damn G2's main roster is on a tear RN

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dude you’re a fucking idiot

I'm just dismayed that more talented players will be denied because riot is accepting too many spanish orgs you're the one coming out with aggression. Learn from this plz


Oh c’mon dude, none of us are dumb here, there is a big difference between posting your opinion like you just did and just spreading free hate. I’ve seen you put bullshit posts all day, and that one actually just got be tired of it. And no dude, making an exaggeration saying they all speak Spanish knowing they don’t so they are gonna get picked up it’s disrespectful, and no, is not the same than explaining your opinion. Stop trying to justify it like you tried to alluding to Mixwell when I exposed your fallacy. Same why I accept I shouldn’t have insiulyed you


well if you want to go back to the actual conversation, you really know avova doesn't know spanish? https://twitter.com/AvovAFPS/status/1560319751448150018?s=20&t=Wqi_SJdVZvxb7OTETcbaGA
obviously this isn't definitive proof but I'm not seeing anything from you.

I'm pretty tired of you policing and shutting down discussions on this site and acting like you know everything


Lmao dude that's a copy paste and yes I do know for a fact he doesn't speak Spanish, you can see it in Mixwell's vlogs if you want

I only act like a know the things I actually know, I just happen to be very informed about franchising cause I actually like it and am excited about it, sorry if that offends you


alright so nothing from you and a bunch of bullshit, you read twitter all day and think you know a lot that's fine. Just let people say what they want on this website without acting like a weirdo I'm not offended bro.


"Nothing from me" Wdym bro? What do you want me to do I just told you the source? What else do you want, a hug?

I don't even have a twitter account my friend, so stop assuming things. Already told you I did wrong insulting you but you keep trying to come up with a different excuse not to admit you were simply trying to spread hate


I'd like a link not hundreds of hours of vods to sift through.

Also wow you don't even have twitter? Even less informed than I thought. I'm not spreading hate bro I'm expressing an opinion, even if the language itself isn't what's giving these players an edge (it is for mixwell) avova is popular among spanish fans and meddo has connections to giants. I find the possibility of these factors playing a role into them getting into franchising rather than skill unfortunate. I really don't see which part of it is hate bro there is a limited amount of spots and I'd rather see other players there that's it. We can disagree it's okay!


Ah yes not having twitter makes me not know anything about franchising

Link? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snnP7kMJ2dQ&list=PLYg45iMNsrZo69bjVDXmvuQQSntByoWDc&index=6 Literally first vlog I found from masters Berlin should be more than enough

Fair enough, but players having connections to orgs that made franchising is not a bad thing. Yeah media and hoody have connections to Giants, so do Boo and molsi that's not a bad thing. So does Nivera with TL for example. A player working on his image it's good.


avova speaks english to the camera is enough for you I guess, not for me. I doubt he hasn't absorbed knowledge of spanish just by being on a team with koldamenta and mixwell but it may not be fluent.

So it's not a bad thing for the players individually, but it is bad for me who wants to see the best competitors and bad for players that weren't able to build their image well but are very talented because those are two very different skillsets. I personally don't like any model that limits competition I love the open qual format and I want to see franchising stay closer to rewarding skill over clout.

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