Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 19, 2023
Last post: March 5, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Posts: 718
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Seninels is dogshit they cant even destroy cypher wires

Zekken died like 133939 times caughtby cypher wires what a bot

Fnatic seems good tho

posted about a year ago

if those BOTS from sentinels took Fnatic to three maps chances would be greater they would have more to counter

posted about a year ago

vro thinks they'll be top 3 in EMEA league

posted about a year ago

says the guy fakeflagging

posted about a year ago

mibr woulda won t1 as well....

posted about a year ago

furia can win this

T1 and Sentinels have similar levels, I think t1 is slightly better, and Fnatic struggled more to beat them than Furia

But first match for both teams with new roster, who knows

posted about a year ago

the union >>>>>>>>>>>> Furia

furia just bigger org and bought their spot

posted about a year ago

olha esses carentes brainlets fãs da Furia

vencer equipe ruim até a Evil Geniuses conseguiu

posted about a year ago

derke will diff mwbotzera and botzin (dgzin) so hard

posted about a year ago

tudo isso para serem esmagados pela fnatic

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I agree
I want to see t1 losing after getting 7 free rounds

posted about a year ago

in a eco round from t1

posted about a year ago

bcuz the guard is levels worse than Furia

posted about a year ago

dgzin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> botssi

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

people said the same at LCQ (before they got stomped by KRU in finals)

posted about a year ago

Derke acs: 317
Tenz acs: 174


posted about a year ago

actually the results would be even worse

posted about a year ago

comparing those braindeads teams from 2021 with Loud and Optic is an insult

posted about a year ago

they have what a tier S team needs

aim... individual... good tacticals... and good reading

unlike NAVI they just have aim and individual

posted about a year ago

Pancada is indeed dumb af
NAVI is one of the most braindead teams in this event

posted about a year ago

Nah, I think current Fnatic is a bit stronger than Loud champions form

posted about a year ago

I don't think Loud champions form would be the "best" now

the teams seems stronger now... Thanks god they got cauanzin and tuyz who are times better than $acy and Poundcada

posted about a year ago

Derke acs: 317
Tenz acs: 174

what a diff

posted about a year ago

lol you're pathetic keep overhyping your shit ass players

Loud will farm them

posted about a year ago

you spread your asshole to shit EMEA players bro

posted about a year ago

filho, eu não tenho problema algum em ver o Less como melhor jogador, gosto dos dois igualmente
o problema é que o que esses gringos querem dizer é que o melhor jogador do mundo não é nenhum jogador da Loud

você nunca os verá dizendo que Less é o melhor jogador do mundo

eles não tão elogiando o Less, estão desmerecendo o Aspas


posted about a year ago

put cauanzin and 4 diamonds against those bots and gg
cauanzin rapes them

posted about a year ago

nice arguments
coudn't expect less from a braindead high on copium cos the best player itw is brazilian

posted about a year ago

Less is better than any EMEA or NA player
but not better than Aspas

posted about a year ago

the best player itw is brazilian

posted about a year ago

Less is a way better than any EMEA or NA player

posted about a year ago

the worst statiscally was pancada

aspas had the highest overall acs

posted about a year ago

india gdp per capita: 2.256
Brazil gdp per capita: 9.223

you wouldn't do any better with this level of poverty...

posted about a year ago

why? they were the worst players from Loud

now they have tuyz whose aim is as insane as aspas

cauanzin whose brain is as smart as saadhak

posted about a year ago

he thought he was good

posted about a year ago

compare aspas to Derke, Buzz, Yay players who did something in 2022
not to a bot like Tenz

posted about a year ago

I hope kon4n really helped them improve tactically

posted about a year ago

aspas and asuna have the same age

posted about a year ago

a tromba dessa "melyssa" é maior que a minha

posted about a year ago

even tuyz is better than this bot

posted about a year ago

i suggest riot in order to save us time and money, give leviatan the win right away, as it's clear and obvious they're going to win that match....

Fut is a good team tho, Turkish people are from shitmea but they're cool guys

posted about a year ago

almost loses a 7-0 match and dances


shitmea moment

posted about a year ago

your best team got 2-0ed twice by DRX in the same event

just stfu

1 is greater than 0

posted about a year ago

nice arguments

posted about a year ago

seems like americans brain has been melted down by the excess of fatty food they eat

they find it difficult to understand that "Americas League" is not meant to unite the two regions but to make them compete against each other for the master spots

posted about a year ago

furia doesnt have an igl
we can already expect a shitshow tomorrow, worse than MIBR

posted about a year ago



mwzera - 86% win rate (thats the insaniest thing ive seen in a while)
cNed - stats not availiable
TenZ - 73% win rate

mwzera - 66.3% winrate (MVP of 95% of the matches) proof here
cNed - 53.5% winrate (MVP of 13% of the matches)
TenZ - 60.4% winrate (MVP of 15% of the matches)

can you take your time to appreciate how insane mwzera is? without a doubt the most talented player to ever touch the game

I'll try to explain briefly why I think he is the best player in the world
Despite his insane aim and movement
The best way to know if a player is a good duelist is RAZE. There is a BIG difference between a good duelist and a jett abuser
If he is a good duelist, he needs to be good with raze.

heat? not good with raze
aspas? not good with raze
xand? not good with raze
tenz? not good with raze
cned? not good with raze
scream? not good with raze
d3ffo? not good with raze
derke? not good with raze

Thats why I think he is undoubtely the best player in the world. If RIOT by any means decides to nerf jett and shift the meta we prolly not gonna even hear names like cned and tenz again :>
He is not killing 40+ per map because when he joined VK he was forced to play a different role because heat is already a main jett... and lets be honest, every single duelist nowadays gets 20+ kills per map because team and setups are basically built around you (even steel managed to get 20 kills with it

posted about a year ago

-They don't have an IGL
-They're literally 5 duelists
-Mwzera is insane but he always chokes in important matches
-Dgzin is egocentric af, he had a fight against keznit, but keznit owned him
-Dgzin is prob the most overrated player in brazil, mwzera at least did some great clutches in champions 2021
-QCK humiliated boaster this day:
-I felt bad seeing NZR playing with those braindeads, thanks god NZR got a better team now

posted about a year ago
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