Country: Brazil
Registered: September 18, 2022
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 10:29 AM
Posts: 209
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NA culture

posted about a year ago

tuyz >>

posted about a year ago

ascension will be free slot for brazilians teams in franchise

posted about a year ago

Less, Suy


posted about a year ago

spin aspas

because aimbot cheater

posted about a year ago

im saw this in turkya

posted about a year ago

ah got it, if fnatic loses to LOUD, it won't be on the merits of LOUD but because of the fans

posted about a year ago

this is one reason why you are not a professional player and they are

posted about a year ago

just import brazilians

low cost and same or better result

posted about a year ago

they don't care about brazilian teams

and to be honest, if it was an NA team, I wouldn't mind either and I'd root for DRX

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

will be slaughtered by any team that comes from FURIA vs FNATIC

posted about a year ago

there is a picture of him as a child, and he used to play soccer when he was younger, he even won a trophy

posted about a year ago

sentinels deservers a igl tier S, like fns or sadhaak

maybe sacy!

posted about a year ago

o tier 2 do valorant brasileiro tá de doer os olhos, então se destacar não parece dificil

o problema e competir com times que scrimam com todos os melhores times do continente americano que o caso da the guards e afins... mt dificil

posted about a year ago

FURIA sucks

posted about a year ago

seu erro é achar que um time com heat e bzk como técnico vai dar bem

bzk tava praticamente so cuidando da molecada na Loud, quem cuidava da parte tecnica era sacy e sadhaak.

posted about a year ago

SEN pAncada

posted about a year ago

loud is so rich it lost the best controller in the world

my bro, loud and no other brazilian team cant compete with dollars or euros

if another team like sentinels wants to take it, they do

sadhaak commented that he received many absurd financial proposals, but decided to stay because he believes in the project

posted about a year ago

furia sucks

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

not today

posted about a year ago

pq vcs ligam pra isso?

posted about a year ago

Sacy on the Brazilian server was one of the players who most tried to play his ranked games the "right" way, so that's why he complained a lot about ranked BR compared to EU.

Now that he's in NA, he's almost freaking out with ranked NA, according to him, ranked NA only has crazy players

he also said that Brazilian players are more skilled, and the NA player screen is very ugly



is he just having bad luck? or is this fact?

posted about a year ago

why NA professional stream so much?

because they are in the united states, is the amount of money they receive per stream different from other places?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

que entusiasmo pra ele ficar mofando até o fim do contrato como 6 player.

posted about a year ago

why do you hate us so much?

this question you asked full of debauchery and contempt disgusts me

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


there are subtitles in english

posted about a year ago

autor do post, tem zero entendimento de valorant

colocar pollo, e nao colocar matheuzin ou ate mesmo teddy diz muito sobre ele

posted about a year ago


jesus christ, this guy's fans hype him more than he deserves

posted about a year ago


sarra no menor que tá de glock na cintura


rubs against the underage boy who has a glock on his waist

posted about a year ago

I believe I will be at the event since it will be in São Paulo

I won't spare my lungs to boo them

posted about a year ago

vai pro inferno mano

posted about a year ago

league of legends

summoners wars

posted about a year ago

what a bad day to live

nothing against SEN, but seeing our best team being separated is painful

Sit here Brazilian, today none of us will cry alone =(

posted about a year ago

the racist will stay out of the franchises

posted about a year ago

honestamente, quero que o sacy se foda

desda epoca que ele me baniu do chat dele por defender o aspas que ele nao xitava, eu tenho 0 paciencia pra ele, sempre quis pagar de deus da razao

agora, desejo sucesso ao pancada, saadhak, aspas e less merecedores de tudo

posted about a year ago


aqui acabou

posted about a year ago

boa mano

espero que faça uma grana com os contratos que ele assinar, acessor do keznit

posted about a year ago

to ligado mano

bom, ele vai ta no ascencion, so falta achar o time

relaxa que bolas pra lamber você vai ter ainda

posted about a year ago

brasileiro defendendo racista, com casos de discriminação antes mesmo do ep do dgzin


posted about a year ago

pode até ser

mas sobre o keznit ser racista, não, não fomos extremistas

posted about a year ago


ele ta mais que certo em ir pra SEN, faria a mesma coisa

so to trazendo esse fato, pra discutirmos sobre

posted about a year ago
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