Country: Russia
Registered: November 23, 2021
Last post: October 2, 2023 at 10:27 PM
Posts: 553
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posted about a year ago

i think you're forgetting about the beauty that is canadian or indian

posted about a year ago

t1 pebu (please t1 im so close to radiant)

posted about a year ago

i love brazilian
it is my favourite language after american

posted about a year ago

i hate vlr

posted about a year ago

i am saying it won't let me go back to diamond

posted about a year ago

i am asc1, i bottom frag every game.
i cannot get out of this rank.

posted about a year ago

gang gang gang

posted about a year ago

bro put KennyS on a valorant team

posted about a year ago

"people with money don't go to jail"

  • andrew tate
posted about a year ago

No, orgs don't have to stick with their players, they can choose from whomever in their region.

I'm referring more to the language of communication

posted about a year ago

it's not even an eu bias, wtf are 3 spanish 2 french, and 2 turkish teams doing in a 10 spot emea league

posted about a year ago

CIS is one of if not the most talented region in valorant, and only one spot?
RITO troll script wtf

posted about a year ago

2real wtf

posted about a year ago

$1600 for a 4090 is not terrible though compared to past prices

posted about a year ago

cry is free

posted about a year ago

I always have hated him but he just eliminated G2 from franchising due to misogynistic ceo


posted about a year ago

no that's not the point of franchising

riot wants money and to kill esports

posted about a year ago

both times ange1 went -20 kekw

posted about a year ago

1.1 million

posted about a year ago

if ange1 monitor was on for drx game...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

fpx shouldn't have been here.

they lost.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you are welcome

posted about a year ago

what is a gf ?

posted about a year ago

fns wins games
ange1 rages and whines

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

it's mainly placebo effect, it's like changing your crosshair or sensitivity

when you change something up your brain works harder until it is used to it

posted about a year ago

Val is just a softer community in terms of pros ig.

We have cs pros sending death threats to eachother (cough.. cough. FalleN)

posted about a year ago


he should have gone back home and let sub play wtf

posted about a year ago

not a fluke, DRX very strong improvements! very impressive

posted about a year ago

when does SEN play ?

posted about a year ago

it's from last masters.
see #14, #15, #16 lol

posted about a year ago

I am having a great morning, how is your night going so far outside of vlr?

posted about a year ago

What region can't you do a bootcamp in right now that would benefit from starlink camps?

Technologically, a nice wired connection to the local AWS center where the riot servers are will ALWAYS be faster than a connection like starlink, even if there is extreme advancements.

posted about a year ago

brother do you have eyes in your head?

posted about a year ago

got too mad had to go to different thread eh?

nt man.

posted about a year ago

they all fistbumped.

posted about a year ago

they all fistbumped eachother. whether fpx said anything to xset is only known by the players and its their words against the others words

posted about a year ago

every single player on fpx and coach has a gg tweet to xset.

why would they make another one because they played 6 extra rounds in a bo3

posted about a year ago

if people think that is trashtalk they need to lookup a video of stewie or cadiaN yelling on LAN

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

deleting their tweets would be worse than leaving them as they are.

words stay out there, deleting a tweet isn't going to unexpress those emotions. that is how they felt at that time when they were under the impression xset caused this and they still won.

posted about a year ago

what happened in the replay?

posted about a year ago

who has said anything since last night in the arena?

posted about a year ago

They didn't know?

either way, xset could've refused to play the match. they still made a choice to play.

hate is undeserved towards anyone ever but in this case FPX did not know that XSET didn't call for the rematch, they only knew that they were still in the arena.

posted about a year ago
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