Country: Brazil
Registered: August 13, 2022
Last post: April 28, 2024 at 5:55 PM
Posts: 1844
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clown who disappeared from the forum just like EDG in champions kekw

posted about a year ago

Liquid in playoffs lmao

Wont win shit

posted about a year ago

I like u and japan teams so much but its gg

Loud better in skill and strats wise

posted about a year ago

Cultura do cancelamento é osso manito

posted about a year ago

Bzka mentiu dms falando q a loud tava preparada como nunca. Time continua a mesma coisa do Masters 1 kkkkkkkkk

O problema desse time n evoluir é ele, mt fraco. E pensar q era o Onur no lugar dele, a loud seria mt melhor pprt

posted about a year ago

Loud is also one of the best but they struggle a lot against fast paced teams

Thats a problem since the beginning of this lineup and still couldn't be solved. I wonder what bzka does on this team as coach

posted about a year ago

They still can't handle fast-paced teams

bzka said LOUD was prepared as ever, liar

Id like to see Onur coaching this team, they would be much better

posted about a year ago

Loud following zombs tip aka less typing more playing

Furia has twitter players, talk a lot of shit on there and in-game get banged

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Loud is way better than shitnatic my man

posted about a year ago

Not finished yet

posted about a year ago

Fr if even loud get choked br is really doomed

posted about a year ago

Optic arent bad it is just oud skill is way higher than theirs, just their map pool and strats sucks sometimes

posted about a year ago

He already did it tho

posted about a year ago

even russian no namers would be better

posted about a year ago

Brazil val is better than uk val in every aspect

posted about a year ago

Get rid of the uk and french players, its nothing new players from these countries aren't good on tac fps, they have bad aim and no brainers

Get players from cis, bring back braveaf

posted about a year ago

Ur best player Derke is literally half russian

His name is russian

posted about a year ago

-boaster -mini

This team need new ideas these two are washed

posted about a year ago

Imagine having a UK and french player on the team lmao they are so bad in fps

posted about a year ago

In 100t everyone plays good while fnatic has three bots on the team

posted about a year ago

The only one mad is you it seems, malding over a copypasta

posted about a year ago

he is not pro-russia, did you see his explanation?

the way fnatic handled the whole situation was ridiculous, literally 1 hour after "exposed" they were putting him on the bench

posted about a year ago

did you see his side or did you just see what you wanted?

posted about a year ago

they were forced to do this because of cancel culture

posted about a year ago

Fr he was so fun to watch on jett last year now he is the most boring player to watch

posted about a year ago

Kang kang must be the only one chamber one trick who is fun to watch

The others sucks

posted about a year ago

Nah hes bad and onliner

Riot must put acend on playoffs instead of a team so we'll can see the goat aka cned playing for turk crowd

posted about a year ago

what boaster did on international stages to be considered one of the best igls in the world

dude can only play against emea teams

posted about a year ago

Boaster is so funny man :DDDDD he is the best igl in the world and no one comes close to him

posted about a year ago


Probably it was the most played game in lanhouses after cs 1.6 around here

posted about a year ago

not even close to what he played online

posted about a year ago

Babybay owns him fr

posted about a year ago

EU is so washed at fps games, CIS carry it all

posted about a year ago

Fr this guy has to be the most onliner player ever

posted about a year ago

Dgzin tem 2 mundiais no cf pq pra jogar aquela draga vc n precisa de cerebro

Jogador patetico q se n fosse o choro dele pq o keznit chamou ele de cj (só devolvendo o xingamento q ele levou antes) ngm ia dar midia p esse cara

posted about a year ago

more like God gives Brazilian teams the chance to qualify against better teams and they throw it away

posted about a year ago

Chill marcello go cook a pizza

posted about a year ago

Qck é horrivel, n vem jogando nada esse ano inteiro, horrivel nos 2 splits aqui no brasil e tem mt ego

posted about a year ago

Nothing new

Except loud brazilian teams love throw at international events

posted about a year ago

Thread brazil second super team by mca nr 34578

posted about a year ago

vamos ter sim

Uma hora os players da loud vao sair do pico e vai surgir outro time melhor

So n sei quando, pode demorar ou ser ja ano q vem

Mas atualmente somos uma piada mesmo

posted about a year ago

Tenho vergonha do que o Brasil é no valorant tirando a loud

Sempre levam esse comeback qnd fazem 12

posted about a year ago

Not really
Everyone in brazil knows furia is dogshit

posted about a year ago

Tell it to Riot then

posted about a year ago

Owned on map pick is a new kind of cope? Lmao

See u on september 4th when they go to home after bombed out groups with 0-2 record

posted about a year ago

More like edg will get exposed as the most overrated team of all time

posted about a year ago

It's reasonable tho
NA has a lot of millionaire and clout orgs which even have global fanbase while SA doesn't have that many

posted about a year ago

Watchparties are essential for valo to get viewers it would be such a dumb decision from riot

posted about a year ago

1 team region only fpx is good. Riot d*ckriding emea too much

posted about a year ago
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