100T comps

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100T has shown good strats and teamwork so far, but I think their comps are not as innovative as that of teams like Optic, NRG, Faze, TSM.

Their comps are still similar to the Iceland Masters meta and not too new.

I think beating teams like Optic and C9 might need better comps.


agreed, but seangares said in a podcast last week that they have to balance between trying out new comps and polishing their fundamentals/maps, and synergy, especially since the team is still relatively new compared to the rest of the teams. so rn 100t is sacrificing exploring newer comps for the sake of polishing their synergy and other aspects of the game

MourninggStarr [#2]

agreed, but seangares said in a podcast last week that they have to balance between trying out new comps and polishing their fundamentals/maps, and synergy, especially since the team is still relatively new compared to the rest of the teams. so rn 100t is sacrificing exploring newer comps for the sake of polishing their synergy and other aspects of the game

Yes, makes sense. Good to hear that.


Agreed. Although I understand why, I feel like I just want more creative comps. I feel like with the likes of seangares and mikeshd, they could have really innovative and creative comps. I want to see them play into their strengths more. I'd love to see Asuna on raze more maps or potential neon, see Will on chamber on a few more maps, see what Derrek is like on fade/skye, and even how stellar performs on like a breach.

I think back to the haven game vs TSM recently, and although yes they got outplayed, and all that it also seemed like a bit of a comp diff.

I just want more creativity because rn they seem very bland.


We should not care about comps if they are winning


true, it might benefit them more if they use kayo more than skye especially since asuna is basically a god at both kayo and skye but rn kayo is the meta and going for skye just forces them to play with lesser info

sweetdreams11 [#5]

We should not care about comps if they are winning

I like the current 100T squad and I do think 100T can win against Optic with the current comps, but while watching the game against TSM, I felt that their site executes with Neon and Breach were very oppressive (the whole site was stunned basically). 100T might be missing out on some of that, but as MourninggStarr mentioned above, working on fundamentals and synergy does seem to be more important given how new the team is.


Nah I disagree
If it works and can work in the future then there's no need to fix what isn't broken
Look what happened to The Guard when they tried unnecessary comp changes


Hopefully, we get to see them flex more when they have time.

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