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Registered: July 26, 2021
Last post: March 18, 2023 at 7:08 AM
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i thought they said l1nk was already igl since stage 1 challengers, i might be wrong though

posted about 2 years ago

overwatch will always be shit because of their franchised league system, it might be the worst for competitive integrity in all of esports

posted about 2 years ago

insane team they would qualify for masters 100%

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

G2 2-1 Guild

posted about 2 years ago

just blow up the roster

posted about 2 years ago

Right decision. Being on a team with Boaster would suck hard.

posted about 2 years ago

arent they like the first eu team to get an academy? the only other i know of is fire flux young

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

SuperMassive Blaze were 1 round away from beating Guild to be fair, but they're SuperMassive Chokers

and then after that they crumbled

posted about 2 years ago


Been doing it for longer than s1mple and League of Legends is more of a global game and esport than CS:GO

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

everybody got their own rules for it

posted about 2 years ago

yes, i forgot to mention that if there is a big skill gap then that defines tiers as well

like for emea LDN UTD and BIG even though they are in the top 10, i would not put them as tier 1 as there is a big skill gap between them and Guild/Acend/NaVi/Liquid/FNC/G2/M3C/FPX

posted about 2 years ago

+1 the guy is overrated as fuck

posted about 2 years ago

Boaster wont let Fearoth help with IGLing guaranteed. Boaster is too much of a control freak.

posted about 2 years ago

wonder who they will sign

its gonna be difficult to rebuild but they were pretty stagnant for more than a year and kept choking in qualifying matches, at some point youve got try a fresh start and new approach so i respect it

they also will be getting money from fearoth, lucker and hype so its not that bad

posted about 2 years ago

i copied comments in this thread

posted about 2 years ago

it turned out to be true lol

posted about 2 years ago

daps doesnt like valorant

posted about 2 years ago

Why are you so obsessed 😂😂😂

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Listen, I have been upset for all the things they are being criticized for, like not having a coach, ShahZam not being committed enough or not giving good calls but now that I had a little bit of time to cool down i think they are on the right track and would get better with few adjustments. I am going to list all the positives for clarity-

All the series they lost were really fkin close. Like the match against FaZe was lost by one round! It could have been gone differently if SEN just played off of each other differently or kept their composure in advantageous situations! They lost a 3v5 advantage, a 3v1 clutch on haven and a lot of rounds on ascent where TenZ got the first pick! Against LG they threw away a 9-3 lead and lost all the clutches in gun rounds! They were extremely sloppy in clutch situations and lacked team chemistry a bit which is understandable from a team which just had a roster change and had role shift for one of their most important players! With time and more server work together i feel like they can only get better.

Their Split is horrible and having to play that map made them look a lot worse than they actually are. At this point I expect them to ban split right away but if they don't they have some things to take away from their losses on split. Their comp on split isn't the most suitable for how they like to play. Dapr looked hella good on sage on fracture against LG. I think they should put dapr on sage and kanpeki on Chamber. That way they can have an OP presence like they initially wanted to with the Jett pick and kanpeki can also play an agent he is comfy with.

Contrary to what most people think, SicK and Kanpeki looks really good on their respective roles. Yes, SicK has been getting a flak for not fragging in abundance but he has been making smart use of TPs and the ultimate to make good plays. I remember at least 3 rounds on bind where he won them the round with his tp plays. He might not be as good of an anchor as zombs yet but he is already a lot better in finding impact by making confident plays. Also, Kanpeki is getting a lot of hate but he has played really well on KayO and skye. If you are to be a scoreboard Andy then look at the assists too! He is setting up his teammates as he should and on top of that he is really versatile.

ShahZam underperformed massively as an IGL and also as a player, which is uncharacteristic of him. I have never seen Shahz play this poorly and i expect him to do a lot better in the coming qualifier. I believe he is going to put a lot of server work to improve his skye/breach. He is the king of Anti-stratting and prepping once, idk what made him call so bad this tournament but I believe in him. With team chemistry building and with prep his IGLing would only get better from here.

