Flag: International
Registered: May 6, 2021
Last post: May 24, 2024 at 8:39 AM
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DRX LOUD and FNC about to chill

posted about a year ago

RRQ era is about to come
All NA and BR and LATAM and EMEA teams will start crying
APAC teams will have left the scene because of how strong RRQ will be
Give your hopes up, you can't win against RRQ


posted about a year ago

The B plant spray he did and how he shot the dart so close to their legs, such pathetic stuff

All good SUP won this map

posted about a year ago

Looking at cyderX he baits a lot and also his util usage is mid

posted about a year ago

I heard the guns and abilities and ults they use are very strong, enough to affect the entire map

posted about a year ago

That's 2 years ago bro, check recent stats if you're that much into it

posted about a year ago

Is d4v4i a good IGL? I've never really heard anything about him IGLing so just curious

posted about a year ago

Moved from main to academy and when the academy roster disbanded, he stopped pursuing pro which happened due to lack of passion since there was nothing keeping him in the game post the pro scene exit

posted about a year ago

C9 should've kept poiz on main roster and today he might have been a big thing

posted about a year ago

Aspas? not good with raze

posted about a year ago

GodDead probably takes secret's spot considering same roles, idk who sylvan takes over or maybe bench?

Eitherway W picks

posted about a year ago

Yeah domination prolly has his D in his mouth and tries to make it obvious that he's not supporting them

posted about a year ago

She said its because of zAAz moving to CS and also that after zAAz left she lost the passion for the game and decided she would move to CS with her

posted about a year ago

It isn't a new game, its just a new engine that fixes the base of the game, the game stays the same

posted about a year ago

Lets be honest many people like CSGO because its an old game and is followed by nostalgia, otherwise people would get bored of it real quick if it launched in this day and age

posted about a year ago

Because your "facts" are not facts but what you feel is the case

posted about a year ago

Its not "desperate" move, its called including a region that was given minor chances before. Desperate is when you want to make a failed thing work over and over, when they never tried Indian scene officially before wtf is desperate in that?

posted about a year ago


3x less viewership compared to what?
Japan, whole of SEA and India could very well amount to 50k+ views (I'm quoting this as very minimum and base viewership)

Addition of GE was not just for views but to break into Indian Valorant scene which has seen both organisation and rise in the last few years so don't just talk nonsense when you know jackshit

posted about a year ago

He's not face of VLR, he's a meme that went too far of VLR and now he's a well known clown

The real face of VLR is Trembo

posted about a year ago

Old game is for people who can't adapt to changes, the game has stayed the same way for years and people who aren't flexible play that game even now.

posted about a year ago

Waiting for noxxy's twitter update

posted about a year ago

I have 1k radianite points, no valorant points sadly

posted about a year ago

It feels so weird to say that yay is a free agent, the person who was the best player last year

posted about a year ago

Does anyone else like this song? It gives sunflower kinda vibe and sounds really good


posted about a year ago

Some people have hate boner for him while many are fans that are excited to see him on the bigger stages. It all started back in 2021 when everyone would spam his name to spread his name which became annoying to everything, rightfully, and is now a meme and people expect a lot out of him and when he doesn't deliver they hate him but even among all this some people support him.

posted about a year ago

The old doom where it took 3 frames to turn and everything was pixel

posted about a year ago

SEN took the L

posted about a year ago

Internationally they fell off

posted about a year ago

I don't hate VLT I hate the fact that they keep CS bots on the team instead of giving chance to new players, the game is still kinda in an infant state and they keep amaterasubot the paycheck stealer on the team instead of bringing a young talent and growing him.

posted about a year ago


These 4 teams are the teams I know can and WILL do good with time.

100T idk what happened to them but Cryo on raze is a NO NO and if they continue that then they can be left out of the good team list.
C9 is a mess
EG again has potential but a 10 man roster is just a clusterfk
MIBR don't know what to expect, will judge them after Americas League
KRU same as MIBR, wanna give them time
SEN their IGL is horrible, sure they lost to FNC but he just doesn't feel that good of a pick and his aim isn't the best either but I wanna see them improve as the league goes

posted about a year ago

No even close lmao, SEN and 100T are not even close to beating anyone other than Heretics. The only good Americas teams are LOUD, LEV, NRG and FUR to some extent.

posted about a year ago

For the first time in my life, I agree with Alliance Broadband

posted about a year ago

You forgot Domination/meyourshitmare who hate rossi for literally no reason even when this kolkata born Alliance Broadband using fk is Indian

posted about a year ago

Clayy is the biggest RRQ fan in the history of humanity, ain't no way he calls out his own team's player

posted about a year ago

Can't name a better duo than FDWC and hating

posted about a year ago

Friendly fire?

posted about a year ago

VLR this might also be a good time to cleanse the website

posted about a year ago

SEN won nothing after that tourney
The game was very new so it was simply aim duels than anything that valorant is today

If that isn't a fluke run idk what is

posted about a year ago

Ez4ARF, we're gonna see noxxy cry on twitter after this match

Also natzlorant is such an awful name

posted about a year ago

Still better than SEN and LIQUID

posted about a year ago

He also changed his name to his real self, babydonkey

posted about a year ago

He baited his team in 1st round, won that round by fluke and then got owned in the next one and lost the game 13-1

posted about a year ago

He did bottomfrag that game

posted about a year ago


He lost an eco round

posted about a year ago

Don't forget, Masters Reykjavik 2021 was the biggest fluke run

posted about a year ago

Kick dephh and sign yay as IGL ez fix for SEN

posted about a year ago

What are your real thoughts about mr geddes, mr seulgi, mr purest and other reporters?

posted about a year ago

Nah I ain't sucking you, I got better things to do than manage 2 accounts and hate india and its players and use alliance broadband

posted about a year ago

Imagine teams selling fakes on a site but wingman plants it on the other site

posted about a year ago
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