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Registered: May 23, 2021
Last post: May 3, 2024 at 3:37 PM
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wouldn't be surprised if that was a stream snipe

posted about 2 years ago

Actual good issax post?

posted about 2 years ago

These teams are getting grouped + g2 getting 8th

posted about 2 years ago

damn anonymo are are actually entertaining to watch they got some aimers

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

think it'''s kinda sad but feel like this the type of roster that will be broken apart eventually by poaching. Great individuals but could be just this combination works out and it's gonna be inevitable some people may not be given chances and they just end up unlucky. Hoping the rosters still lasts as long as they can tho and they prove how good they are.

posted about 2 years ago

wait it's actually crazy to think about how many free agents and korean players there are in the scene now. Even if they might still be a bit top-heavy the amount of new players and development the players have had since the start of valorant is nice. With the players in japan and in the domestic scene they actually have enough good players to probably create a good league. Literally so many cracked young players all they really need is actually good org support and to be put into good squads. If all the teams in challengers were decently salaried teams that would be so fun to watch. The players would have reasons to stay domestic and there are so many players to build around rn too. There are alot of players that didn't even qual for challengers that are decent too.

Kinda like bazzi returning to korea with all those players in japan and decent players in korea theres actually so many rosters that could be made.
and possibly a bunch of new players coming from overwatch this year could really be the year korean valorant starts blooming.

posted about 2 years ago

feel like if 100t wanted to get an igl stellar was the best and maybe most obvious choice that it should just push others out of contention. If 100t actually want to have a direction and have growth they need a dedicated igl and unfortunately that means they have to cut a few players if they're rebuilding. If they're keeping bang and asuna and ethan doesn't have a true role in there, no matter what makes sense no ethan in the picture would be good for him and the team aswell. Stellar might literally be the only igl good enough to actually get 100t a shot if you look at the names that should be available. He frags, he's disciplined and is flexible within his role. A sentinel igl who can fill chamber, kj/cypher/sage and viper is better for this sort of team where half the players are basically in new-ish roles. They need to focus on their development and need decent support players who can slot in easily instead of having a daily discussion about what roles they need to play and switching every week.

posted about 2 years ago

i get maybe ozzy just cuz sometimes his numbers aren't the best and i guess the project is his responsibility but ellement has been looking great idk and ozzy was fine honestly too but ig other teams were just better

posted about 2 years ago

ig the problem with scrims is some teams/regions play to win while other teams scrim to improve. Literally what are you supposed to do if they swing everything like ranked when you're trying out new strats and trying to be disciplined.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah. looking at it too it's kinda crazy how few choices for igl's they have. Maybe c0m, poised or stellar. Literally in the fa's or players in teams that should be willing to switch teams or get chances stellar is the best option rn. Just fragging wise recently and somehow having the best resume and experience out of the available igl's. I guess you can say some other players but stellar is like one of the only actual strict igl's available and has experienced t1-ish while also being able to filll a role 100t need. A sentinel who can actually play all 4 sentinels and viper is so valuable to a team rn, especially for 100t with how their roles have lined up so far this year. Having someone who can actually be flexible within their role while being a self-sufficient igl seems like the best choice for 100t rn ig

posted about 2 years ago

yeah but their stats are still better than the players deemed t1 participating in the same tournies so doesn't matter. If you need to rebuild out of the remaining players will is actually just better stat wise and already has chem with one of the core players they're building around.

posted about 2 years ago

he's zekken man tweeted about popping percs after zmm's first win and deleted after people started trying to figure out who it was. Whether it's cuz pr or cuz he's actually him idk. Zekkens pretty close friends with mina tho so makes sense

posted about 2 years ago

mans changed his cross like 3 times tf. It's zekken. Liked perc30 related tweets and knows most of the players he's already played against. idek

posted about 2 years ago

Thought i'd never see him again. Perc30FishFillet NA's 30th hope and saviour

Wait actually who the fuck this guys shows up and destroys decent teams. Please say some 15 year old dude bout to turn 16 in the next coming weeks who'll get picked up by the next guard

posted about 2 years ago

The thing is I want Loud to do good but I don't want nip to do good. I want everyone to do good from the minor region teams but can't tell if that's hopium or actually a possibility at this point

posted about 2 years ago

This guy bout to change his name to chadley or brandon wtv his real name is and become the next trent

posted about 2 years ago

everyone gets boomed by tr teams and thinks drx is good. Prx the only sea team they'll actually want to play aren't even in iceland rn

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly you can't really even expect to to make a top 3 team rn with the pieces available. Either the players suck and just have clout or there are players who need to be given a chance. You just have to try to make a top 10 roster and just hope they'll have good chemistry/gel well and grow well together. You have to grow a world-beater team rather than try to make 1 initially cuz that's impossible. The players people are suggesting are t2 and have been for months not even close to worldbeater level

posted about 2 years ago

honestly first time since in a while ill be rooting for tsm just cuz the roster changes. Lot's of teams to root for who'll have a chance to get the last couple spots in challengers like faze, 100t, tsm, eg and akrew after an extra spot opened up after the rise roster parted. The last couple of teams seem to be just using this timefram to upgrade.

