Country: Chile
Registered: March 19, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2024 at 10:17 PM
Posts: 171
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VKS/FUR the 2 best teams to representate Brazil

posted about 2 years ago

the real correct take

posted about 3 years ago

SEN- They are a team with a lot of firepower (sick, tenz and dapr) and a good igl, they hold a lot about winning the duels, I feel that strategy is lacking, but they have a very good reading in the other teams

FPX- my fav team on eu btw, It is a strategic team, with a very good firepower, in quick conclusion they are an exceptional team, my favorites to win masters2

NV- a team with 3 very solid riflers, FNS a spectacular igl, they have everything they need to win but sometimes they usually choke when it is most important

XSET(replacing faze bc i think they're better)-they have a regular firepower, and a pretty decent igl, they play as a team and some comps that look quite favorable against other teams they had a pretty close series vs 100t and that confirms all to me

GL- mwzera n friends, i don't know how mwzera manages to take a team that far, i don't have any hatred towards GL but all i see is a slightly more successful rerun of tenz n friends

VKS- they look like a very structured team like many teams in EU and some in NA, it is seen that they have potential

FNC- they are so strong in bind, super strategic team.

100T- they're looking good lately, it's interesting to see how the team changes with ethan, looking promising

8.100T(hot take ngl)
(english is my third)

posted about 3 years ago

VKS looking pretty clean rn, i think 2x1 VKS

posted about 3 years ago
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