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no way this shit game doesn't give people who win with an afk more rr, like I fuckin carried my ass to that fucking victory with a dc from the first fucking half and you give me +17 L game


Bro they give -ve rr if you loose with an afk thats some major bs


thats true afks are a big problem luckily never happened much to me


I almost never meet ppl who afk whole game. Sometimes they DC for 2-3 rounds but almost never for whole game


rewarding people for winning with an afk and/or punishing people less for losing with an afk would create 2 major issues

  1. people could use this to boost RR if they have a friend on an alt, if the game seems like you've already won the friend DCs to gain you more RR, if the game seems like you've already lost the friend DCs to make you lose less RR
  2. this encourages toxicity to randoms in an effort to try and get them to leave in an unwinnable game so that the rest of the team loses less RR, or even to leave in an unlosable game so that everyone gains more RR
tttangent [#5]

rewarding people for winning with an afk and/or punishing people less for losing with an afk would create 2 major issues

  1. people could use this to boost RR if they have a friend on an alt, if the game seems like you've already won the friend DCs to gain you more RR, if the game seems like you've already lost the friend DCs to make you lose less RR
  2. this encourages toxicity to randoms in an effort to try and get them to leave in an unwinnable game so that the rest of the team loses less RR, or even to leave in an unlosable game so that everyone gains more RR

I didn't read it but they need you at riot

tttangent [#5]

rewarding people for winning with an afk and/or punishing people less for losing with an afk would create 2 major issues

  1. people could use this to boost RR if they have a friend on an alt, if the game seems like you've already won the friend DCs to gain you more RR, if the game seems like you've already lost the friend DCs to make you lose less RR
  2. this encourages toxicity to randoms in an effort to try and get them to leave in an unwinnable game so that the rest of the team loses less RR, or even to leave in an unlosable game so that everyone gains more RR

yeh its pre easily fixable only if people dc for like 10+ rounds or some shit like that yk

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