Flag: Israel
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 4:09 PM
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You proved my point the op says he didn't have to report the situation because the situation had no info and that time proper info

posted 5 hours ago

not trying to argue im just saying the case might not be closed but 'innocent until proven guilty'

posted 6 hours ago

Butterfly effect did take a stance and that's true
he admitted himself ' I was misinformed on the situation and a lot of fake stuff was givin to me' like dont say shit then

posted 6 hours ago

People are getting ahead of themselves maybe because peopl with 0 proof falsely accused a guy of r*pe? This could have ruined his career but people aint bothered about that

posted 6 hours ago

There were a lot of stuff that didnt make sense in her story

posted 6 hours ago

ah kk

posted 7 hours ago

Basically they mistranslated it. So he is proven innocent why do we need a proper response?

posted 7 hours ago

Um are you updated about the situation? The translation are wrong and they misimpreted it. Flashback is innocent

posted 7 hours ago

(not like its worth muhc)??? A player got slandered and got falsely accused of smth really bad and almost has his career ruined cuz of it

posted 7 hours ago

Fuck those people who falsely accused him without taking a moment to actually wait for any information

posted 7 hours ago

The point is that these people should be punished no? dont over involve yourself like tf they are trying to end someone career of fake allegations, Oh they were misinformed they didnt decide they take a moment to wait for facts before falsely hating and accusing someone of smth as bad as child r*pe

posted 7 hours ago

I was so shocked when people straight up started hating on flashback and called him potential rapist
Remember this one specific tweet that said ' I would rather believe a potential liar than a potential rapist like tf nothing has been proven yet

posted 7 hours ago


posted 1 day ago

my bad i misunderstood man sorry

posted 1 day ago

I was just going through the mrbeast situation and got reminded how awfull the treament was to the false allegations towards george and dream

posted 1 day ago

Look you might have your opinions on him, Personally i don't like him either but this man was just falsely accused of SA
The backlash he faced was nothing something small, and in the end she didnt even have any impact from it it was only him

posted 1 day ago

if he is proven guilty
Innocent untill proven guilty holy fuck

posted 1 day ago

I could give you a link of 1 video if your bothered about it

posted 1 day ago

Miss techno man

posted 1 day ago

I dont like him either but i pity him hes entire life got ruined cuz of a false allegation

posted 1 day ago

So the false allegations just ruined his yt career huh

posted 1 day ago

wait mf wait for the statements

posted 1 day ago

are you braindead wait the statement will come also the cover your talking about last year wasnt even close to this it was just a addiction to h*ntai that rb had he apolgized for it. Also love the way you dont answer my thing of quickly trusting the woman, we aint in 1990s

posted 1 day ago

Its not fucking proven holy shit your so quick to judge the guy, there is no evidence and imagine yourself in the shoes of the boy you did nothing wrong and your just starting to become succesfull and your career is ruined cuz of a false alligation

posted 1 day ago

Its real but if you listen to it he does say im joking at the end

posted 1 day ago

Person did the terrible thing. That's 100% my concern so many cases recently.

posted 2 days ago

I have but I do have collage and I have a 9-5 on weekends so I can't spend all my time.
But from what ik Kris was see. Supporting a l*li artist or smth like that and also texted some edgy jokes to some minors

posted 2 days ago

Yea that's cool and all but my statement came from that it's been 3 days and they haven't taken a stance yet and all
Mutahar video summs it up pretty well kris aintna good person this situation should get more attention
Kris should be kicked from mrbesst for his disgusting behaviour

posted 2 days ago

Link pls?

posted 2 days ago

What about the rest? And she says she condemm it but defo isn't as on the sitaution as the disrepect case

posted 2 days ago

Again i am not talking about mrbeast i am talking about kris
There are no serious allegations on jimmy hes a good person no ones cancelling him
im talking on kris and any update that beast put up about his friend

posted 2 days ago

Idc about mrbeast shit i was talking about did mrbeast address the kris situation ill edit the post people are getting confused

posted 2 days ago

W take
My point goes like i dont care what kris does i mean it dosent effect my life in any senses but no big creator expect charilie and mutahar talking about it is wild

posted 2 days ago

She hasn't posted a video nor addresed a tweet about the situation i would say this is as bad as disrespekt case, Kris supported shadman and texting a 13 year old
Yet for the disrespekt case pokimane, ludwig all dumped on disrepekt funny right

posted 2 days ago

Tbh i agree with you but its insane how hypocritical the community is i mean how could you justify asking for child *** it is that in some aspect and texting a 13 year old about your hntai addiction? and making extremely edgy jokes not for a 13 year old

posted 2 days ago

Your justifying killing someone? just cause i donated money dosen't mean i could kill a person and im not in the wrong
The way top creators are not talking about this shows how kris sexuality and mrbeasts influence plays out

posted 2 days ago

New info says he was interacting with a minor 13 year of age then and was allegedly making edgy jokes but i don't think they were appropriate to talk to minor about those things

posted 2 days ago

I see this one as a joke but 2024 is weird man

posted 2 days ago

I didn't get your point like kris was joking? Yea i see that perspective but i was talking about the entire situation of him having that creepy shadman children's **** thingy also
And i would argue big creators are not talking about this because of maybe kris sexuality and mrbeast influence

posted 2 days ago

I mean i was just wondering how ludwig pokimane no one has talked about it yet but in the disrepect situation they all dogged on him

posted 2 days ago

i mean we were hating on disrepekt for talking to a minor in 2017 this is around teh same timeline i dont wanna argue i jsut wanted to know any new statement as i got of that brain rot twitter.

posted 2 days ago

Did the dude respond on the situation yet? The kris situation

posted 2 days ago

Where is optic nor nrg bozo

posted 1 week ago

we shud talk on discord and play much more fun

posted 1 week ago

wheres optic in franchising??? rofl

posted 1 week ago

womp womp
optic fan talking??
you guys had the most outrages tech pauses ever no hate to optic but your clearly just stupid

posted 1 week ago

Too early to say anything
I mean he's defo world class
But Messi and Ronaldo are different bro I don't think we stwtting this comparison yet

posted 2 weeks ago
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