posted about 2 years ago

I like that theyre giving will a chance and that stellar is getting another chance at a t1 ish level. Didin;t do bad LG just fell apart at the end ig. Don't they kind of have to have a 6 man roster to retain the points tho. Don't think ethan would stay if he would be stuck in a 6th man position. Think a team like nrg could use him too. Kinda makes sense to just gamble on a couple diamonds in the ruff rather than big giant names even though honestly think most pros think will and stellar are decent. Would not want wardell on 100t just cuz I feel like the only thing that would get him on the roster would be his clout and how good he was 2 years ago when you can get good t2 players who some have even done more than Wardell in that timeframe and have more to prove and room to grow.

posted about 2 years ago

upgrade for the longterm. Better hope the second team ex-tealseam members join pops off and that it becomes a pattern. COPIUM

posted about 2 years ago

group a: drx, zeta, fnatic, nip
group b: kru, xerxia, OpTiC, LULQUID(liquid)

posted about 2 years ago

now the problem here is that's what we said for vivo keyd at berlin and vikings at champs.

posted about 2 years ago

for fun preds

posted about 2 years ago

watched 1 series of prx and even when jingg didn't peform well statistically that series instantly became a fan. Literally a beast. People who liked watching the patiphan x10 at champs is gonna love the jingg and f0rsaken duo. Entertaining two cracked zoomers that are maybe mechanically as good or better than pati. Jingg will win the duel agaisnt you unless you are fucking jesus or prime s1mple.

Sayaplayer actually being a standout player and a player to look outfor is pretty exciting. Lots of names that are getting another chance to shine in val and also so many new faces and players that are basically pure Valorant starting to reach the global stage while a whole generation of the early val players are starting to bloom as well.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

feel like the groups should be more like zeta and nip as 4th seeds emea top 2 as first seeds or atleast just not allowed in the same group. Feel like the only way zeta are getting a win in groups is if xerxia turn out to be terrible or if they get matched with nip.
Hope both sa teams are not in the same group either. But it depends on who riot see as the lowest seed. Fnatic should have the highest seed in groups so should be in the group with the lowest seed. Wonder if they'd consider emea #3 as the second first seed or one of kru/optic

group a:

group b:

If they do pools ig it'll be like
pool1: Fnatic, Kru, Liquid, Optic
Pool2 : Xerxia, Drx, zeta, nip
just depends if they would seed drx over the 3rd emea or 2nd na seed.

Any combination could be cool but want to see xerxia bs optic, Kru against fnatic and drx agaisnt optic/liquid

group b fr bout to be a group of death with liquid, optic, drx and xerxia tbh tho.
fnatic and kru in group a where kru beats another br team and zeta beats the worst br team again dejavu
realistic groups with how the groups scripts seem to be written as.

group a:

group b:
optic /liquid

preds in order:
a: fnatic, kru, zeta, nip
b: drx, xerxia, optic, liquid

posted about 2 years ago

same team. They'll probably choke next masters qual too and lcq will prob be last chance before they decide to implode.

posted about 2 years ago

Well that was an interesting watch. Feel like lev core players have the skill to be world class latam players and might even be better than some of the kru players mechanics wise but holy they're trolling. Don't know if their mental broke after that game against kru or if they just decided to troll today nt ish.

posted about 2 years ago

nah it's okay Leviatan really want's NIP to win

posted about 2 years ago

brazil can't even make it out of the groups that are supposed to be the easiest and free passes for them

posted about 2 years ago

The more I think about it if kru is world class and lev can go head to head against them. I am getting unsure if I should pred lev as the 4th place team in a group they can fr upset. So far theyre actually looking pretty good utility and idea wise literally impressed 6 rounds in.

posted about 2 years ago

In this moment and at this time. Ban is better than wardell so yes, that would be better. Meaning in the needed role of an actual main entry, ban is a better rifler/space maker and is still great with an op. He's still a rookie and has way more room to grow and still has much more to prove compared to wardell who literally hasn't done anything since vct started. Ban is great and the only place for him to grow is with more actual top-level experience with timings, teamplay/set-ups and just in-game decisions and idek about comms.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

LMAO i don't even think anyone's rating that team rn

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh atleast they look better than NIP like literally anyone else at iceland and theyre actually pretty exciting teams to watch.

posted about 2 years ago

One of fnatic, liquid, loud or optic is gonna choke atleast and it's not gonna be fnatic. Surprised that many people are going drx aswell as xerxia. For sure anyone can make it out but its pretty much gonna end up being 2 groups of death.
I just want xerxia agaisnt optic again, fnatic to come out as group a 1st seed and to match up agaisnt kru in quarters and for loud and drx to do actual damage.

posted about 2 years ago

problem is even if they're good right now every other team is good or great so like just unlucky. That literally most if not all of the other teams are world class

posted about 2 years ago

bruh vlr with spoilers tf
. Edit: nvm there was a bug on mobile where it said it finished 13- 4 for a sec 3-2 for kru or something

posted about 2 years ago

What placement do people think would be considered a success for loud and make people hopeful for the brazilian scene? I think they can make it to top 6 atleast but honestly think it depends on if prx is actually world class or not and if they are in the same level as the top of NA/emea. Seems 50/50 against most teams so far just because idrk much about loud yet. For the people who have watched more loud, how good do you guys think loud are? Do they have good mid-rounding, set-plays etc with the insane fire-power i'm guessing they'll have?

posted about 2 years ago

hope keznit starts to play breach on haven if they make it to iceland because he can play breach and that's where the meta seems to be for most regions now

posted about 2 years ago

think it's gonna be 3-1 guard now

posted about 2 years ago
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