Flag: Senegal
Registered: July 27, 2022
Last post: June 25, 2023 at 4:45 PM
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for like 0.5 seconds, big deal. he's a glorified pre-buff viper

posted about a year ago

Not at all, dude has no stall

posted about a year ago

this is my first time watching GC, but is this normal? Why the fuck did C9 just 26-1 a playoffs team? Does C9W usually destroy every team this badly?

posted about a year ago

sen was my least favorite team in all of VCT stage 2 but nt lil bro

posted about a year ago

thats faster than me on 75 hz. i got 199 ms

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I’m ascendant 3 with 75 hz, don’t make excuses for yourself. I hit plat 2 on 40 fps, and when I got a new pc I shot up to d3. Better hardware can help but it won’t be the main reason you are losing. There are immo players with 60 hz monitors, I think even some radiants play on 60 hz.

posted about a year ago

EG is trolling if they pick up dapr when theres so many better players on the market

posted about a year ago

I don’t know how you don’t understand why people hate him. It’s hard to ignore how egotistical he is and how he is so incapable of taking the blame

posted about a year ago

I still don’t understand why the guard didn’t get a franchising spot. What does the guard not have that they don’t deserve it over EG or NRG

posted about a year ago

I swear reading Hindi is way more difficult than it should be for me. I have to say it in an American accent first, then say it in an Indian accent to understand what the word is

posted about a year ago

lol no. S0m is decent on smokes but bang is a different breed. Bang should be compared to the likes of Marved because as far as the trend is looking, bang is on pace to outperform Marved. S0m is a domestic level player, bang is an international level player.

posted about a year ago

Mage isn’t a confirmed agent name lol

posted about a year ago

What about my comment is bait

posted about a year ago

I hate the player because of his fans not because of anything he did. Example: I hate Derrek cuz fans think he is better than Trent somehow with nothing to prove for it. Trent is better by all accounts

posted about a year ago

I thought for sure SEN would pick him up but now I’m starting to believe in SEN TrentZ

posted about a year ago

Sorry I just don’t think anyone on c9 would be able to play a dedicated initiator role as well as Trent or bcj. If they could’ve, they wouldn’t have had such difficulty replacing xeta. Xeppaa has the potential since he’s already such a good fade I guess.

posted about a year ago

Honestly somehow I feel like Jonah is gonna end up as a 6th man if he doesn’t play ascension. He is quite literally the ideal 6th man as he has shown he can play every role competently and diff even some of the best players in their respective roles.

posted about a year ago

not even their fault lol some of these franchised orgs make some very questionable roster choices but tbf I’m not a pro or analyst. I just find it very weird that c9 has 2 flex players instead of a dedicated sova/fade. Same with SEN, seems like they won’t have a dedicated sova/fade either. Also valyn is a good controller igl but none of these franchise teams are even getting controller players let alone controller igls. NRG and SEN both won’t be getting a controller player unless u count dephh who only plays astra.

posted about a year ago

net unlikely

posted about a year ago

he shouldnt bother playing ascension. only one team makes it out of ascension, and it doesnt look like anyone but Saya is getting picked up for franchising so the Guard will destroy ascension. +Will to replace saya = gg ez franchise spot

posted about a year ago

i know it sounds crazy but c9 will flop so DRX will probably win if loud disbands

posted about a year ago

global esports bc mocking is india's pride

posted about a year ago

saya is taking over VCT, BYE YAY

posted about a year ago

breaking news: vlr users are braindead and call anyone who fucked up once on LAN an onliner

posted about a year ago

because valorant players don’t deserve second chances. If they perform badly on a single LAN they are garbage players clearly

posted about a year ago

they'll win simply because LOUD and Optic are supposedly splitting. drx is not bad by any means but optic and loud are just better, unfortunate to see them go

posted about a year ago

Pancada is a controller player not sentinel but Trent = W

posted about a year ago

Valyn > dephh but ig they’re trusting in already established chemistry

posted about a year ago

is this gonna be the champions loud or a new roster? pretty sure sacy, pancada, and aspas left loud

posted about a year ago

I love when people twist this matchfixing narrative load of crap against Marved but no one seems to have any issues with stellar throwing and being supposedly investigated by ESIC as well.

posted about a year ago

C9 is not even an underdog team and I don’t like the guard because they’re underdogs, I like them cuz they’re all new valorant talent instead of tier 2 CS players (this is coming from a massive CS fan).

posted about a year ago

Is 7ssk7 not a franchise level player? Why is he going for a non-franchise team?

posted about a year ago

And that’s Trent’s fault how? Trent had 240 acs average during LCQ which is absurd for an initiator player. He has the abilities, he just needs to be given the opportunities. I don’t know how much more he needs to prove himself to show that he’s a capable player.

posted about a year ago

any team that doesn't pick up trent is actually throwing. calling trent an onliner is complete bullshit. by that same token, BcJ (who looks far less impressive domestically, is older, and is more experienced) is an onliner because he was horrible at copenhagen

posted about a year ago

sova is out of meta. why would u sign a player who plays sova, not fade? trent is a better sova and fade player so i see no reason to pick zekken over trent unless u picked zekken as a duelist-flex player in general, not his ability to flex to sova.

posted about a year ago

then sign supamen, who is a much better smokes player

posted about a year ago

which support agents? he currently plays duelist flex, and even if he switches back to smokes, he wouldnt be as good as supamen or Marved.

posted about a year ago

vlr users dont say shit when XSET takes two LANs to actually play well but they all shit talk the guard who wasn't able to show that they have what it takes in a second LAN

posted about a year ago

no he and nismo have beef. addison is trying to justify trolling in radiant matches but just keeps getting ratioed by nismo and other pros.

posted about a year ago

asc is full of players who have been hardstuck plat for the last 3 acts unfortunately.

posted about a year ago

Zekken literally just spams bait on all of his accounts. I’d be hard pressed to believe he isn’t being signed to a franchised team

posted about a year ago

I think Marved will go to NRG, maybe the signing is just delayed. No reason to rule out the possibility of him joining NRG just because he wasn’t signed at the same time as the other Optic players.

posted about a year ago

I think Marved will go to NRG, it’s just going to be a bit delayed. My guess for SEN is:


posted about a year ago

The Guard isn’t a fluke, they just couldn’t adapt to the new meta because saya is a Jett one trick who can play chamber but can’t play raze or neon

posted about a year ago

unlucky for will the lanimal

posted about a year ago

Saya is overrated, he’s incapable of playing non-Jett duelists

posted about a year ago

Bro what. Trent was a top 5 ACS player in stage 1 and LCQ lol, while playing basically only initiators. If anything, people are somehow underrating him sort of. Some people somehow think Derrek is better even tho Derrek has always had worse stats. I think the no music thing really hurt him in Reykjavik, I hope he can get over that hurdle. Going forward, I hope he attempts to play his future online tournaments without music to replicate a closer environment to LAN.

posted about a year ago
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