Country: Albania
Registered: September 23, 2022
Last post: November 22, 2022 at 12:51 PM
Posts: 253
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I hope your alt account isn't Faraday, the guy who was defending incest.

posted about a year ago

Remember that 1 in 400 men can suck their own dick, no need to aim when it's all connected.

posted about a year ago

Just say that you want to see Shahzam play naked.

posted about a year ago

No match fixing has been attempted in val as of now (at least that I know of), mostly due to the fact that there's no incentive.

  • Skins cannot be traded or sold and thus aren't necessarily rare (as its only sold in shops and no free market like steam) to increase value, thus the 'skin = money' incentive from csgo isn't in val.
  • Most top players are now young players with a few vets that decided to transition from csgo for a better chance at a longer career, thus no one wants possibly ruin that future with allegations of match fixing/ cheating.
  • They earn more money, even in T2 there's some good money from established organisations. Most pros end up streaming which increases their income and rep amongst the community, thus they don't need to fix matches for money.
  • Competition is fierce, there's no point wasting money on match fixing if ur gonna get stomped by actual good teams in high level tourneys.

-Only possible place to match fix would be in the lower half of tier 2/upper tier 3 level of val, as most players are unknown both in streaming and pro play. Thus winning some C/B tier tourneys by match fixing would get them some exposure to established organisations who might wanna pick up some up and coming talent.

That's what I think at least and I'm probably wrong because there very well could be some players that are match fixing/ organisations that are match fixing for more clout or money.

posted about a year ago

I bust one out daily but I simply ejaculate back into my mouth and ingest it, thereby never nutting as the nut never left my body, simply displaced from its original location.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

neT is getting paid to do that tho, and ur hating for free on vlr. Who's winning?

posted about a year ago

The person I am replying to in #4

posted about a year ago

Good bait 👍

posted about a year ago

A biological woman that's good at the game.

posted about a year ago

No, but anyone actually believing that people on vlr are genuinely doubting him is funny.

posted about a year ago

Cassive Mock

posted about a year ago

Steel, Shahzam, HellrangeR

posted about a year ago

The first statement can't be concluded as no one knows how well C9 yay will fare compared to Optic yay, the second one however can be argued for FNS as Optic made more finals than C9 and won masters.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

To quote Ego Jinpachi "A striker carries all responsibilities on his back. A striker is the one who keeps on attacking until the very second." In this case, the striker can be equivalent to a duelist and thus has to bait to stay alive and keep the attack going.

posted about a year ago

Don't reply to the Gen.G fans bro, they're always a bit special, especially sheahhhh

posted about a year ago

GE shaz, 10th man

posted about a year ago

Funny way to spell GOATzam

posted about a year ago

Sarah clears

posted about a year ago

Only smart person here is babysauke, everyone else is average.

posted about a year ago

The five dragon dildos I own make for a great team when they're used together properly, honestly should've been franchised.

Other than that, Bleed would've been great.

posted about a year ago

I'm from Uzbekistan and my favourite team is M3C

posted about a year ago

This is why u have no stars Ricky boy

posted about a year ago

We've got mountain's of content

posted about a year ago

Have a look around

posted about a year ago

Csgo production from blast and esl usually have a lot more effort in terms of segments in between actual matches being played. Actually more engaging than val's casters/analysts discussing what everyone saw already.

posted about a year ago

Accidental reply, ignore this

posted about a year ago

Not ur fault if they choose to be attention seekers.

posted about a year ago

Happy birthday hope u enjoy it with the people closest to u

posted about a year ago

Title + shit is just annoying attention seekers begging for stars. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

posted about a year ago

Hope u get tested for lung cancer soon bro. And just so u know, I'm not here for u, ur on ur own.

posted about a year ago

Would say that this is outta pocket, but this is more outta the courthouse.

posted about a year ago

Star anyone in this thread but the thread creator, just down vote him

posted about a year ago

Best org in reality has to be C9

posted about a year ago

Sounds like a skill issue tbh

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Smartest Furia fan

posted about a year ago

Some chapters can have character development for some character you just don't care about or just boring dialogue, I don't blame him for skipping to the action/actual interesting plot points.

posted about a year ago

Mb bro, mistook him for asuna, the tier 3 onliner from Russia

posted about a year ago

MOCKING MOCKING MOCKING, clears tier 2 players such as Tenz, yay, mwerza, cryo, Asuna and leaf.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Say u dont like girls ez

posted about a year ago
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