Flag: India
Registered: August 3, 2021
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 6:56 AM
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They haven't achieved anything but im optimistic that with consistent opportunities and regular play with the best they can be much better

posted about a year ago

Uhm ok? I clearly wrote that this post was for those who had ge flairs before but removed it for some reasons

posted about a year ago

Rawfiul isnt even close to Rossi. Compare their strats lol, Rossi has had like 3 bad games in last 100. Rawfiul has had 20

posted about a year ago

This is for those who retired their GE flair because they were tired of getting hate from the other users to get it back. :D

posted about a year ago

Yep also unrelated but that giants roster was so good

posted about a year ago

Coming to spanish teams for them would be perfect. They already have spanish fanbases because of g2

posted about a year ago

Yep I really want them to get severine tbh

posted about a year ago

Yep ofc

posted about a year ago

From where? I havent heard of any other orgs trying to get indo players till now.

posted about a year ago

Lol maybe but ive seen weirder things in esports. The beef was mainly with fl1pzjder and noxxy anyway. Also with them moving to korea doubt itd be that big a deal

posted about a year ago

If they decide to go with 5 Indian players
1.Skrossi (Duelist/Oper)
Self explanatory, decent duelist also very clouted so will never be kicked.

  1. LightningFast (Flex)
    Very goooood flex, had great stats in APAC stage 2 too despite his team being dogshit.

  2. RvK(Initiator/Viper)
    Performed bit below his level in APAC but still has a lot of potential, also one of the few good initiators in India. Psy comes in mind but he's been stuck in t2 for a long time and is a huge variable.

  3. Amaterasu(IGL/Smoker)/Hellranger
    Better fragger than Hellranger but maybe a bit weaker IGL. They could maybe go with vibhor as IGL too but its a risk.

  4. Vibhor(Second Initiator/Sentinel)
    Good fragger. Also can help out with igling. Plays a variety of agents.

If they decide to go with 3 Indian players

  1. Skrossi

  2. Lightning Fast

  3. Vibhor

  4. Severine (IGL/smoker)
    Impressive IGL for a top apac team. Also decent fragger.

  5. Kush (Initiator/flex)
    Moster player. Impressed me the most out of all Alter Ego players.

If they decide to go with 2 Indian players

  1. Skrossi

  2. LightningFast

  3. Severine

  4. Kush

  5. Tehbotol
    Can be you breach player/smoker/maybe senti. Dropped 38 bombs against optic on the international stage

posted about a year ago

Kappa and Hellr wont be there. Rossi and LF deffo. Skillz is a variable

posted about a year ago

Why would sen not make it? GE also makes being the only capable org who can make it. CR is a surprise

posted about a year ago

Should have gotten over giants

posted about a year ago

One thing I don't like tho is Detonation over CR

posted about a year ago

Bbl, Heretics say Hi too

posted about a year ago


This is why they should be in franchising, they can make so much content around their teams.

posted about a year ago

This is the first time feeling bad for you. DWG should have made it over both T1 and Geng

posted about a year ago

Im crying so happy yayayayyayayayayayaya

posted about a year ago

Lets fucking goooooooooo. Time to get back my firrst ever flair

posted about a year ago

Maybe 7:30 IST

posted about a year ago

He hates Indians lol, he's baiting hate for Indians. Ignore him

posted about a year ago

Thats not what he's saying

posted about a year ago

Lec stuff wouldn't be announced so soon right? On the other hand vct is confirmed to be announced today

posted about a year ago

I don't think you've been on vlr very long. Not calling every indo out but your fellow countrymen seem to have some weird problems with Indians for no reason lol

posted about a year ago

none of them are from a region with highest viewership and no slots? they also don't have any infrastructure in kr. you have 0 clue about what youre talking about from the start, im just gonna stop responding

posted about a year ago

Then ftx is a shit deal for tsm evwn though it gave them 210M fucking dollars and was lauded as landmark deal in esports

posted about a year ago

Most Indonesians lol

Although come to think of it nahboo might be Indonesian too

posted about a year ago

I said they had teams in t1 esports, not that their teams were t1. Read again

posted about a year ago

And why is rooter a bad deal? They also have other sponsors but im curious whats your basis on calling them shit lmfao. They are putting a lot of money in India, how is their streaming service being shit make them bad sponsors?

posted about a year ago

Stfu. Why are you obsessed with Indians lol

posted about a year ago

Crypto is the pet project of their owner it has nothing to with their org lol. They don't have any crypto sponsers. They have brand deals what are you on about? You aren't Indian and it seems like all you know about them is reading stupid bits from vlr which are untrue. Also they're established in the esports that matter in India, how would they be established in esprts like lol or cs if it doesnt even have any scene here. They also have had teams in every t1 esports before when they were relevant here, had a korean roster for owl and fortnite iirc

posted about a year ago

Why? They're rich and already have infrastructure . Also have the support of Indians which have high viewership

posted about a year ago

The league is in kr ofc everyone will bootcamp there for the whole time lmao. Thats why its necessary to have infrastructure in kr

posted about a year ago

Its org who are getting franchised not teams. If you want to talk about deserving fpx and optic should be in

posted about a year ago

That's just incorrect lol. Ge will never move away from a majority South Asian roster. Skrossi and LF will 100 percent play the kickoff and the third player will be South Asian. Rushindra's philosophy with this roster is veryy clear.

posted about a year ago

Just remembered they already have infrastructure in KR, that should put them ahead in the race right?

posted about a year ago

Fuck you bro I got a heart attack :(

posted about a year ago

No there are not. Only one who should care about the financial stability is riot not the sea fans. They are killing a big region, also out 5 kr rosters probably all will have kr players with 1-2 players from other regions

posted about a year ago

Meddo isnt finding a place in a t1 team. Avova has a decent chance but I wouldn't count on it. Mixwell will probably go to heretics/koi/giants. Hoody and nukkye are good players who will be picked

posted about a year ago

The only W he will have in his life

posted about a year ago

Idk what kinda friends you hang out with but all my friends are fine dude

posted about a year ago

Shut the fuck up, youre not a GE fan and you write shit like this to bait hate towards Indians.

posted about a year ago

Velocity is not even a proper org wtf hahaha

posted about a year ago

My worst nightmare

posted about a year ago

The whole team is fluent in English

posted about a year ago
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