Country: United States
Registered: July 25, 2021
Last post: February 26, 2023 at 7:15 PM
Posts: 508
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when did i ever say the police are wrong or deny clear facts? all i was trying to say was that when you criticize him, make sure to do so with cold, hard, undeniable facts so that his supporters have little choice but to see the truth. when you say “he moved to romania cuz it’s easier to get away with rape” you are stretching things because tate has not said that (unless i haven’t seen it) and then because you’re stretching there, he acts like it’s all one big stretch and that nothing bad about him is true

posted about a year ago

let me rephrase my point, andrew tate is a horrible person and i’m sure has committed a myriad of crimes, but he also has an extemely dedicated fanbase (similar to trump) and this fanbase is willing to deny everything except cold, hard, undeniable truths (and sometimes they will those even tho) so my point was when you come at him with anything less than cold hard truths, all he has to do is say “no” and people believe him and you haven’t accomplished anything towards swaying public opinion against him, all you have done is feed into his narrative that people try to cancel him simply cuz they don’t like him, which only makes him look better.

posted about a year ago

bro i’m typing fast and not proof reading calm down.

posted about a year ago

NA is obviously the next preferred region but franchising in NA is also super tight so they won’t get it especially since it’s so far progressed, honestly they prob just get screwed

posted about a year ago

your an idiot and all the people who downvoted this missed the point entirely

posted about a year ago

part of the reason for his success is people like you- his criticizers. you are criticizing him on things you clearly don't know about fully or are choosing to misinterpret. I am NO FAN of andrew tate but when people falsely criticize anyone or dramatize things about people, it becomes easier for those people to deny/wiggle out of those allegations, because all they have to do is point out the small holes, like what you said about why he moved to romania, which is very stretched, so when he points out a falsity in that, it makes everything else fall apart, and then he looks right and that you are making things up. So when criticizing people like him, make sure you fully understand the facts and only focus on those.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that’s ok trembo, i’ll watch ur god in his native language

posted about a year ago

been watching navi val since their conception and they seem to have hit a spot where they can truly contend to be one of the best in europe, 7ssk on the chamber is a great improvement and cloud switching to raze and off initiator is huge, yaccine had bad map but navi makes a deep run in this tourney

posted about a year ago

personally i wouldn’t let nutab1e disrespect me like that but you do you

posted about a year ago

exactly, people act like you can take shit too far, but they should have thought about you taking it too far before they started it

posted about a year ago

I'm also curious to know your thoughts flukepx

posted about a year ago

this clip is so me when i converse with any female

posted about a year ago

personally i cannot fit in the boxes, can any1 fit in the boxes? (boxes boxes)

posted about a year ago

try ebay or a website similar for your region if ebay isn’t common place over there.

posted about a year ago

we might have the same sources

posted about a year ago

my sources tell me who tried out for multiple top teams but after saying “my team trolling no cyap” and sexually assaulting his teammates and opponents bodies that it didn’t work out

posted about a year ago

but my favorite potter fan, if all of VLR didn't notify you when SEN is streaming, how else would you get stream notifcations?

posted about a year ago

bro gets attacked for visiting his mother, truly cannot win

posted about a year ago

the CIA wouldn't get that out of me

posted about a year ago

on VLR toxicity and cultural racism always win!

posted about a year ago

i didnt say it wasnt viable, but when all ur doing is just dm'ing people who may have a leak, you're not doing "journalism" work, no investigation, no looking into leads, no actual collecting of information, just being a twitter mongrel all day long

posted about a year ago

who does riot have behind creating the formats for their tounaments becuz it sucks ass everytime without fail. the top two teams from last lan are about to eliminate each other in GROUPS stage like who thought having them in the same group was a good idea, and yes im fan of both optic and loud but i would still say this if it was two teams from other regions. Also in masters 3 berlin 2021, in playoffs 3/4 NA teams were on the top side of the bracket, and NV had to beat two NA teams to get to grandfinal, how is that an international lan when 2/3 of that sides matches were NA v NA. this shit is so ass

posted about a year ago

its hard to get news out early when his "journalism" is just spam dming pros to give him leaks, it's incredible the val community allowed him to grow so big

posted about a year ago

all i've have gathered is he cheated or something? and apparently he treated her like shit, idk about that tho, and then obviously he lost his pro job so

posted about a year ago

bro is trying to refresh his thread lmfao, no one commented the first time for a reason

posted about a year ago

why does RITO allow teams to blatantly abuse cringe comps and do nothing about it? rito dogshit company ruining the integrity of this esprot!

posted about a year ago

very ironic u have fnatic flair, cuz that's what everyone said prior to iceland 2021, and then of course he shit on the "megamind EU brains"

posted about a year ago

shahz won them the very first international lan, also masters 1 (the regional online championship) and tenz stated that when he joined and they were playing Masters 1 2021 a day later that it was shahz who got so caught up to speed and ready to go

posted about a year ago

dexerto retweeted and are probably working on article rn, any doubt left this isn't real?

posted about a year ago

shahz and him actually used to play on a team in cs and both consider each other good friends (shahz has said so on stream, and shroud has also said that as well as root for shahz in watchparties and invited shahz to watchparties many times) so the chemistry is definitely there

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

not u tho right?

posted about a year ago

well it seemed like u were doing the thing when people just make fun of "NA work ethic" but i understand now, and all i meant was hype and streaming are not exclusive, EMEA is going crazy with this fnatic hype rn and they hardly stream

posted about a year ago

bro what, like Navi doesnt have hype in cs, or faze, or just s1mple in general, u really just wanted to take a jab at NA when we had nothing to do with the convo

posted about a year ago

depends, some public schools offer it, most do not, in my county, only one highschool offers it, and if u are low income my county will pay for your expenses. the only money u pay is the extra stuff, like an field trips or cost of projects or stuff like that, lab fees, but ultimately ur public school gets extra money from the government for the amount of people taking those classes.

posted about a year ago

its just the names of advanced classes people take, like gifted/honors classes but harder, IB and AP giv college credit if u pass the final exam, hence why their exam scores are a big deal

posted about a year ago

they certainly make a livable wage, whether or not they get paid enough is one thing, but dont say they dont make livable wages considering many do not, and the teacher profession is not one of those

posted about a year ago

average UK L

posted about a year ago

pop punk W

posted about a year ago

stfu u mongoloid, and started saying shitter in this website a shit ton, don’t act like u didn’t copy my shit

posted about a year ago

babysasuke i’m honored to have my insult used by someone as smart and noble as u

posted about a year ago

this is like the third time u have made a thread where you have just thrown in the fact you have a girlfriend, for no reason, once would be find but i genuinely think you dont have a girlfriend at this point

posted about a year ago

why havent the mods banned u, no one likes u

posted about a year ago

get his ass ShaWky26

posted about a year ago

get his ass apac jimmy

posted about a year ago

NIP reverse swept VK in brazil and 2/3 maps they did it with were Icebox and Haven, if they can win icebox and take ascent (they lost that to VK) then haven would be third and they've shown they can do it

posted about a year ago

lmao getting diffed on stage, no suprise, LOUD is only team who can do anything and even then it's not enough, very sad to see

posted about a year ago

bro dont bring that guys name in this website please, i cant escape him and his stupid compilation channels everywhere else

posted about a year ago

my favorite valorant pro, we heckin love che guevarra

posted about a year ago
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