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Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: May 2, 2024 at 3:07 AM
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thats a good point but isnt there only like one spot for vct? if thats the case then open quals are better imo

posted about a year ago

every team in that bracket are really close to each other interms of strats and how good they are and since there isnt a team with a clear advantage like firepower or innovative strats, its a lot more hectic ANDDD also they are given a weeks worth of time to either improve on their playstyle or to counterstrat and most teams opt for counterstrating which leads to even more chaos (take a look at 100t vs xset, 100t hard read them almost every single round) and most of these teams are inconsistent thats why teams like ghost and nrg have high reputation (pros on twitter calling them the "next optic") but fail to deliver when it matters, just give them some more time and we will see who actually is the better team

posted about a year ago

thanks for the info

posted about a year ago

thanks for that mate but like isnt that bad for the scene? isnt it just better to do open and closed quals for vct like what they are doing for NA coz vrl just seems too much for a team to get into vct

posted about a year ago

how does vrl work? im confused and idk anything about it so id appreciate it if somebody fills me in on it

posted about a year ago

im an actual sentinel fan unlike the bandwagoners who hate on them when they lose and heckin love em when they win

posted about a year ago

sen management couldve just been late to address it or tenz sickness just got worse on match day (unfortunate timing) and tenz hasnt streamed in over a week so u can tell something was wrong already

posted about a year ago

people really be thinking covid affects everyone the same way

posted about a year ago

tenz barely streams anymore and even before him getting sick, he was significantly streaming less and idk what to say about shahz coz he is using his free time to stream he does not cut into his prac time to stream but u guys love to hate shahz so i cant say anything without getting bombarded by people saying shahz is unmotivated (the hate towards him way too much, people need to learn to chill) kanpeki said they prac'd for an unholy amount of time and was confident enough to atleast get a map from optic but unfortunately sick and tenz couldnt play which led to them being unable to give their best and also u can kinda tell that the hate is getting to shahz coz his streams dont feel that lively rn and he gets mad super fast nowadays (i can already see my comment being downvoted to hell)

posted about a year ago

man said asthma wont affect tenz lmfaooo these kids hating on tenz coz he is sick is legit braindead

posted about a year ago

so? are u actually braindead pr ate u acting like this, im genuinely concerned people w9uld go this far to "bait" others like jesus christ. everyone has a different immune system tenz might have really bad covid while rawkus had not that bad one (i would know coz i tested positive for covid ajd i could barely move while my bro also with covid didnt feel that bad) and secondly tenz has asthma issue that means breathing issues for your retarded brain, tenz has played several times when he was sick so why would he no play? tarik clarified on his stream that tenzs situation is really bad time and time again coz he knows how sick kyedae was and how weak tenz is compared to kyedae

posted about a year ago

spike rush is actually better than dm if u wanna warm up lmfaoo

posted about a year ago

everyone does weird shit especially when they are young, some get called out and some dont and if u get called out do what dasnerth did and take accountability for what u did and dont try to twist the entire situation. People really out here acting like they have never done anything weird in their life that they regret rn lmfaoo

posted about a year ago

bro sick just w keys every too why does nobody talk about that? atleast tenz does it on duelist, sick does it on smokes and if he dies its the round basically lost for sen. What sen need rn is someone or more than one people who can discipline tenz and sick, imagine if tenz plays passive when he has to and aggro when he has to and sick does the same but for that changes need to be made and trust me but tenz isnt even a part of sentinels' problem rn
Sinatraa judges tenz way too much lile whenever he makes a misplay he just shits on him but if sick does it he justifies it several times

posted about 2 years ago

they dont meet in lowers i checked

posted about 2 years ago

im 100% sure ur not more than 8 years old. I never in my life thought id find someone who doesnt understand how to use caps

posted about 2 years ago

you dont even have a brain brutha

posted about 2 years ago

theres braindead then theres Stream

posted about 2 years ago

capppp, tenz goes positive 8 out of 10 games actually, u literally said it the other way around LOL. Btw i think this is ballsax 2nd acc but then again even ballsax had better takes than this so idk

