vlr, how would you rework phoenix?

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Just curious what people who constantly "study" pro games would come up with to rework phoenix.

My idea for example:

Blaze wall:
Duration: 8->12 sec
Removed self-healing
Dps: 30->10
Double length
Goes through walls
credits: 200->300

Travel time reduced by 25%
Duration: 1.1->1.5 sec

Hot hands:
Phoenix turns into a fire bird (Like a skye dog that can fly at the speed of skye's bird, 125hp) and can scout for information.
When Phoenix is destroyed in the fire bird form, it explodes and does 125 dmg to the enemies surrounding it(like a raze boombot)
When the duration(3 sec) of the bird ends or when phoenix reuses the ability again, the fire bird explodes outwards, dealing 50 damage to surrounding enemies and pushing them backwards. Then phoenix will be teleported to the bird's location and a fire smoke will spawn(similar to a Jett smoke) around phoenix, lasting 4 sec and dealing 20 dps to enemies inside the smoke. The Ult timer will pause while Phoenix is in the fire bird form.

Ult orb cost: 6->7
Can cancel ult by pressing x again. Does not insta-reload if ult is canceled.
Gain stim effect and 15% speed boost

Hot Hands change could be too op, but I'm just trying to give phoenix some actual entry ability, so feedback is welcome. I'm not certain if the new hot hands should be able to use as a Chamber tp or takes a long ass time to activate so that it isn't another op oper like Chamber/old Jett.


Phoenix is already a good agent with a good kit
I'd say a buff to his flash would be neat
But players want mobility. The mobility that Raze, Jett and Chamber currently provide is too strong to let go.
I don't think there's a fix for him. Unless they decide to give him a movement buff


I think your suggested blaze wall changes would be too much, It would be too close to a controller position, you could have a extra viper wall with smaller duration for quick site hits / retakes


The hot hands change is not needed, just increase it's range and duration maybe, and that's good enough imo


My Idea:

Hot Hands:
Remove the drop when it hits the sky barrier
Self Heal: 60->100 HP
Instead of enemies taking damage in the hot hands, their HP gets siphoned into yours while they are in the hot hands

Decrease travel time by 20%
Siphons 20 HP from each enemy flashed into you

Increase wall distance by 35%
Self Heal: 40->100 HP
Instead of enemies taking damage in the blaze, their HP gets siphoned into yours while they are in the blaze
Duration 8->10 seconds
cost 200->250 creds

Run It Back:
Ult orb cost 6->7
Can cancel ult y pressing X again
Respawns with full shield and full HP
20% speed boost while ulting and takes 10% less damage

lmk if its too OP or not


wall duration 8s -> 10s
healing from wall 50 -> 75

flash duration increase 1.1s -> 1.5s

healing from molly 50 -> 75

ult can be cancelled by pressing x again, still has to go through the full animation
half of shields lost during phoenix ult are restored (if you start with full shields and lose it, you respawn with 25; if you start with 40 shields and end with 20, you respawn with 30)


flash duration increase by 0.5s
hot hands can instant detonate by reusing
ult can cancel

WinterZ [#5]

My Idea:

Hot Hands:
Remove the drop when it hits the sky barrier
Self Heal: 60->100 HP
Instead of enemies taking damage in the hot hands, their HP gets siphoned into yours while they are in the hot hands

Decrease travel time by 20%
Siphons 20 HP from each enemy flashed into you

Increase wall distance by 35%
Self Heal: 40->100 HP
Instead of enemies taking damage in the blaze, their HP gets siphoned into yours while they are in the blaze
Duration 8->10 seconds
cost 200->250 creds

Run It Back:
Ult orb cost 6->7
Can cancel ult y pressing X again
Respawns with full shield and full HP
20% speed boost while ulting and takes 10% less damage

lmk if its too OP or not

then his skills would be useless if he is full HP


I think flashes should be a little faster,
1-sec extra for blaze,
Hot hands fall distance increase,
Run it back should let you cancel it in 2 ways (i) tap to cancel and go back to the starting point (ii) hold to cancel and start at the current location instead of starting position


I would buff his flash to be faster

M0K1 [#8]

then his skills would be useless if he is full HP

by sipohoned into yours I mean they lose HP while giving you HP

dexter000111 [#2]

Phoenix is already a good agent with a good kit
I'd say a buff to his flash would be neat
But players want mobility. The mobility that Raze, Jett and Chamber currently provide is too strong to let go.
I don't think there's a fix for him. Unless they decide to give him a movement buff

so good that nobody on vct plays it except for keznit on haven eventually


Make his flash faster
Make his wall like Neon wall where it activated instantly when you press C, instead of clicking two times

Give him two mollies, remove the throw range limit.
I don't know how his ult can be saved, it needs a complete rework

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