Finally, I want to end with a caution as well. If i am not mistaken, the 2nd open is gonna be on the new patch and idk if fade is gonna be meta and if so, how she is gonna work in team comps. So, SEN has a massive job in finding the right combinations. Regardless of how this tournament has went for them, i think they have a lot of 'good' to take away, they got a lot of necessary practice from playing in the tournament which they don't get otherwise [pun intended]! Jokes aside, Even though they are under a lot of pressure they should keep building on what they already have. Naturally, everyone is asking questions but I don't think the answer is hard to find. This roster has shown promise all they need to do is work, work and work. #FullSEN

Its unpopular but it definitely isnt an opinion, its a fact. People are so blinded by their hatred towards SEN that literally anything SEN do will be criticised and used against them to create whatever narrative the haters want to. V1s situation right now is literally the same as Sen in fact it should be even better than sen considering they had plenty amount of time to practice with wardell (compared to how much time SEN had to practice with Kanpeki) and on top of that their team isnt the one switching roles, its wardell filling what they need him to. With sentinels its pretty much a complete overhaul, their team needs to revise their style of play on every single map because of the hole that zombs left in the team. Their defense is now lacking and sick needs to find a way to fill it in along with Dapr and potentially shahz.
Theyve been looking better and better every single game and they also dont have a coach so eveything is on shahz. The dude has been cutting down his streaming time by A LOT and im guessing hes making use of the time with prac and creating a strategy for his team. You could see how their comps were changing around clearly showing that they dont have much practice in scrims at all. It looks like theyve only been able to test out their set ups in the tourney and arguably had they had more time to either fix up split or at least practice a larger map pool like icebox or smth, they would definitely have a large chance at winning against LG.
Everyone is disagreeing and hating on sentinels but time and time again they fail to provide any evidence of Sen being bad or just in general not being as strong as they should be. They had super close series against Faze and LG and somehow people are still braindead enough to call them a tier 2 team which really just show the prejudice against sen

your mom has caught up to your ass. That is the most shit take ive ever heard. That mightve been the problem in Champs but definitely not the case with Stage 1 and right now. If they played like they did in Iceland I have no doubt they would be top 4 right now in NA cause they were really just a good team with great reads and great counterstrating, people keep underestimating the level sentinels were at but they were REALLY far ahead of the competition at the time. When you combine a team full of cracked players that were arguably the best players on their respective roles at the time with the profuse amounts of work shahz put in to create DOCUMENTS for every INDIVIDUAL team on how to counterstrat them, it gets you absolute domination over the esports in question. They definitely wouldnt be dominant playing like that now but they definitely would be a massive force to reckon with and if teams come unprepared they would definitely get wiped. I still think that Iceland was the peak of Sentinels with an argument to be made for SSOME maps in champions, but honestly just rewatch iceland and youll see that they actually knew what the fuck they were doing and tehy were dismantling teams from the inside out

posted about 2 years ago

TenZ is shit

posted about 2 years ago

idk, i thought Neeraj but the guy stopped commenting

weve still got kristof and trembolonaRage

posted about 2 years ago

nobody knows

a few pro players accused the guy of cheating but like in a joking way

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

🐀 RatZam 🐀

posted about 2 years ago

it was 7 million krone

posted about 2 years ago

i disagree, to assume females are gonna be less toxic is sexist

posted about 2 years ago

i thought they were gonna be better with sean and mike as coaches ngl

posted about 2 years ago

thats what it sounded like

posted about 2 years ago

they should feel comfortable but its not like they NEED to be playing the game, i find this obsession to getting them to play the game really fucking weird

i always thought the better solution is just to tackle toxicity

posted about 2 years ago

i will miss the guy

posted about 2 years ago

"I am not going to content creation, I wanna compete just want a break right now"

posted about 2 years ago

Great, was a toxic player anyway

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

they deserve better than Asstralis 😭

posted about 2 years ago

You say it as if keeping the roster isn't risky, like they aren't guaranteed to stay top 12 EMEA, especially with hungry orgs like Vitality, OG, Mouz ect wanting to get into Challengers. Sell it while it's high value.

posted about 2 years ago

top 8

posted about 2 years ago

My thought exactly other than the last part, still cant understand why Queso sold their rocket league team. What's crazy to me is a well established tier 2 org like Queso will get their roster bought out but nobody will buy out LDN UTD whose org is literally a no-name.

posted about 2 years ago

think it happens when someone replies but then the message gets deleted by a moderator

posted about 2 years ago

its all arbitrary

there is no definition but generally people put tier 1 as top 10 teams / the teams in the highest league / teams that make challengers playoffs and teams that actually got a real chance at winning

tier 2 generally is salaried teams (can be an f/a team if they are great) and they are outside of the top 10 / highest league

tier 3 is generally semi-pro unsalaried players or free agent teams

it can also be separated into world wide tiers and regional tiers also, tier 1 world is different to tier 1 brazil for example

a gatekeeper team is one that is very consistent at beating tier 2 teams but also very consistently loses to tier 1 teams

posted about 2 years ago

Team Spirit

posted about 2 years ago

tenz, you know, top 3 overrated player in the game along with Boaster and Hiko

posted about 2 years ago

i just wanna see them be eliminated because of that delusional guy that thinks tenz is still the best player

posted about 2 years ago

you are truly fucking delusional

posted about 2 years ago

All of the above.

posted about 2 years ago
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