posted about 2 years ago

tenz isnt the problem, tenz needs teammates who can discipline him and put a leash on his aggro playstyle which sen are unable to do rn so thats one of the reasons sen are failing rn but i mostly think it comes down the team synergy just being bad or not how it used to be

posted about 2 years ago

this bait is worse than 0/8

posted about 2 years ago

thats just my opinion that shahz is slightly egoistical u can see him in a diff perspective but i see him as the good guy and i wont change my view on him and i knew u guys would bring that up thats why i said i wont be able to win that argument but yeah also zombs isnt even a part of the main roster and dapr is a nice guy, whatd dapr do? he tbagged? so he gets hate? dapr doesnt deserve the hate and fyi i was against ur opinion particularly about the "The reason for SEN hatred is mostly the players and their ego" coz the only one who to the community seems egoistical is shahz which imo is bs but whatever i can see where u guys are coming from but one player being egoistical doesnt mean the whole team needs to be shit on this much,

posted about 2 years ago

the so called "ego" only slightly exists within shahz and it only comes out when kids go "OmG SeN lOsS nO WaY" "dRoP sHaHz" but i get it ur supposed to be professional about it and move on but even when shahz ignores it people hate on him for ignoring their questions but if he doesnt ignore it people ask why he isnt ignoring it and also ur point is just wrong coz sick, tenz, dapr and kanpeki are really really nice dudes (shahz is nice too but i cant see myself winning that argument) and the hate towards them cannot be justified no matter what, u said "mostly the players" when only 1/5 players have "ego"

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

pakistan and india have similar culture not literally but kinda and he doesnt have a dad and like most south asians his mom doesnt work i think so he needs money to support his mom and people who are close to him

posted about 2 years ago

is this real? a shahz post without kids shitting on him thinking their hardstuck ass is better than a pro? no way

posted about 2 years ago

This situation with SEN rn is proving that most fans of em are bandwagons who got into in on the fun just coz they thought they were always gonna win and now when they lose most of them change their flairs and say they are bad and hate on them for literally no reason, let them play they will 100% make it to closed, akrew is a very good team and they definitely got better the last time they faced SEN hence the loss. Even TSM bandwagons were better than this lmfaooo
SEN will qualify for close unless an upset happens on the upper bracket

posted about 2 years ago

tenz plays what his team wants him to and someone of his mechanical caliber can get good at any agent if he puts his mind to it

posted about 2 years ago

that is sooooo out of context, shahz said that as a response to people hating on him for not trying hard enough. How do they know shahz wasnt trying hard enough? you cant always just try ur hardest and expect to win every game
Its really pathetic that people attack him on a personal level and when he seems even a bit frustrated then its somehow being called "ego" i see people calling out his family on his streams and u expect him to just ignore them all the time, theres gonna be a point where hes gonna lose his shit and im surprised shahz is still keeping his cool after alllll this hate, this guy got threats for playing jett on split. Absolutely pathetic.

posted about 2 years ago

this was more of a promotion to thinking man's valorant channel but since im a follower of sen i thought id post this, if u didnt like it ur more than welcome to not click any title that refers SEN as a whole :)

posted about 2 years ago

watch this and you shall understand how truly chaotic sen is and why they need a coach or just somebody to discipline them (dapr on chamber had more impact than on cypher when u compare this game and the game where shahz used jett)

posted about 2 years ago

they could be top 5 world if supamen goes back to his old fragging ways and both dicey and babybay stay consistent

posted about 2 years ago

wabyway and wicey just way too good

posted about 2 years ago

supamen was one of the best controllers back when he was in rise (fragging wise) is he lagging or playing with high ping or is it coz babybay and dicey just not giving him the chance to frag out a lot?

