Dear Valorant devs

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Dear Valorant devs,

I'm just your average Valorant player and pro scene enthusiast who enjoys the game you have created and appreciates your continuous effort into making the game more enjoyable for us.

You've done a great job so far into observing the evolution of the game, changing things up so they don't get stale and non-dynamic. You've done a great job with newly added content and testing the boundaries of tac FPS genre.

But I feel like you forgot about me - an average player queueing up to enjoy the game. I'm, of course, not speaking about myself specifically, I'm speaking for the community outcries to introduce a better system for player reporting and penalty issuing.

In the Episode 5 Act 1, I would queue up with two great people I've met online and even with slimmer odds of some random person being toxic or disrespectful towards his team, we managed to stumble upon these kind of players too often. They stopped playing due to multitude of reasons, and simply do not want to go thru those kind of experiences.

In this act, I was mostly solo-queueing. Without exaggerating, 70% of the games (this may even be a lowered number) ends up in me muting someone due to their wildly toxic or disrespectful behavior. Amount of people destroying their team's mental with screaming in comms, telling people to "unlive themselves" and using disrespectful, hateful, offensive and derogative language is too high.

Little tilts here and there are fine, as they can easily end with one person on the team being supportive. I'm strictly talking about behavior that is (supposedly) banable. I'd wish to see more effort being put into creating the new system to help out with this obvious problem or see some welcoming changes to an existing one.

On behalf of majority in the community, as your great work with game balancing and adding in-game content continues, please address this issue. People left and right keep getting unpunished for their inhumane behavior. I'd hate to see more great people leave the game and for the remaining few to be left with players undeserving of their place in the community.

Many of us are on our last few remaining "gg go next" before we leave the game due to this.

Just another Valorant enjoyer




Well written 👍


I am sorry to tell you this but there is no fps game that isn’t toxic to a certain point

As someone who spent countless hours on cs

Bro if you have a toxic teammate mute them and if you can’t handle toxicity don’t play Valorant

Even if it seems unfair there is not a solution to fix this problem without destroying the game



BBL_Wtcn [#4]

I am sorry to tell you this but there is no fps game that isn’t toxic to a certain point

As someone who spent countless hours on cs

Bro if you have a toxic teammate mute them and if you can’t handle toxicity don’t play Valorant

Even if it seems unfair there is not a solution to fix this problem without destroying the game

You're missing the point here.

Anyone who complained didn't need a reality check that goes along the lines of "it is what it is, you will have to move on", or like you stated:

"If you can't handle toxicity, don't play Valorant"

Everyone knows these kind of games are destined to exist in an online environment. It goes without saying.
Me and many others who complained about this are talking about Valorant developers putting zero effort into filtering out players showcasing this kind of behavior.

It is fine for minority of the games to be like I've stated. But for most of the people, this kind of behavior is on full display every day.


It may sound weird but in the last 2-3 weeks i only had one toxic teammate ( who got banned for cheating midgame ) but mostly pretty chill teammates or sadly teammates that don't talk at all ( Eu Gold 3 - plat )

And I played only soloQ in that timeframe


Toxicity in a online game?

That's new for me :o

Yeah bro let's blame the company who create the game :o so smart :o

-Supernova The King of Valorant

supernova [#8]

Toxicity in a online game?

That's new for me :o

Yeah bro let's blame the company who create the game :o so smart :o

-Supernova The King of Valorant

So we shouldn't blame the company who creates the game from having a reporting system that doesn't really punish anyone 99% of the time? Yeah.
Read this paragraph.

I'm strictly talking about behavior that is (supposedly) banable. I'd wish to see more effort being put into creating the new system to help out with this obvious problem or see some welcoming changes to an existing one. On behalf of majority in the community, as your great work with game balancing and adding in-game content continues, please address this issue. People left and right keep getting unpunished for their inhumane behavior.


Dear Valorant devs,

I'm just your average Valorant player and pro scene enthusiast who enjoys the game you have created and appreciates your continuous effort into making the game more enjoyable for us.

You've done a great job so far into observing the evolution of the game, changing things up so they don't get stale and non-dynamic. You've done a great job with newly added content and testing the boundaries of tac FPS genre.

But I feel like you forgot about me - an average player queueing up to enjoy the game. I'm, of course, not speaking about myself specifically, I'm speaking for the community outcries to introduce a better system for player reporting and penalty issuing.

In the Episode 5 Act 1, I would queue up with two great people I've met online and even with slimmer odds of some random person being toxic or disrespectful towards his team, we managed to stumble upon these kind of players too often. They stopped playing due to multitude of reasons, and simply do not want to go thru those kind of experiences.

In this act, I was mostly solo-queueing. Without exaggerating, 70% of the games (this may even be a lowered number) ends up in me muting someone due to their wildly toxic or disrespectful behavior. Amount of people destroying their team's mental with screaming in comms, telling people to "unlive themselves" and using disrespectful, hateful, offensive and derogative language is too high.

