurus haven't said hundreds of times before him

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