Country: India
Registered: December 4, 2021
Last post: September 16, 2022 at 10:01 AM
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Babysasuke: retard

posted about a year ago

Yes they're gonna be the guard 2.0 in international lan do basically bomb out without a win

posted about a year ago

It's a fact dude ,fucking EG is topping the leader board in Na, Na is truly fucked.

posted about a year ago

Acend would shit on every team in NA.

posted about a year ago

NA, only their mass shootings are underrated.

posted about a year ago

Have a nice day man :)

posted about a year ago

Brazil is poor man's Portugal , when people say Portuguese people from developed countries think of Portugal.

posted about a year ago

See you guys in overwatch 2 forums when emea shits on Na in Copenhagen and Istanbul, I'm sorry to say guys but this is inevitable.

posted about a year ago

Eu got top 4 every tournament except Iceland 2022...the only tournament which made eu vulnerable due to restrictions.

posted about a year ago

do u mean xand is a nice guy teammate in ranked and there are other pro players that are tryhards in rank and flame you for small mistakes?

posted about a year ago

Ye daddy tenz even had the wrong mouse pad..fk this hatersss bro

posted about a year ago

If I'm weird then you are a braindead retard.

posted about a year ago

Only normies agree with you.

posted about a year ago

If u want clout stick with real sports.

posted about a year ago

No they deserve it.

posted about a year ago

Good riddance normie

posted about a year ago

I've said in a post, tenz must completely fall off that's when his fans will stop being so deluded

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Not even the best duelist in today's game let alone goat

posted about a year ago

i dont mind tenz but despise his fans if tenz career hit down bottom so be it ,atleast his brain dead fanbase will diminish and valorant chat will be glorious again.

posted about a year ago

in 2020 kekw..now they will probably go 0-5 in vct groups meanwhile look at fnatic.

posted about a year ago

its just kinda boring and the gunplay isnt satisfying.

posted about a year ago

eg wont get more than 5 rounds against eu top 8

posted about a year ago

we got a bigger retard than ballsax....

posted about a year ago

I'll plug in the mental health hotlines for sen fans after tonight's loss don't worry guys :)

posted about a year ago

I love LGTV too 😍

posted about a year ago

It gives me a peace of mind knowing that shitzham and Co won't even qualify for an international lan and on top of that the number of braindead retards who dick ride sen and tenz will be drastically less in twitch chat..what a wonderful world!

posted about a year ago

Shanks is the ugliest mf in the NA comp scene.

posted about a year ago

HUH Augggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

posted about a year ago

Are you gay ?

posted about a year ago

Honestly he should take the xqc route and become a full time streamer........there's no good t1 org in Na in need of a duelist rn because most of them already have duelists who are much more flexible and better than tenz..unless sentinels try to build a roster around tenz, it's completely over for sen.

posted about a year ago

Why are indian flairs malding when I'm talking shit about sea...lol ur only significant reputation in esports is because of a cheating incident pls focus on your region first KEKW

posted about a year ago

Shit region ...lmao imagine eu failures like pyth is now dunking on trash sea players..

posted about a year ago

1 lucky run and sea fucks think their team is good lol stick to mobile games and kiss china's and Korea's ass they are the only ones that are carrying Asia's pride in esports.

posted about a year ago

Fluke run for prx in masters they'll probably get dunked by bbl let alone an eu team.

posted about a year ago

Name checks out.

posted about a year ago

ye chet is washed ..how dare he lets shitinels get 5 rounds!!....what a fraud !!!

posted about a year ago

Same 1 fluke masters LULW...FPX didn't play so luckiest masters win just like Na's cs major KEKW

posted about a year ago

How do u guys cope with the fact that even tho u have the facilities and resources of a major region u still suck at most esports...it's kinda pathetic when u guys lose to Brazil out of all regions lmao..

posted about a year ago

That's the case of every country in the world ever..doesn't just apply to only NA

posted about a year ago

Despite having the best resources and org backup how does NA still flop at most esports they take part in?.

posted about a year ago

I instigated the kyedae body shamming controversy during during masters Berlin...it was my post in reddit which blew up and even got featured in a esports controversy video....genuinely just posted it to troll didn't know reddit fatfucks would it take it up a notch

posted about a year ago

yt chatters dont know much about the esports side of valorant, they r mostly casuals...most of em probably think these r NA teams

posted about a year ago

retards comparing m3c to sentinels LULW

posted about a year ago

navi vs g2 is going on in PGL...only dead region in cs like NA will have a higher viewership in valorant.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

best twitter impression region in the world...only good team is optic.

posted about a year ago

NA KEKW..FLUKE REGION KEKW...optic fluked iceland because no FPX and M3C ,it will never be a true victory morally only in paper xD

posted about a year ago

GachiPls tenz bottom frag

posted about a year ago

it has become so popular now normans unironically spam it...little do they know they r making fun of themselves

posted about a year ago
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