Little tilts here and there are fine, as they can easily end with one person on the team being supportive. I'm strictly talking about behavior that is (supposedly) banable. I'd wish to see more effort being put into creating the new system to help out with this obvious problem or see some welcoming changes to an existing one.

On behalf of majority in the community, as your great work with game balancing and adding in-game content continues, please address this issue. People left and right keep getting unpunished for their inhumane behavior. I'd hate to see more great people leave the game and for the remaining few to be left with players undeserving of their place in the community.

Many of us are on our last few remaining "gg go next" before we leave the game due to this.

Just another Valorant enjoyer
Dear Valorant devs,

I'm just your average Valorant player and pro scene enthusiast who enjoys the game you have created and appreciates your continuous effort into making the game more enjoyable for us.

You've done a great job so far into observing the evolution of the game, changing things up so they don't get stale and non-dynamic. You've done a great job with newly added content and testing the boundaries of tac FPS genre.

But I feel like you forgot about me - an average player queueing up to enjoy the game. I'm, of course, not speaking about myself specifically, I'm speaking for the community outcries to introduce a better system for player reporting and penalty issuing.

In the Episode 5 Act 1, I would queue up with two great people I've met online and even with slimmer odds of some random person being toxic or disrespectful towards his team, we managed to stumble upon these kind of players too often. They stopped playing due to multitude of reasons, and simply do not want to go thru those kind of experiences.

In this act, I was mostly solo-queueing. Without exaggerating, 70% of the games (this may even be a lowered number) ends up in me muting someone due to their wildly toxic or disrespectful behavior. Amount of people destroying their team's mental with screaming in comms, telling people to "unlive themselves" and using disrespectful, hateful, offensive and derogative language is too high.

Little tilts here and there are fine, as they can easily end with one person on the team being supportive. I'm strictly talking about behavior that is (supposedly) banable. I'd wish to see more effort being put into creating the new system to help out with this obvious problem or see some welcoming changes to an existing one.

On behalf of majority in the community, as your great work with game balancing and adding in-game content continues, please address this issue. People left and right keep getting unpunished for their inhumane behavior. I'd hate to see more great people leave the game and for the remaining few to be left with players undeserving of their place in the community.

Many of us are on our last few remaining "gg go next" before we leave the game due to this.

Just another Valorant enjoyer

geometrix [#9]

So we shouldn't blame the company who creates the game from having a reporting system that doesn't really punish anyone 99% of the time? Yeah.
Read this paragraph.

I'm strictly talking about behavior that is (supposedly) banable. I'd wish to see more effort being put into creating the new system to help out with this obvious problem or see some welcoming changes to an existing one. On behalf of majority in the community, as your great work with game balancing and adding in-game content continues, please address this issue. People left and right keep getting unpunished for their inhumane behavior.

The amount of players who will stop playing the game from being banned for toxicity is much higher than the amount of soyboys who will leave the game because of a stranger who was toxic to them

It would be a dumb move by Riot

Let the soyboys cry because of the toxicity, maybe someday it will help them and they will grow

-Supernova The King of Valorant

supernova [#11]

The amount of players who will stop playing the game from being banned for toxicity is much higher than the amount of soyboys who will leave the game because of a stranger who was toxic to them

It would be a dumb move by Riot

Let the soyboys cry because of the toxicity, maybe someday it will help them and they will grow

-Supernova The King of Valorant

Wow, I didn't realize you were this much of a piece of shit

BBL_Wtcn [#4]

I am sorry to tell you this but there is no fps game that isn’t toxic to a certain point

As someone who spent countless hours on cs

Bro if you have a toxic teammate mute them and if you can’t handle toxicity don’t play Valorant

Even if it seems unfair there is not a solution to fix this problem without destroying the game

there would be if turkish people would simply play on their istambul server, not abuse the ping advantage and learn proper english so if they get questioned they will not speak in turkish and mute the person who questioned their behavior or gamestyle.

geometrix [#12]

Wow, I didn't realize you were this much of a piece of shit

Cool bro

Just don't start crying now like the soyboy you are

-Supernova The King of Valorant

supernova [#14]

Cool bro

Just don't start crying now like the soyboy you are

-Supernova The King of Valorant

I may be a little miffed by this conversation but at least I don't need a self-appointed title to feel good about myself

geometrix [#15]

I may be a little miffed by this conversation but at least I don't need a self-appointed title to feel good about myself

You're new here so you don't know how I became the King of Valorant

I don't blame you

As a good King I wish you all good things and I hope you grow up to have a beautiful family in my Kingdom!

-Supernova The King of Valorant

supernova [#16]

You're new here so you don't know how I became the King of Valorant

I don't blame you

As a good King I wish you all good things and I hope you grow up to have a beautiful family in my Kingdom!

