Why is my Skye way better than my Kayo?

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I swear whenever I play Skye I do so well but when I play Kayo I help the enemy team more than my own


In plat it's just about the awareness and tbh if you're aware the enemy's gonna push through which choke point at what time you're gonna get so much value will kayo-o flashes and molly. In general Kay-o is one of the most versatile agents. You can play him agro as well as passive sometimes too. Maybe you have more hours on skye over Kay-o that's why you're kayo doesn't work that well.

r0xi3 [#2]

In plat it's just about the awareness and tbh if you're aware the enemy's gonna push through which choke point at what time you're gonna get so much value will kayo-o flashes and molly. In general Kay-o is one of the most versatile agents. You can play him agro as well as passive sometimes too. Maybe you have more hours on skye over Kay-o that's why you're kayo doesn't work that well.

Yeah I'm Plat 2
I feel like my Skye flash is way better than my Kayo flash and I often miss the timing on my knife and molly

tennisfan [#3]

Yeah I'm Plat 2
I feel like my Skye flash is way better than my Kayo flash and I often miss the timing on my knife and molly

What were the odds I'm plat 2 as well lol.
Once you get hang of skye flashes you feel so good on skye cuz that's the only skills ceiling part of skye's kit. With kayo if you're coming from Cs the learning grasp is easier else you need to watch more vods and streams on how to play Kay-o effectively.

r0xi3 [#4]

What were the odds I'm plat 2 as well lol.
Once you get hang of skye flashes you feel so good on skye cuz that's the only skills ceiling part of skye's kit. With kayo if you're coming from Cs the learning grasp is easier else you need to watch more vods and streams on how to play Kay-o effectively.

I haven't played much CS that's probs why


tbf kayo flashes r harder to time compared to skye ones

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