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Registered: September 4, 2022
Last post: April 7, 2024 at 6:49 PM
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PRX different

posted 7 months ago

Idk if he would fall out of Top 10 with IGL’s somewhat lacking. Ange1, Redgar, Haodong are the only ones I can think off the top of my head.

posted 7 months ago

I mean people on the team are calling and they’re strats look better than most teams, and I’m sure 3/5 at least on this team could IGL on any other team.

posted 7 months ago

they are arguably the best team in the world they deserve a mention or maybe just put Alecks instead at that point

posted 7 months ago

is he calling again for DRX?

If so they looked MUCH better with him on IGL probably 7 or around that

posted 7 months ago

they all call

f0rsaken and dv4v1 main callers but everyone takes part

posted 7 months ago

not even top 10

(Ok fine)

posted 7 months ago
  1. Saadhak (series isn’t over but he’s been one of the greatest forever and LOUD picked momentum back up this tourney)

  2. Boostio (Amazing calling in back to back tournaments placing Top 3 at least at both now and a big part is his calling)

  3. Boaster (Still great but the calling and reads seemed off this tournament and in Tokyo they are so stacked sometimes his calling is overlooked)

  4. FNS (NRG looked bad this tournament and it wasnt just the mechanics off tournament for FNS I expect him to come back next year stronger)

  5. Ange1 (has the potential to be good if he fixes some comps looked much better this tournament but was in the hardest group)

Honorable mention All of PRX

posted 7 months ago

LOUD 3-2

I forget how bans work in lowers but if EG get both map bans then they could take the series. But LOUD look so good rn

posted 7 months ago

Raze and Phoenix meta incoming

Not gonna be surprised if we see more Neon as well Jett is gonna fall out of rotation at this rate

posted 8 months ago

We needed KJ slight nerf, Skye slight nerf, maybe Breach deserved one to. With some getting buffs (DEADLOCK, Cypher, Gekko etc.) But they just went all out Jett wasn’t even most played duelist this tournament and most maps cater towards Raze anyway. Astra didn’t need a buff and was viable as is, and with Breeze coming back we get this huge Viper nerf? Fuck Rito

posted 8 months ago

Yes their is I believe rank times or something don’t add up James has broke it down and listed the people it couldn’t be. But they are trialing a number of people so still a chance

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Wardell wasn’t a good player and had no flexibility

Both of these players have cemented themselves as some of the best in NA get real

posted 8 months ago

why would Valyn all of a sudden start trialing with teams as well?

And now Trent seen playing with him to? Im thinking the both of them may be moving on

posted 8 months ago

i feel like steel or brax shouldn’t be banned it happened over 10 years ago now and have played in CS tourneys since. Others happened more recently but cmon they served their punishment 10 year ban is long enough imo why forever ban what could be a generational prospect when people can get better and they let people who have commited SA play. Imagine what Brax could have been if he never got that ban

posted 8 months ago

If it happened YEARS ago and they are seemingly better and won’t do it again why ban them? Idk about Marved or Ban but really Steel or Brax? People that had spent over ten years banned at this point and if I’m not mistaken it was talked about being lifted in CSGO and Brax even played in a tourney with C9.

posted 8 months ago

friendly fire

posted 8 months ago

it’s sadly looking like HIGH possibility

Trent seen trialing with C9, Valyn been seen maybe trialing with NRG. I’m wondering if it’s internal issues or org issues

posted 8 months ago

Trent was seen trialing with C9 as well wow

posted 8 months ago

KR CHAMPS or even go back to Japan they deserve it

Only reason I don’t see it happening is viewership unfortunately but we will see

posted 8 months ago

the only katana they released is ass for far so better do good abt it

posted 8 months ago

ST Louis is up in the conversation and I believe Baltimore as well (Detroit, Baltimore and St Louis). + Who tf lives in Gary Indiana

posted 8 months ago

“I thought this shit would be good whatever I still got my Rolexes”

posted 8 months ago

Who gonna tell him

posted 8 months ago

kinda mid rn this shit makes no sense

even the players confused with the rules

posted 8 months ago

i haven’t seen anything saying Nitr0 was playing another custom so proof?

Flyuh, Sinatraa or Nitr0 are my best guesses. BUT IT IS NOT KAPLAN Drew had said they are trialing people.

posted 8 months ago

NAVI: chemistry with literally the whole team

posted 8 months ago

james_ff isn’t hated?

posted 8 months ago

George had some weird dms leaked and he’s just comes off as a douche

Noyn isn’t really hated I didn’t think just mainly BR if I’m not mistaken and a tad BR bias

posted 8 months ago

Imagine everyone uses content teams then SEN jus pulls up with the new roster running through everyone

posted 8 months ago

that’s called being better and making it through uppers

Don’t forget DRX took a map off LOUD and couldn’t even do that to EG. EDG also looked pretty good against LOUD which once again they didn’t really stand a chance. Keep coping biggest fucking whiner on this site

posted 8 months ago

any possibility it’s Sinatraa or Nitr0

posted 8 months ago

Wait he knows

posted 8 months ago

they’ve been spotted trialing Nismo + Trent as well

posted 8 months ago

most likely scenario is they stick together and play out the next season

Though Trent has been spotted playing with C9 I doubt it will happen and he would only be downgrading with them talking about replacing Leaf as well.

Tex would be the only one with the possibility and it isn’t even due to performance just due to the fact that if C9 replace Leaf he would be a insane pick up

posted 8 months ago

Alfa and Demon1 have looked nuts as far as aim goes

posted 8 months ago

brotha I never believed a word that was typed from you tf you on “troll post” when you sitting their tryna say you would prove it lmao

posted 8 months ago

these people take everything at hindsight dont bother

posted 8 months ago

they got cooked?

james_ff reported and unfortunately what he says has backing

posted 8 months ago

wrong s0m was playing

Ardiss out

posted 8 months ago

Could be a number of the T2 IGL’s honestly

Shaz (would he even go back after allat?)

posted 8 months ago

Leaf has been spotted scrimming with a team recently though no?

I heard C9 members + Trent and Nismo curious on what that is about maybe we could see Leaf go to TGRD

posted 8 months ago

PRX vs LOUD was one of the best games to date

posted 8 months ago

The more it costs the less people are gonna buy it

People are gonna want their moneys worth why spend 10+ dollars on a buddy? Even at 10 dollars they really wouldn’t make that much it’s the fact of getting what ur paying for, you can’t make a buddy cost a ridiculous amount when typically they cost less than 5 dollars. When you could just make a skin set with all the teams that qualify using the same format just changing the colors.

posted 8 months ago

Valorant won’t do any sort of packs/boxes

posted 8 months ago

I wouldn’t get these and more importantly unless they cost a dumb amount it would see little to no profit

posted 8 months ago
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