Flag: Vatican City State
Registered: May 13, 2021
Last post: June 4, 2024 at 2:23 AM
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same shit, just better graphics with new engine nothing else

posted about a year ago

didnt know that but u said they wont scrim day one because they need "to get used to setups"

posted about a year ago

it would be just source 2 the same they use in dota, we already know what it is, it wouldnt be an atrocity

posted about a year ago

you clearly have no idea about how anything works

posted about a year ago

jamppi and nivera would have a bright future if they went back, ethan would be decent maybe, if with the engine valve starts to care about developing other regions then I could see many NA pros go back even if they wouldnt be able to compete against EU, its a known fact many prefer csgo as a game but valorant is better as a job for NA

posted about a year ago

csgo new version coming out in august? I hope but seems false, it would have been leaked by now, how is he talking that confidently out of his ass tho

posted about a year ago

lmao, but seriously wouldnt enzo be able to see his screen?

posted about a year ago 3:59:00, maybe I am retarded but wouldnt fnatic players be able to see Melser screen from that angle?

posted about a year ago

in order to get good mental you need to go mad, faceit prepares you for that, pro games in cs are mentally relaxing compared to faceit

posted about a year ago

skill doesnt disappear, its been only half a year since he stopped playing

posted about a year ago

stop lying lol, he is not

posted about a year ago

true, you need the demon to get mad and want to prove every1 wrong like in champs also the pressure of being called the best in the world seems to much to handle for him atm sadly

posted about a year ago

sad that the russ incident happened, fpx had to play with standin and fnatic have a choke fettish otherwise all emea teams on top4 for crowd games no doubts

posted about a year ago

playstyle problem + all solid players but only mako is really elite of the elite in their roles, they need a derke level player to take them to the next level and unlock different tactical solutions, seoldam was putting up mad stats in japan maybe they could get him idk

posted about a year ago

told you drx fans before the event and you tried to sell me the idea they improved so much and had better defaulting than prime navi... unluko

posted about a year ago

surprised I am not in the list, some korean fans got mad at me before the event because I said they would never do anything with their weird playstyle, guess they wont talk anymore

posted about a year ago

no charisma, all are weak minded, no cojones, just panik

posted about a year ago

facts, he was getting a lot of hate

posted about a year ago

he was getting flamed wdym

posted about a year ago

after FNS? FNS is a rookie compared to ANGE1 lol what are u talking about my boy

posted about a year ago

sure but even then as soon as I hear the spike beat way too fast that if i dont defuse half it will be impossible to defuse I just try to half it even if I die, at least thats how my brain works they overthought

posted about a year ago

enzo probably knew he had 4 bullets, even then boaster needs to stick it there is no reality where getting off the bomb wins you the round, only possible way is sticking it even if enzo dies its last round too

posted about a year ago

even then, there is no other way to win, you need to trust enzo even if he has 2 bullets, only possible way to win, whoever shout that fucked up

posted about a year ago

thats every1, masters are meaningless for orgs, the clout is in champs

posted about a year ago

vlr hardstuck gold analysts will now say mako is not good because he is not having a good game, sad for mako! not a top player anymore acording to valorant fans logic!!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Against the potentially best team in the world and he has been playing way before masters buddy, guild are just shit and they dont destroyed in playoffs, he is still a god

posted about a year ago

facts, only people who havent watched guild outside of this masters dont know how fucking good leo is, he is the perfect player

posted about a year ago

trexx is a beast aswell but leo has potential to be one of the goats of valorant, he has been destroying the best teams in the world since he was 15 yo

posted about a year ago

sayf is good but leo is the carry of guild, he is a top5 fragger itw

posted about a year ago

fnatic and guild are even worse

posted about a year ago

i dont get the argument of choking, I think its due to their playstyle that they lose

posted about a year ago

FPX on their best form are the best team in the world, the problem is reaching that form KEKW

posted about a year ago

too early to say:

  • PRX: yet to play against a team that will be ready for their playstyle
  • FNC: so shaky, so uncofident, derke dissapeared
  • OPC: looking the best team at the event atm but if the rest hit good form they may lose
  • DRX: too much tape on them, I think they will lose like always
  • FPX: dont even know what to say about this team
posted about a year ago

that would be worse than if it was like sage heal, it would op af

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

sure but if you get skye/sage + x agent it would be op maybe, depends on the design i guess

posted about a year ago

meanwhile fpx changing comp every single game, they cant be antistratted if you dont know what you are doing yourself, ange1 masterclass

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

good idea but could be broken af

posted about a year ago

some day you guys will shine trust me

posted about a year ago

lol, I dont know if you understand spanish but he is great tactically he gives great insight, he will be a great coach some day

posted about a year ago

true but as a player its so crappy

posted about a year ago

why are vlr dogs downvoting me? this is common knowledge you idiots

posted about a year ago

obviously but if you havent practiced for 3 weeks you need some time to get back at 100%

posted about a year ago

idk, suygetsu hasnt pracced with the team for almost 3 weeks, i doubt they are at 100%

posted about a year ago

true, shame to them, getting paid 10 times more than leviatan just to be shaking when they play them

posted about a year ago

good? it was painful to watch, so many mistakes from both, low quality match

posted about a year ago
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