Flag: Uzbekistan
Registered: October 5, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2023 at 12:25 PM
Posts: 1033
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messi has at least 3 fake Golden Balls: Snejder, Iniesta and Lewandowski
Ronaldo has 1 fake GB: Ribery
messi is the fake fraud w 3 GB, Ronaldo with 4
also Ronaldo has 5 CL, messi 4
Ronaldo has more goals in CL than messi
messi is dwarf, Ronaldo is the GOAT

posted about a year ago

nah, doxing valorant pros for info is obligated and respected by

posted about a year ago

nah im staying, keep historic moments of Valorant

posted about a year ago was on sgares streams long time ago, was lurking here for 2 years, met moatz and decided to register

posted about a year ago

welcome back
and nice stalking, reported

posted about a year ago

you are in a nutshel, almost 50% cs:go pros use it

posted about a year ago

90% of noobs throw it at the very beggining, you need time and some effort to find the solution, then it becomes like a little aimbot. trust

posted about a year ago

have you tried raw accel? i tested this for couple of weeks and finally did what I seeked
telling you it is a non-restricted aimbot, will help you to upgrade

posted about a year ago

t0nz agent pool is jett, reyna and kayo? LMFAOOO

posted about a year ago

Breeze >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icebox
anytime, anyday

posted about a year ago

Asuna is a high sens player thus his mechanics are insane
because the higher sens you can control the better aim skill you have
while low sens players are more consistent and stable but they couldn't control higher sens on pro level

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nah i refuse to watch cs:go

posted about a year ago

4 month without tier1 tournaments

next kick-off is on Feb 14 LMFAOOOO rito

im getting bored and wanna watch VCT

posted about a year ago

breeze >>>>>>>>>>>>> icebox

posted about a year ago

i liked breeze a lot coz in ranked you just need right comp w viper sova skye, then clicking heads which im capable
i don't like bind and split
bind is made without middle, so no defaults etc
split was just a little dogshit ct sided map whole time
but i guess my winrate on all these maps is positive cz ct is easiest in ranked

ice box is the true garbage that needs rework asap
now we have split and rework needed too

posted about a year ago

icebox needs balance fix
no bind, no breeze all good
i was huge split hater but after the riot games article i wanna see how map will play w new agents and meta shift

posted about a year ago

i don't understand this: how tf you have VAR and still we have so many referee mistakes which affect on final score? footbal is totally corrupted shit thats why i threw to watch it. Real M 3 leauge titles w Zidane were fake, messi has minimum 3 fake balloon d'oors (iniesta, snejder, leva), ronaldo 1 (ribery) etc, the referee mistakes on Saudi - Arg game was insane too.

posted about a year ago

plus 1
based take

posted about a year ago

this season ascension will be more entertaining in NA and EU for sure
i think in near 3 years tier2 scene will be a banger, then orgs will understand things and will buy tier2 teams each season

posted about a year ago

do you like ScreaM?

posted about a year ago

would ve been the same?

posted about a year ago

Budget is like bit over 1000€

you sure you are american not europoor?

posted about a year ago

maroccans invaded Brussels???

posted about a year ago

vlr must be #1 site
mods must give more freedom of speech to make this site more popular like hltv

posted about a year ago

chill out its online tourney with 50K prize pool
cNed must prove his level on LAN in Brazil

posted about a year ago

i would recommend her to go to gym

posted about a year ago

false as well, according to the rules, you doesn't need to relocate to LA for living
TL and Fnatic players will not live in Berlin for example

posted about a year ago

the only offer he could have is from EG, but irrelevant team and org anyways
no other options for the best controler in NA which is a bad thing of franchising
nrg wanted to play w s0m coz of his stream popularity + controler role is easiest to adjust

posted about a year ago

tier 5 talking

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Valorant franchising meant to be a concentration of talents but in reality we have EG, FUT, BBL, EG, RRQ and other irrelevant orgs who doesn't care
only Sentinels, TL, Navi and C9 understands the benefits superteams can bring - in 2023 rito will make in game skins for orgs, so you can buy Navi vandal/phantom or c9 Yay sheriff etc. these W orgs will have shitton of money, more than any other orgs in other esports, irrelevant orgs are stupid to understand these things and already late by one year

posted about a year ago

many tier2 teams will be better than tier1 in this season in all leauges, trust

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

marved got rect by franchising cons, NRG couldn't have enough money for buyout all 4 players + also they have s0m who constantly has 10k viewers on stream putting him on smokes role. EG is irrelevant org they couldn't even buy Supamen from faze. No other options for him.
and yes, marved and other big talents will play in NA ascension and NA regional leauge will be much more intertaining than this shitshow on tier1 scene with jawgermo, c0m, boostio, Ethan and other mid/washed up pros who just got pure luck and connections to join franchised orgs. Next year real talents will join major leauges and washed up pros will create content like shaz.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i barely played on 60 ping and diffed everyone on my elo
then internet got fucked up and i returned to 100-120 ping...
i can't counter strafe, teleporting, bullets don't register, can't hold angles, significant disadvantage on close range
people don't understand what they are talking about

posted about a year ago

engh should coach solid tier1 team

posted about a year ago

it is an advantage only in peeking
other 500 scenarios have huge disadvantages obv

posted about a year ago

explain this

posted about a year ago

franchising issue
time showed us BBL, FUT, EG, RRQ don't give a shit about winning
best talents are in tier2
on tier 1 scene there are lucky guys who were in the roster (c0m) or well known undeserved paycheck stealers like Ethan
ffs marved is not franchased coz of buyout
now tier2 randoms kick Navi's ass - well deserved
maybe they are new Gambits but unlucky

posted about a year ago

pc cafe

pick one

posted about a year ago

man all good
try kovaaks to make your mouse control feel better and start playing the game

posted about a year ago

im from Uzbekistan

posted about a year ago

how are they washed after the first game? their roster is one of the best world wide still + a lot of new talents like musiala etc
Italy not here, so i support Netherlands, Portugal and Brazil.
Portugal and Brazil have decent amount of technique and talent but Germany can easily stop them, that would be sad

posted about a year ago

i wish i could, i love Brazil

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

can't play anymore on EU servers coz of packet loss and high ping issue.
me teleporting, bullets doesn't register, my reaction time is like 500-800 on enemy's screen
diying when counter-strafing, dying when you in the safe zone, dying when you get hs first, dying on ferrari peeck coz i can't hold angles (ping)
since my internet got totally fucked, i lost my immo2 and now im ascendant 2 ahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahaa
i can't
i can't do it anymore, those bots win over me
i threw

posted about a year ago

average cs:go IGL aim

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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