Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 30, 2022
Last post: May 29, 2024 at 1:50 AM
Posts: 1848
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diamond aim at best

posted about a year ago

s0m, tacolila, zekken, pancada, asuna, laz, boaster, chronicle, jakee… theres gotta be much more but i cant remember

posted about a year ago

Kru roster and murizz too high. make the F tier and put them there

posted about a year ago

go touch grass

posted about a year ago

saadhak crashies b??


posted about a year ago

who is beating loud in your opinion?

posted about a year ago

lmao she is milking rocks with EG roster while kaplan has literal champions on his team and yet they keep getting beat over and over again.

posted about a year ago

fr they be ruining this team with dephh and zekken. dont get me wrong zekken is good but not nearly as good as the other 3.

posted about a year ago

i think so too

im actually rooting for EG, i really like potter and they deserve some reward for their effort. they’ve been fighting like crazy these past few games

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

to see deph replaced and SEN still getting beat up by almost every team.

deph is definetly not on the level that the rest of the roster is, but the real problem with SEN is the staff. they just have this weird atmosphere where it looks like winning is not the main point, if it brings clout, its good enough.

posted about a year ago

something like bah gree dior i guess that this as close as it gets

posted about a year ago

fr, hope this dgzin fraud drops to 80 and whole mibr roster gets the lowest as possible.

posted about a year ago

ikr? he should create a podcast about vlr or something i'd listen him talking for hours

posted about a year ago

this is not bad luck bro, they straight up lost because they played like garbage. you can't expect to win when you lose 6 fucking ecos in the same match. that's literally their fault.

furia didnt get unlucky, C9 just played much better.

posted about a year ago

bro is actually gorgeous AND well spoken?

posted about a year ago

they barely outaim diamonds at this point

posted about a year ago

actual furia fix:


disband, never play again

posted about a year ago

concordo, é uma tortura assistir esse time da furia jogar. ainda mais pq os players prometem tanto e na hora de jogar é essa porra feia ai. os caras perderam o que 5/6 ecos na mesma partida? que derrota merecida

pelo menos da MIBR ngm espera nada, e agora já sei que não se deve esperar nada da furia tambem

posted about a year ago

que o último round é perdido num eco também, que jeito de coroar essa série ASQUEROSA, HORRÍVEL da furia. tenho pena de vcs torcedores desse time sem vergonha

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

it's definetly something else, C9 has their merit over this but tbh when the other team keeps losing eco after eco (not only against C9 btw) it's their fault. they deserve to lose this match.

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk é inacreditável, se eu não conhecesse o time acharia que eles receberam o pix pra jogar assim. aquele round na ascent que o mw errou spot A e eles entregaram tudo dentro do bomb em mais um eco, e agora essa partida tendo perdido 4 ecos seguidos eu nunca vou esquecer pqp que bagulho feio

posted about a year ago

os cara podiam ter feito um 10-2 ou até mais, mas não dominam o básico do básico do jogo. me surpreende que eles são proplayers com uma mentalidade e disciplina tão porca

posted about a year ago

os cara nem parece profissional mano, 0 disciplina 0 paciencia pra jogar

posted about a year ago

como um time perde 4 ecos seguidos? tomara que percam esse mapa, isso n existe.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

sem disciplina nenhuma, esqueceram que estão jogando um campeonato e que estão perdendo... pareceu jogada de time ranked platina que ninguém nem comunica e so rusha querendo papar kill

posted about a year ago

current EG would beat current NRG 2-0

posted about a year ago

they always look so lost and like they have no clue of what they're doing. they should stop picking this map ASAP

EG played this perfectly with the antistrats and consistency of discipline too

posted about a year ago

LMAO flag

posted about a year ago

s0m has been a great player since CS. i used to watch him play when he was younger and lil bro was already a menace, i am truly happy to see that he is finally valued as he should be.

posted about a year ago

khalil, jzz

posted about a year ago

no aspas, derke?

posted about a year ago

smurfing through this series what is this

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

dapr LMAO

posted about a year ago

they need to win 2-0 or else they lose. LOUD's ascent is too good.

posted about a year ago

is this in order?

posted about a year ago

its like arguing that Victor has the coolest name

posted about a year ago

thats how mibr fans feel all the time. it looks like their clock starts ticking at 0:30

posted about a year ago

merecem demais a derrota, os cara tao ganhando milhares pra jogar igual diamante

posted about a year ago

it goes both ways

he crumbles under pressure = team cant perform because he cant perform which isnt a healthy trait for a “goat duelist”.

posted about a year ago

he is mid due to the fact that he cant perform well when in situations of pressure. when his team is doing well, he stands out, but whenever things get hard he seems to vanish too.

posted about a year ago

weird how many tech pauses NRG gets throught a tournament. someone should do the comparison between them and the other teams. whats in their pc that causes so many troubles

posted about a year ago

tbh i dont doubt that his pc has some problem, but him missing his ults is just utterly garbage. he is bad as raze

posted about a year ago

shut up the best region of valorant is playing rn

posted about a year ago

i've seen people saying that plat is decent and high elo begins at diamond. what do you guys think?

posted about a year ago

fr, when i was diamond 1 i actually faced mwzera in a dm

posted about a year ago
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