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dude about the first claim, ardis did play different agents but maaaan was he uncomfortable and he played them poorly so idk if that's really flexing u know

2nd is true kinda but i don't mind having a superstar to play around it's done like that in a lot of teams

3rd this part i even thought about, without mixwell's words i can already know that ardiss brings in a lot of good vibes to the team and he's unlike cNed very communicative, but do i think this necessary is an important factor ? no, i think they will be just fine


Well yeah ofc Ardiis is not the best flex in the world, pretty much played Jett, Chamber and Kayo, but the simple possibility of playing kayo and not chamber nor Jett on a map is very important, maybe having Zyppan Raze yk. Ardiis kayo was good enough

I do think the communicative factor is huge, hitting shots it's not always the most important thing. But again, only time will tell

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