Country: Brazil
Registered: October 18, 2021
Last post: April 13, 2024 at 9:38 PM
Posts: 720
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For those who follow the Brazilian scene from the beginning, you all know that the Heat, after playing for DETONA, really grew in LIBERTY, and they were doing very well, even beating Gamelanders, which was the best team at the time.
Guess what? Heat decided to leave the team because he didn't want to do all the preparatory routine that happened at LIBERTY, with reaction tests and etc, he even made a video when he went to VIVO KEYD making fun of a reaction test that LIBERTY did of dropping something and trying to pick it up, similar to what they do in F1. This guy despite being good doesn't deserve to be in a league at this level given the fact that several other people are training hard to get there, and he is disdaining basic things.

I was already a big fan of him and Vivo Keyd at the time, but the mask gradually falls off

posted 10 months ago

Vsf os caras deixam pra fazer isso no último jogo

posted 10 months ago

💀 I thought it was a meme people talking bad about LOUD even reaching 3 of the last 4 international finals.

But let's go down that LOUD overrated path again, who laughs last laughs best

posted 10 months ago

He realized that the brim smoke was going to end and turned on the viper smoke

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

number of NA teams winning americas playoffs : 0

posted 10 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Não sei se o Sacy ia tankar o xand gritando ja call kkkk por isso não coloquei

posted 11 months ago

quem disse q não pode ser?

posted 11 months ago

Obviously after this poor MiBR performance they will probably change the roster for next season.

In the best of scenarios, Sentinels decided to have an all-American roster again and Sacy and Pancada would play with the Brazilians again, because these two in Sentinels are being a waste of potential.

So, this would be the team that could give a great potential to MiBR:

havoc (dueslit)
Sacy (Initiator) --- IGL
pANcada (Controller)
pancc (Sentinel)
pollo (Flex)

I can't think of a better team than this one with the available names


posted 11 months ago

The beginning of the old LOUD was very bad too, just seeing the old LOUD documentaries of Sacy and Saadhak cursing everyone in the halfs and ends of the map. The difference between the two was that this LOUD had to start in franchises where the level is huge, the other had time to fix the mistakes playing in Brazil where they were the best with a lot of difference.
Sacy said that when they arrived in Iceland last year, they were destroyed so badly by G2 in a scrim that he and Saadhak had to stay up all night studying tactics, with a week to go before the championship so they didn't fall in the first game.

As I said, LOUD can win 1 trillion tournaments that will always pull something to talk shit

posted 11 months ago

Saadhak said in one of LOUD's recent videos that he is aware of the team's mistakes and that they will work for the playoffs.
You guys can cry all you want, but LOUD didn't even do a spectacular tactic and they won these last series 100% in bullet striking and depending on Aspas/Less/Cauanzin's individual.

They are already qualified for the playoffs and they will not spend tactics against these teams that will give their lives because they are fighting to go to the playoffs.

In the last 3 games LOUD started losing the first map and everyone started talking shit and the ending was always the same, good night.

posted 11 months ago

incrivel como voce não acerta uma

posted 11 months ago


São Paulo Wednesday 2 pm : This crowd is so bad when there are no Brazilians playing 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Los Angeles Saturday 6 pm : .........................

posted 11 months ago

ce ta bravo mano?

posted 11 months ago

the grace of calling it bagre is the word that is strange, translating it just doesn't make sense, the same thing as translating a proper name

posted 11 months ago

First of all, obviously this was unfair


Our great MiBR captain deserved much more for not getting a single good strategy this SUPER WEEK.

But congrats to DaveeyS and KRU for the 0-5

posted 11 months ago

Fica spammando essa porra em todo post kkkkk

posted 11 months ago

Pô, mas tá claro oq foi dito na thread e oq foi dito na live do sutecas.
Essa "evolução" dita pelo Sacy não necessariamente gerou bons frutos no futuro do sutecas, como ele mesmo citou.

posted 11 months ago

não é nem de BR, de qualquer merda, esse site é triste

posted 11 months ago

Eu sei q tu ignorou minha outra resposta na outra thread, mas pra todos que querem ver:

Não foram 6 meses mas foi de fevereiro até junho


posted 11 months ago

Po cara, é que a gente nunca teve a LOUD enfrentando um monte de times melhores doq aqueles do BR em um espaço muito maior de tempo.

