Riot braindead?

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Its not abt pleasing Riot its abt knowing what ur job requires of you and the limits you have being in such a high position. You cant risk tainting the public image of a company whose biggest appeal is its social media presence and brand value. and what even was ur question?


Read your first reply where you quoted me...

Like I said in your other post, there is a difference between a gaming platform and an organizer. To ban people from working on your gaming platform because you took a photo with a controversial figure is ridiculous no matter how you try to spin it.

This is the debate between whether you can separate the artist from the art and you're thoughtlessly taking one side of the coin, in the likeness of Riot, without providing any justification for your reasoning. To summarize my argument concisely: just because you take a photo or associate with someone does not mean you associate with them wholly.

A gaming company should not determine your personal life without context. All we saw of Carlos was in a party with Tate and Carlos "doubling down" by saying people can't police his friends. This does not imply or mean Carlos accepts Tate's misogyny. It would be an entirely different story if Carlos was in anti-women's march or if he stated he stands by Tate's views on women. In the real world, it's not a mind boggling concept that you can befriend people you have disagreements with, but this might be difficult to grasp if you're constantly on Twitter or VLR.

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