Country: Nigeria
Registered: May 23, 2021
Last post: August 11, 2021 at 8:35 PM
Posts: 20

2-0 Rise

Rise along with their newest pickup in Shanks have been proving teams and fans wrong left and right. The impressive backed by the unorthodox playstyle matches up against Sentinels conservative yet sometimes aggressive playstyle very favorably. Therefore, Rise will most likely take this series with ease.

In addition, Sentinels haven't been the same ever since their hard carry Sinatraa left on his own terms because the team didn't fit his expectations, and were weighing him down. TenZ hasn't been able to come anywhere close to filling that gap that Sinatraa left behind, and was proven as TenZ once again choked on LAN. Fortunately for SEN, Zombs snorted three lines of Gfuel off a stripper's butt before every match in Iceland. Also, Scream and Derke were both injured yet played through it. So SEN magically won Iceland and was lucky.

From a Sentinels fan

posted about 2 years ago

bro they literally didn't??? ur the high one, lemme get what ur smoking

posted about 2 years ago