Tenho certeza que se ha um ano tivesse uma franquia como essa a gente ia ver tanto ou até mais as fraquezas da LOUD como estamos vendo

posted 11 months ago


não foram 6 meses, mas escondeu de fevereiro até junho

posted 11 months ago

caralho você acabou de descrever o meu estado no momento, para de me espionar

posted 11 months ago

Só em bala, mas quase nenhum IGL tier S acompanha todo jogo a mira do resto do time.

posted 11 months ago

yes, that's his name, isn't it?

posted 11 months ago

Don't treat this as ''hate'', but after a long time wondering who Sinatraa reminded me of in these lives of his, I finally remembered

Analyze these two images and tell me if I'm crazy, HE IS LITERALLY ATUMALACA



posted 11 months ago

Eu cheguei a pensar nisso, no final do próprio Champions o Less falou que só chegou lá depois de tomar muito esporro,
Mas alguma coisa fez ele mudar de opinião

posted 11 months ago

Sem querer puxar fofoca,, mas obviamente isso vai repercutir...


-Esse novo video da LOUD mostra toda atual visão do Less, de tudo q ele passou nesse último ano e o que ele evoluiu e aprendeu.

Fica meio claro, mesmo sem falar, de quem toda essa ''toxidade'' se trata, e talvez explique as cavadas um pouco mais do que só aquele round que rolou.

-Da pra ver que todos os momentos tensos que a gente via nos documentários da LOUD afetavam bem mais do que se imaginava. E alguém mesmo disse, não lembro quem, que não mostrou nem metade dos esporros que rolaram.

Não acho que o Sacy tenha feito por mal, mas talvez tenha extrapolado um pouco do sonho dele demais e jogado muitas coisas nas costas dos outros, e claramente alguns lidam melhor do que os outros, como o próprio Aspas que continua de boa com o Sacy. Não mostrou o backstage dos dois times juntos, talvez pq não teve tanta interação do quanto se espera.

Talvez isso explique o porque do ''distanciamento'' dos antigos companheiros.

EDIT: Sacy acabou de falar na live que ''nenhum time que é campeão são flores'' e riu do tweet da Tayhuhu no twitter

posted 11 months ago

marking presence before thousands messages from Brazilians just below

posted 11 months ago

:/ brazil so bad, im crying

posted 11 months ago

have a good night

posted 11 months ago


I said, this is going to be a lirbary now, good night

posted 11 months ago

he said that in these next few weeks he will start transmitting

posted 11 months ago

Country: Albania
Registered: October 9, 2022
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 8:55 PM
Posts: 11

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

With both, Aspas problem having to carry every game

posted 11 months ago

One thing must be admitted, there are some games that LOUD wins solely by dependence on Aspas, the guy is different.
They have to improve as soon as possible, no one is a fool in these franchises and everyone is seeing this

posted 11 months ago

yeah I remember the last 97x they said that DRX would destroy LOUD, I hope in the 98th it's true now, I'm looking forward

posted 11 months ago

change your flair before talking about a 13-3 on a split bro, or do you have a short memory? KEKW

posted 11 months ago

bait tittle

bruh you guys should start to avoid embarrassing yourselfs so much
against sentinels it was the same thing, they won 1 map and at the end of the game it became a library on VLR, be calmer, for your own angry little heart KEKW

posted 11 months ago

2023 and do people still insist on criticizing LOUD players? Haven't you already learned the lesson? These demons can't have a week of criticism that in the next already appear 30x better, but they still insist on it...

posted 11 months ago

Bro becoming a legend in china and securing a spot in chmapions... lol

posted 11 months ago

If SicK decides not to throw his career in the trash again with some random controversy it might be a good idea

posted 11 months ago
  1. I'm really a fan of TenZ's gameplay, and due to his past achievements, they ended up putting him on a pedestal in a game where many stand out, which ends up generating a certain amount of pressure.
  2. I really think he has a differential talent, but I think it's time for him to prove himself again, after getting out of this bad phase, he should join a Challengers team and try to regain his space, and he has the capacity for that.
  3. That's why it should be done gradually, not throwing the guy into a super team with people who played at the highest level and simply treating him as one of, if not the best, that's just stupid and screw with everyone, as happened before from Marvel enter.
posted 11 months ago
  1. Você é burro
  2. 1 ^
  3. O que realmente faltava é fiscal de torcida, seu esquisito
  4. Sacy 1 Champion
  5. Sacy adestrou Aspas e Less que você deve chupar a bola.
  6. Leia o 1 de novo
posted 11 months ago

bro, zekken literally begged on his knees not to leave him alone kkkkkkkkkk

posted 11 months ago
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