Country: United States
Registered: February 10, 2023
Last post: August 17, 2023 at 7:28 PM
Posts: 1

NA has several Game Changers imports from other regions, but despite having some of the strongest players in the world I haven't seen any NA players get picked up by a team outside of NA. Are salaries are lower out of NA or they don't have the money to pick up NA players? Obviously many people don't want to leave NA but I'm sure some would be willing. In Europe I feel like there's enough money to get NA players, and no language barrier. Some probably speak spanish as well, so could go to LATAM. Or APAC potentially as well depending on language. There's no Chinese GC teams for now but I know meL speaks Chinese and has some family there so maybe she would be interested if Chinese orgs get into GC. Pretty open ended but thoughts on why we don't see exports and if we will in the future?

posted 8 months ago