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Registered: May 6, 2021
Last post: July 1, 2024 at 11:50 PM
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Why was he even in the team and why was he released so soon?

posted 2 months ago

SEN fan 🤣🤣🫵🫵🤣🤣🫵🫵

posted 2 months ago

They got knocked out by 2 ROUNDS LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

posted 2 months ago

The point isn't about if they come here or not, its the fact that chet🐍 does not want to make changes or improve

posted 2 months ago

Atleast DRX made it to playoffs unlike ShitRG

posted 2 months ago

It all starts with

posted 2 months ago

I don't think he will read this even if he were to come here and have all the time in the world to accept his shit mistakes and improve on them

posted 2 months ago

Funny coming from botRG

posted 2 months ago

I love DRX but today was honestly a shit feeling day

posted 2 months ago

T1 making it to playoffs has to be the biggest blunder for APAC

posted 2 months ago

first is to remove buzz
second is to get a new IGL, stax isn't cutting it
third is to kick termi

posted 2 months ago

not that snake, anyone but chet and termi

posted 2 months ago

T1 won't win shit, they can't even win against DFM
1 fluke game against GENG and they're going to masters what a fucking joke

posted 2 months ago

Trash1 will now lose their matches in Shanghai and take the earliest flight back to Korea

posted 2 months ago

I hate how buzz shits the bed in matches that matter, even the way DRX plays now is ass
-stax is a must now
a better duelist and IGL can save DRX

posted 2 months ago


Idk about IGL but fuck stax at this point

posted 2 months ago

Its weird how shit GENG played against T1, they looked nothing like GENG we saw earlier
and we saw how god awful T1 plays, its a wasted slot

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Buzz whiffing there almost lost them that round JFC it hurts to watch

posted 2 months ago

fake flair my ass mf i've supported them since 2021 and they've always peed on my expectations when it matters

posted 2 months ago

At choking and throwing when it matters the most, mfs went 5 - 0 only to get knocked out by fucking geng frauds

posted 2 months ago

atleast skrossi would shoot for a few matches, fl0pzjder would shit the bed every map

posted 2 months ago

its an off map

posted 2 months ago

That creates more problems than it fixes

posted 2 months ago

if you care about DRX and the players, please quit coaching respectfully

posted 2 months ago

i like the chicken little cut he has

posted 2 months ago

For once I agree TLN should have been there instead of T1

posted 2 months ago

Fraud1 is very readable, its not cheating its called being prepared and adapting

posted 2 months ago

a bad one too

posted 2 months ago

Team Nepotism

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Because EG is a fraud org and they were lowering salaries of the players and basically locking them behind contracts

posted 2 months ago

DRX will roll over FraudG

posted 2 months ago

Also, their gameplay has moved from methodical to reactive and they never adapt like you said

posted 2 months ago

I'm more pissed at DRX lmfao, mfs always shit when it matters the most

posted 2 months ago

DRX and PRX are 4 - 4 against each other
Also I know DRX are chokers

posted 2 months ago

bro thinks he made a joke

posted 2 months ago

GENG and T1 both are flukes, TLN would have been much better than them

posted 2 months ago

T1 fluked their way against GENG and now they're being exposed

posted 2 months ago

GENG needs to slap themselves on their butt to have lost to this

posted 2 months ago

The biggest question is if he will play in split 2

posted 2 months ago

average SEN fan post

posted 2 months ago

y0y would be a good coach for calm aim

posted 2 months ago

Its fine as long as G2 gets 14 or more rounds against LOUD

posted 2 months ago

DFM 3 - 0 LEV + KRU
13 - 0
13 - 0
13 - 0

Maybe we give DFM one extra player y0y to make it fair

posted 2 months ago

s0n won't qualify and its good because we get freedom from delusional s0n fans and also s0n gets time to work on their game and make changes

posted 2 months ago

DRX will make it don't you worry
BLEED on the other hand...

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Mfs need an anti choke coach at this point

posted 2 months ago
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