Flag: Kyrgyzstan
Registered: March 17, 2022
Last post: May 8, 2024 at 1:50 PM
Posts: 659
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guys, i don't understand...
furia x leviatan
very good game, both teams on fire, second map 20x18...
why the crowd empty? you guys only watch NA teams?

  • teste
posted about a year ago

Can you make the code open source?

posted about a year ago

wtf is this
this gun is too overpowered

posted about a year ago

that's the beauty of cheering for a team of any sports (or esports). you need to cheer for the team when they lose and when they win

posted about a year ago

the teams just have a better infraestructure and investment

posted about a year ago

i agree. help me get a korean wife.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

loud post this and tbh it should happen

posted about a year ago

whos the goat of vct americas

posted about a year ago

nice bro

posted about a year ago

Kind of
I'm making a story line, basically it starts with me telling how I got to meet programming and how I learned to use HTML and CSS when I was 8 years old, and JavaScript when I was 10.
After this section, I'll mention several other things about everything I've learned in the last 12 years and how I made this "hobby" my main focus this year.

in this context, the excerpt, what I mean is that the experience was shallow (the tip of the iceberg)

posted about a year ago

No bro, that's how i got into coding when i was 8yo. I'm just trying to explain how i first started coding and im trying to say exactly what u said by >> this was very very easy and dont require a lot of skill <<

posted about a year ago

damn why didnt i thought of that LOL
thanks u da 🐐

posted about a year ago

what word would you recommend?
The context is basically im telling how i got into coding. When i was younger i used to create club penguin blogs, but the connection of the experience with coding itself was very "amateur" << but i dont want to use this word

posted about a year ago

fuck i accidentaly posted in general discussion im sorry

posted about a year ago

native english speakers please help
i'm making my portfolio site as a software dev
so i need to describe myself a bit. i want to tell about a LITTLE (amateur) experience i had as a kid
the word "shallow" came to mind but do you guys really use it? or maybe use a different word? if u do, which one?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

he should be banned

posted about a year ago

People really voting MJ over PELE πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

Cristiano Ronaldo
Lebron James

posted about a year ago guess what happens here kiddo

posted about a year ago

its not a meme, i literally said what i think, u dumb?

posted about a year ago

hard these days

posted about a year ago

i'm from Congo.

posted about a year ago

i just realized.

loud was ready to lose to EG to hide strats.
but EG players started to scream after winning rounds on m2 to provoke LOUD.

Then LOUD used hidden strats from Pearl to beat them 13x0 and humiliate them

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i should've thought of that

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

some may say it's cringe to have ur user the same as ur name, but i bet most of yall wish u could have the user Matthew, Liam, Noah, etc

posted about a year ago

i dont even know what team ge is

posted about a year ago

congrats on the title "i won a few games vs sa"

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

there was so much to be explored on this post...
Buenos Aires (Brasil)
the fact that both cities i mentioned are more far from japan than LA
i also said santiago was a brazilian city

new users of vlr are soft and cant even fall on a good bait with a fake flag

posted about a year ago

isn't Rio the capital of Argentina?

posted about a year ago

aspas was better than yay on chamber meta and he wasnt even playing chamber lil bro
humble urself

posted about a year ago
where's the portuguese?

posted about a year ago

u cringe my g.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

source: trust me bro

posted about a year ago

dont offend me

posted about a year ago

would you marry me?

posted about a year ago

no its not

posted about a year ago
  1. wtf is lingua franca
  2. it would be the same from SA players to NA
  3. should've done it in Canada then
posted about a year ago

they could have done it in any brazilian city then
like Santiago

posted about a year ago

why? are we so special? XD

posted about a year ago

I don't understand why they did it on LOS ANGELES... Knowing that it's very far from Tokyo which is where the masters will happen.
Now all teams are set on LA and will have a stress long trip to Japan.

Why not make it in Buenos Aires (Brazil) or Ciudad del Mexico (Mexico) that are closer to Japan?

posted about a year ago

to errado?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

cala boca porra fake flag de merda

posted about a year ago
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