-Supernova The King of Valorant

Yep, no, totally my bad for continuing this pointless conversation with a vacuous, asinine internet user. I think we're done here.

geometrix [#17]

Yep, no, totally my bad for continuing this pointless conversation with a vacuous, asinine internet user. I think we're done here.

We ended this conversation long before, my friend xD

-Supernova The King of Valorant

supernova [#18]

We ended this conversation long before, my friend xD

-Supernova The King of Valorant

yet another example of your incessant egomaniacal behavior

geometrix [#19]

yet another example of your incessant egomaniacal behavior


-Supernova The King of Valorant

Dr4goNN [#13]

there would be if turkish people would simply play on their istambul server, not abuse the ping advantage and learn proper english so if they get questioned they will not speak in turkish and mute the person who questioned their behavior or gamestyle.

Ping abuse is the biggest excuse I have ever heard the difference is so small and don’t forget low ping also has the advantage in holding


W post + agree


condolences on ur loss
but I feel like toxicity isnt much of a problem for me if im actually doing shit (not gettin kills. but still supporting not baiting)

the only thing i have a problem in ranked with is when these mfs go afk in round 1
and somehow riot game doesnt allow us to remake in round 2
and the whole game is thrown

or if some dude just has good aim but no brain and pushes up A short to die to 5 odins campin on EVERY SINGLE ROUND on defense btw
and makes the game a 4v5

patuj [#10]

Dear Valorant devs,

I'm just your average Valorant player and pro scene enthusiast who enjoys the game you have created and appreciates your continuous effort into making the game more enjoyable for us.

You've done a great job so far into observing the evolution of the game, changing things up so they don't get stale and non-dynamic. You've done a great job with newly added content and testing the boundaries of tac FPS genre.

But I feel like you forgot about me - an average player queueing up to enjoy the game. I'm, of course, not speaking about myself specifically, I'm speaking for the community outcries to introduce a better system for player reporting and penalty issuing.

In the Episode 5 Act 1, I would queue up with two great people I've met online and even with slimmer odds of some random person being toxic or disrespectful towards his team, we managed to stumble upon these kind of players too often. They stopped playing due to multitude of reasons, and simply do not want to go thru those kind of experiences.

In this act, I was mostly solo-queueing. Without exaggerating, 70% of the games (this may even be a lowered number) ends up in me muting someone due to their wildly toxic or disrespectful behavior. Amount of people destroying their team's mental with screaming in comms, telling people to "unlive themselves" and using disrespectful, hateful, offensive and derogative language is too high.

Little tilts here and there are fine, as they can easily end with one person on the team being supportive. I'm strictly talking about behavior that is (supposedly) banable. I'd wish to see more effort being put into creating the new system to help out with this obvious problem or see some welcoming changes to an existing one.

On behalf of majority in the community, as your great work with game balancing and adding in-game content continues, please address this issue. People left and right keep getting unpunished for their inhumane behavior. I'd hate to see more great people leave the game and for the remaining few to be left with players undeserving of their place in the community.

Many of us are on our last few remaining "gg go next" before we leave the game due to this.

Just another Valorant enjoyer
Dear Valorant devs,

I'm just your average Valorant player and pro scene enthusiast who enjoys the game you have created and appreciates your continuous effort into making the game more enjoyable for us.

You've done a great job so far into observing the evolution of the game, changing things up so they don't get stale and non-dynamic. You've done a great job with newly added content and testing the boundaries of tac FPS genre.

But I feel like you forgot about me - an average player queueing up to enjoy the game. I'm, of course, not speaking about myself specifically, I'm speaking for the community outcries to introduce a better system for player reporting and penalty issuing.

In the Episode 5 Act 1, I would queue up with two great people I've met online and even with slimmer odds of some random person being toxic or disrespectful towards his team, we managed to stumble upon these kind of players too often. They stopped playing due to multitude of reasons, and simply do not want to go thru those kind of experiences.

In this act, I was mostly solo-queueing. Without exaggerating, 70% of the games (this may even be a lowered number) ends up in me muting someone due to their wildly toxic or disrespectful behavior. Amount of people destroying their team's mental with screaming in comms, telling people to "unlive themselves" and using disrespectful, hateful, offensive and derogative language is too high.

Little tilts here and there are fine, as they can easily end with one person on the team being supportive. I'm strictly talking about behavior that is (supposedly) banable. I'd wish to see more effort being put into creating the new system to help out with this obvious problem or see some welcoming changes to an existing one.

On behalf of majority in the community, as your great work with game balancing and adding in-game content continues, please address this issue. People left and right keep getting unpunished for their inhumane behavior. I'd hate to see more great people leave the game and for the remaining few to be left with players undeserving of their place in the community.

Many of us are on our last few remaining "gg go next" before we leave the game due to this.

Just another Valorant enjoyer

even tho u get a downvote
W of the day from what ive seen so far LMFAO

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