posted about 2 years ago

nah they still dominated NA but struggled internationally but it isnt tenzs fault. sen wouldnt have won iceland without tenz period (he was the mvp for a reason brutha)

posted about 2 years ago

you act like they bought tenz yesterday when infact he was bought out at his prime, he WAS the best player in the game at that time. Only master mvp and could bring in more viewers than all the valorant pros back then combined and also tenz isnt top 5 rn coz just look at how sen as a whole play theres no hope for then rn and it isnt tenzs fault, as of rn he is doing really well considering how bad his team is rn

posted about 2 years ago

"look for excuses" bro this guy has always had the "perfectionist" life shit and when something feels off to him he complains coz he isnt comfy with it thats all. he didnt say he was gonna mop the floor if he ad 5 ping all he said was his ping was high and that cost him his mental and dont come to with the argument that "oh but couldnt bdog also get tilted coz of 60 ping" everyone is different so tenz cares about everything being perfect ffs this guy can talk about mouses for hours and hours and will spend all the money he has to get the perfect mouse for him, thats just how he is instead of shitting on him for using "excuse" u guys go support ur own favorite player or smthng

posted about 2 years ago

thats on sen for not being able to provide sen with proper analysts and wdym by tenz util on raze being bad? yeah sure its not great but its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than the last time he was playing raze, he has improved a lot on raze and hes only going to get better from here and sen are at the bottom of the barrel rn and the only way to go is up now so im pretty confident especially with the matters with the lack of coaching staff being brought to light and im sure with many big name streamers calling out sen for bad management they are definitely gonna do smthng about it (if they still dont get anyone then just sen should quit val after selling their roster to someother org)

posted about 2 years ago

im guessing ur late to what happened, shahz explained that they had locked in 2 coaches but due to the buyout of tenz the orgs which owned those coaches asked for a shit ton of money (almost near a mil i think) and sen dont have that much money to dish out on a coach so yeah its just orgs not willing to give their coaches for a low or fair price

posted about 2 years ago

they dont deserve HALF of the hate they get especially the coach issue and tenz getting absolutely shit on when he underperforms for 1 or 2 games, shahz does literally the entire work of a coach, an analyst all the while being the shot caller for the team and the whole narrative that he streams 12 hours is bs coz he rarely streams more than 7 (average is 7-7.5 hrs) and he doesnt do it everyday. its not the players fault that other orgs increase the buyout of coaches

posted about 2 years ago

he streams barely 50 hrs a month i think and they prolly dont have prac at this time

posted about 2 years ago

if he did join sen would he do a better job of fragging than kanpeki? id like to say yes but we cant really be sure coz kanpeki isnt used to playing against tier 1

posted about 2 years ago

even if they did i doubt asuna would leave 100t seeing how close him and nade are and especially with them getting sgares as their new coach

posted about 2 years ago

pretty sure asuna wanted to play flex wayy back but they didnt any other good duelist in their team. flex works more for good riflers so id say thats really good but imagine if sen got asuna instead of kanpeki

posted about 2 years ago

they look hot when tenz is 1v5ing, jokes aside the old sen roster played a team game and didnt depend on tenz to be the "hero" of their team then it slowly spiraled into whether tenz has a good game and bad game but now even when tenz is 1v5ing and dropping crazy numbers they still somehow lose and the only other person who comes close to helping tenz is sick (on smokes) but its all g they will get better with a few more hours on each of their roles

posted about 2 years ago

botht the team and the management should be comfortable with who they get as a coach but doed thst really matter when orgs are asking them close to millions to lock in a coach that they wanted tp get JUST because they bought tenz?

posted about 2 years ago

nah thats not it. shahz said he checks if the coach gels well with the team and they can be comfortable around him which is a good thing and also he recently said on reddit that they did find 2 coaches but the orgs who owned those coaches asked for really high payouts because they recently bought tenz for millions and thats one of the main reasons they dont have a coach as of rn, its defo not on shahz

posted about 2 years ago

Wactical Wab, his layout might be a bit all over the place but he provides good daily content

posted about 2 years ago

i think the only time 100t ever beat sen was first strike finals and after that 100t lost all their finals and seeding matched to sen

posted about 2 years ago

sen is just becoming tenz and friends 2 but tenz isnt even on his prime, the execs are just tenz go in we will stay out of site and flash for u once in a while and sova dart sometimes as well and tenz is in site fighting ww53. timing for sen is awful it takes them so much time to cover for tenz afyer he enters especially in haven that most of the times tenz just gets traded after entrying, back in c9 tenz could carry harder but not anymore coz most people can aim now

posted about 2 years ago
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